Blake Lively Rumored fling with Ryan Reynolds

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New pictures of Blake leaving Ryan's apartment, really early on October 22nd:

Girl has got some serious game.

now that is how you rebound!

I don't know why people make a fuss of her dating life. I mean if you consider her age it is totally normal!
she had a steady relationship for a couple years (?) and afterwards started dating more people.
albeit super famous actors, but still completely normal.

she's just a year older than me and trust me, I know people who are wayyy worse in their number of partners and dating life
Well, if they did have a fling in the past, while Ryan was married to ScarJo, it could explain why/how Blake hooked up with Ryan so quickly after breaking up with Leo. I mean it seemed like days! If there is history between them, then imo it makes sense. But cheating with a married guy is just... Ewwwww.
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Well, if they did have a fling in the past, while Ryan was married to ScarJo, it could explain why/how Blake hooked up with Ryan so quickly after breaking up with Leo. I mean it seemed like days! If there is history between them, then imo it makes sense. But cheating with a married guy is just... Ewwwww.

It was. Leo and Blake confirmed their split the same week Blake and Ryan were spotted in Boston, IIRC... :innocent:
New pictures of Blake leaving Ryan's apartment on October 23rd

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The girl certainly does get around. Leo AND Ryan within six months of each other? Damn. :shock:

I'm not sure I like Ryan's taste in women. I wish he and Sandra Bullock would get together. But I'm thinking she's too smart for him.....:innocent:
Blake bringing a gift to the set of R.I.P.D. (Ryan's new film) on October 22nd

Apparently it's Ryan's birthday.
she's always rubbed me the wrong way. something about her propensity to jump from man to man recently, compounded with her love of showing the t&a simultaneously makes me hope for some massive meltdown.

and whomever called her gp 2.0--there's no comparison between her and gwenyth paltrow.
I don't really understand the comparison with Paltrow. Can anyone enlighten me?

Well. Can't really make up my mind about Lively. I like having the whole range of information before being judgemental and here I'm definitely lacking it. Evidently, she likes her blockbusters' boyfriends.
The fling with Leo may have been a smokescreen to cover her affair with Ryan until he got divorced. The timing of her reunion with Ryan seems awfully convenient--literally days after the official break-up with Leo.
She's young, she's free to live her life the way she wants to. I don't see anything wrong with dating around, men don't get subjected to the same comments when they do it. Ryan has had way more dating rumors surrounding him than she has and no one is commenting on that.
yeah, she's not my fave actress out there, but i find it surprising she's getting this much flack next to lets say Olivia Wilde and her "list" of men recently. not saying Olivia needs flack don't get me wrong, that's not my point at all, i just find this surprising...also, of course any other men wouldn't get a word about his "adventures", sad but true. Ryan has his own list in the last year from Blake to Charlize to Sandra (tho i don't believe they hooked up but since we're "judging" most of these women due to rumors..).
^I totally understand what you're trying to say...I feel kind of suprised how much people critizise her - maybe it has to do with the fact that she is rather a series-actress than a movie actress and with so far no-real-acting-talent shown...but: I won't name actresses here but there are quite a few people working in HW without being the next M. Streep...and: she has up-to-date so far as confirmed and based on pictures had 3 guys in like 6 years which doesn't rub me as getting around thaaaat much...

I mean Gwyneth Paltrow dated Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt after meeting on set, Angelina Jolie got married to 2 guys she made movies with and made the third one a divorcee and the father of her 7 kids (just saying, of course they didn't start having an affair on set...nooooo only Blake would do such a terrible thing ....:innocent:)

January Jones was linked to more comedians than there are in HW currently

and Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig were both married or in serious relationship previous to meeting on set and getting married like right after the final cut-sound of that movie...

Kate Hudson (dated like at 5 or 6 guys I remember though I don't really follow her and don't know the names of all the guys)...Owen Wilson, L. Armstrong, A-Rod and a couple more

Cameron Diaz has dated also a couple Matt Dillon; jared Leto, Justin Timberlake, A-rod come to my mind ahh and the surfer Kelly Slater

Scarlett Johansson is about Blake's age and sure did get around waaaay more...Jared Leto, Ryan Reynolds, Sean Penn, Josh Hartnett and Jack Antoff (might been like Penn B. for Blake)
i think its smart that they are perhaps waiting until now to date.

if they had started dating around the time of the green lantern premiere, they would have gathered a lot more attention. they probably anticipated the film being a critical and box office bust.
I don't think people are critical of the amount of guys she dates-- which seems normal to me. It's the combination of her over-zealous PR, the high profile of the mens she dates (combined with their marital status) and the amount of publicity she seems to generate due to these relationships. All of these things give the impression of a social climber and mediawhore. I always find it suspect when someone is constantly being linked with married men-. In Blake's case there were rumors of Harvey Weinstein and Ben Affleck (who was the alledged recipient of her photos) and of course Ryan Reynolds who subsequently divorced his wife and is now with Blake.

