So I was walking through Charles de Gaulle airport (Paris, France) a couple weeks ago and I spotted this young man walking in front of me wearing a rather ridiculous outfit. Grey denim jeans with a matching denim jacket, both ripped, tattered, and bleached in all the right places, accessorized with some tacky looking diamond chains and bracelets. I thought to myself, either this guy is really rich or he's incredibly tacky and trying to look rich. Either way, he is failing with this hideous outfit. However, when I looked at his face, he looked oddly a model, maybe? But who??!? And then it dawned on me. OMG it's BAPTISTE ****ING GIABICONI! But a part of me did not want to believe it. Baptiste, the god of Chanel, KARL'S MUSE?! It couldn't be true. So I get my boarding pass and walk along, a bit behind my friends as I hyperventilated a little. As we were on the escalator I turned around...and he was standing right there, like 4 feet away from me. I gathered the courage (I am VERY shy) and said, in my nervous cracky voice and the best French I could muster, "Do you know Baptiste Giabiconi?" I figured I'd ask this guy if he was familiar with the model so he'd know how similar he looks to him. And he replied in french, "Oui, c'est moi" ("Yes, it's me"), and gave me the most gorgeous little grin that made me turn completely red. Then in English I began to gush about how crazy it is that he's here and wow omg omg and I just went crazy like a typical girl from California and he just giggled and smiled and made me even more nervous. Then I turned around and my friends were staring at me obviously wondering why I was talking to the most gorgeous man in the world. I told them who he was and they gave me a sarcastic "You would know who some no-body model is" and then got totally excited as we discovered he was in the same line as us in security check. Then my friend touched his bracelets and he laughed and grinned some more.
So finally turns out he was on our flight (to Hamburg, Germany), but I didn't talk to him anymore because I didn't know what to say, and if I thought of something to say I would look like a complete fool saying it. So I stayed quiet and stared, and a couple times he looked back at me and smiled. He is SUCH a sweet guy. In the Hamburg airport lobby I looked back and waved, and he waved back enthusiastically. I totally melted. I wanted to ask him what he was doing in Hamburg, but later I found out that Karl was actually BORN in Hamburg...hmm...
Sorry for the long spiel, but I just had to let everyone know what a total sweetheart he is, and he looks even more gorgeous in person. Oh and he smells SO GOOD. He must have been wearing some Chanel for men scent. Or maybe models just smell that way naturally because they are freakishly beautiful

Baptiste was totally just like any other guy in the airport, albeit with a very tacky outfit on, but it didn't detract from his gorgeousness. Oh, and he is totally aware of the fact he is beautiful, as we well know. But can you blame him?!?