Karl Lagerfeld & Baptiste Giabiconi to Marry This Summer?

Erm it was confirmed this was a joke and Baptiste is dating a NYC fashion student Kristen..
Guys, wouldn't it be nice if Carine's last cover for Vogue Paris was an exclusive picture from Karl & Baptiste's wedding?!
^ I'd prefer an investigative piece revealing Karl's true age--and whether or not he's a vampire :p
^I think they are dating. However, it may be just a rumor about them getting married but baptiste is pretty much Karl's Chanel bag not just his muse. Freja is Karl's muse as well but they are not seen out and about it seems like just work with him they are in gossip magazines in paris (ugh wish i saved some pics to scan) and i seen a video of him and karl on you tube from tmz. I just think its odd because does karl not see how its unnecessary to shoot him for everything because he's not that great at all. and baptiste now dresses like karl where as freja doesn't. its so gross:sick:. but just my opinion. :innocent:

in interviews karl lagerfeld has confessed that he's basically asexual and believes people should only have sex with people they pay.

Karl Lagerfeld Prefers Hookers to Heartfelt Sex

Karl Lagerfeld Prefers Hookers to Heartfelt SexSunglasses are "my burka" and p*rn is how the poor may approximate his escort-laden life. Chanel's dramatic creative director gave a ridiculously long interview to Vice in which he dismissed Anna Wintour and supported wearing fur. A Cliff's Notes guide.

Vice's sprawling Q&A that is as much about interviewer (slash writer slash photographer slash gay p*rn star) Bruce LaBruce as about its ostensible subject. Here's Karl's take on sex and love:

Karl: I personally only like high-class escorts. I don't like sleeping with people I really love. I don't want to sleep with them because sex cannot last, but affection can last forever. I think this is healthy. And for the way the rich live, this is possible. But the other world, I think they need p*rn. I also think it's much more difficult to perform in p*rn than to fake some emotion on the face as an actor. [...] I admire p*rn actors.

The "other world" designation is not a fluke; Karl brings up wealth constantly. In a section about fur, Lagerfeld chides anti-fur activists for not thinking of the poor (fur trappers) and then argues fur rejection is a luxury: "Are you rich enough to make an income for the people in the north who live from hunting?" The rich are, after all, the ones who look good in fur: "If you cannot afford it, just forget about it. Don't use it as an investment piece to show people how rich you are. Use it like a cheap knitted thing." LaBruce agrees with Lagerfeld on fur as well as on the value of sunglasses. Or, as they shall henceforth be known, eye burkas.

Bruce: I like that you make it clear that you don't want to be photographed or filmed without your sunglasses on. I don't either. Who would?
Karl: They're my burka.

Bruce: Exactly. A burka for the eyes.
Karl: A burka for a man. I'm a little shortsighted, and people, when they're shortsighted, they remove their glasses and then they look like cute little dogs who want to be adopted.

If "eye burkas" doesn't catch on, we could also try "eye bras."

Bruce: I hate it when photographers are like, "Can we have one with your glasses off?" Why? You can see me just fine.
Karl: I had an interview once with some German journalist-some horrible, ugly woman. It was in the early days after the communists-maybe a week after-and she wore a yellow sweater that was kind of see-through. She had huge t*ts and a huge black bra, and she said to me, "It's impolite; remove your glasses." I said, "Do I ask you to remove your bra?"

And finally, how Anna Wintour is a prude, but she loves him anyway, for he is Kaiser Karl, and even Nuclear Wintour must bow down:

Bruce: You got in trouble when you used a p*rn star in one of your shows in the early 90s.
Karl: But who cared?

Bruce: Anna Wintour cared.
Karl: Yeah, but I'm still on the best terms with her.

(source: gawker.com)
wow long time boyfriend? They must have started dating when he was 16 considering that hes now 20
Karl needs so much therapy I'm not sure he has the years left to get it all done ... that is, of course, if he wanted to start--but he's convinced he's healthy :rofl:
Karl needs so much therapy I'm not sure he has the years left to get it all done ... that is, of course, if he wanted to start--but he's convinced he's healthy :rofl:

it's so funny. but too true. what makes it remarkable is how LONG he has acted this way. gotta give him props for consistency. before baptiste, it was sebastian, before sebastian, it was brad. he has always had his entourage.
Karl is the modern day Andy Warhol...or at least tries to be just like him
he'll never be married or with someone, but this thread was pretty funny
I thought I had missed something
The little has no chance, a toy is a toy, even if for a moment, he is given the impression that he is the king.
hahhahahhaa wooowwwwwwwww, whoever wrote that article is truely my hero
I heard Sebastien Jondeau threw a fit after hearing the news cause Baptiste had promised him they would elope to a small fishing village in Italy this summer when Karl would be too busy preparing the upcoming Spring 2012 collections. :(
So either the article is complete horse-sh!t or Giabiconi is wh*ring himself out. And given the stupidity levels in both men, I'm not sure which possibility is more likely.
did anyone else think the baptiste nude photoshoot by karl in this months interview magazine was in poor taste?

i had previously thought that baptiste was straight. but in interview magazine he said he was working on a "europop" music album. :innocent:
^ Well the album sounds in poor taste :lol: Have not seen the pix ... are they available online?

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