I think single women should date as much as they want-- just try to find men who aren't married. Likewise married men need to stop "dating" outside their wives.
I don't think people are critical of the amount of guys she dates-- which seems normal to me. It's the combination of her over-zealous PR, the high profile of the mens she dates (combined with their marital status) and the amount of publicity she seems to generate due to these relationships. All of these things give the impression of a social climber and mediawhore. I always find it suspect when someone is constantly being linked with married men-. In Blake's case there were rumors of Harvey Weinstein and Ben Affleck (who was the alledged recipient of her photos) and of course Ryan Reynolds who subsequently divorced his wife and is now with Blake.

I think single women should date as much as they want-- just try to find men who aren't married. Likewise married men need to stop "dating" outside their wives.
yeah, i was referring just to this point of this discussion.

the rest of your post gives very valid points why are we in fact discussing her so much and not someone else in general over here.
I find it interesting that people can get annoyed by "over-zealous PR" - I just don't give a fuzz about PR by stars...they all do PR -- the real professional ones rub me off rather as the more dangerous ones as they are perfectly instrumented and all...hers seem like a bunch of High School people trying to promote her to become the next Prom Queen ;)

"impression of a social climber and mediawhore"

Oh come on - I don't think anyone would like to be openly linked as being the girl fu"("O$ing Harvey Weinstein and it's him being linked to everything that has 2 legs and long hair and is young and upcoming in HW - go figure...:innocent: just saying it could be him wanting to be seen as this big HW-guy everyone will do anything for ...

"I always find it suspect when someone is constantly being linked with married men-. In Blake's case there were rumors of Harvey Weinstein and Ben Affleck (who was the alledged recipient of her photos) and of course Ryan Reynolds who subsequently divorced his wife and is now with Blake."

well, Harvey and Ben have never been confirmed and therefor I do not think we can assume that she had affairs with them and weren't there even more blind items on how she refused Harvey and therefor got into the mess of being accused of having an affair with Ben and having the naked pictures exposed???? all of it is just plain gossip and there is no indication it's true...Ben is still with Jen having her knocked up recently, Harvey is Harvey going into Oscar-pre-time with Michelle William and Ryan Reynolds obviously is divorced and free to date anyone but Sean Penn being the one disposed by his ex-wife after they divorced :lol:

sometimes when reading some biographies and a look at Ex-dating-lists of artists people like Blake seem like innoncent romantic puppies rather than the killer blonde climbing some social stairs she doesn't have to climb - it's not like the world is really like the Upper East Side...just saying...she is not a girl from Brooklyn...she comes from a rather "stable family" without any Lohan-kind-of-parents etc....or Mum-Monster-manager...

3 guys in 6 years for a 24 year-old
...and some blind-items??? come on! 99% of the blind items are written by bloggers that run celebrity blogs and live from gossip and need to fill their pages...I think lots come from the fact that she is this "blonde, leggy new girl" so she attracts gossip and yeah, it's not bad for her PR - it's not like her acting is making news...

"I think single women should date as much as they want-- just try to find men who aren't married. Likewise married men need to stop "dating" outside their wives."

of course you should find men who aren't married but as far as I know neither Penn B., Leo DiC. or Ryan R. are married and Ryan has been linked to like 3 or more women (Sandra, Olivia, Charlize..) since his divorce from Scarlett and I believe that it was Scarlett saying that she was overcritical in the marriage and hating stagnation...:innocent: I think she broke that guys' heart and I can only understand that he is looking for a nice rebound...and as for Blake and Leo: I don't understand that fling but haven't like 99% say here on the TFS that it was only PR - so she didn't even have an affair with him which would make 2 guys in 6 years or something!!! just saying

maybe it's Leo being weird but I start to think that he is strange always dating sooo many girls, getting nobody pregnant, nobody marrying and being surrounded always by this Haas-guy...I don't know but maybe he really uses "beards"...and if that was the case it would be understandable that Blake's PR-team would have agreed and gone along with that teenage crush-Leo-dating blablabla
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