Black Denim...

Kimkhuu said:
Though I don't really see them as a trend since most people who wear them have been wearing them forever....
Same here. I'm not really seeing any "trendy" people wearing them. :blink:
Depends on your definition of trendy I guess. I think black denim might sort of be a hipster trend. I wish I had photos to prove but I could totally see Karen O and Kim Gordon in them and I know for sure VV wears them. But if you don't think any of those people are trendy then I guess you wouldn't see "trendy" people in them. (Although Kim Gordon has probably been wearing black denim since the 80's but she's Kim Gordon)

I found proof. I think she's in black jeans here


I'm not sure this totally counts as black denim, but my guess is it started out that way and just got really worn (These would be the black denim pants I want)
I think you have to have a certain kind of body type and attitude to pull off black jeans. Black jeans should be stove pipe straight, worn tight on skinny legs. They look best on people with punk rock attitudes or people that have that innate rock star quality about them. Tucked into boots, worn with high-top converse, or flats...that's how I like to see 'em.

I like to wear mine out at night tucked into boots, but I've always had that rock-star thing about me, though...B)

black jeans - I think the only people that love 'em are the people that can wear them.
right now I'm into these plein sud ones from a few years ago...I'm so glad I hung on to them. they are very low and very slim and very sexy.
I have some black jeans. I need to get more. I've always thought they were cute.
I love my tight black jeans, but there don't seem that many in the shops at present. The last pair I got was from the Sally Army for £2.00!!
AlexN said:
Same here. I'm not really seeing any "trendy" people wearing them. :blink:

same here.. :blink:

:woot: great to see you back on board feline :flower:
My black jeans are DKNY, but so over used from my gothish days. :o I need a new pair and am searching for some 7. I also am looking all over the place for a faded black mini!
just dont wear them short near the ankle....too michael jackson :cry:
or too faded---the metalica look :cry:
I love black demin....I have been wearing black skinny jeans for the past 10 years...goes great with creepers! Dogpile makes the best black stretch skinny jeans ever, imo. I love Lip Service jeans too (pic is of washed blue, but they have these in black too)....I love the embroidered skull and dagger on the pocket:


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Actually now that I think about it, I really dislike jeans that are black-black. However I'm totally in love with what I might start calling grey jeans. That is jeans that are more black then blue but really worn and more a grey color. I would also like to direct the people who don't think any "trendy" people to the Kate Moss Candid where Kate can be seen wearing black/grey jeans in several posts. Personally, I'm glad "trendy" people aren't wearing them though 'cause then I can wear them with out feeling like a total tool.

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