Blake Lively Rumored fling with Ryan Reynolds

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Seems serious fast. Sleepovers, burlesque shows, surprise gifts on set...

If Ryan did cheat, Sandra would stay away with a ten foot pole given her creepy x.
I find it interesting that people can get annoyed by "over-zealous PR" - I just don't give a fuzz about PR by stars...they all do PR -- the real professional ones rub me off rather as the more dangerous ones as they are perfectly instrumented and all...hers seem like a bunch of High School people trying to promote her to become the next Prom Queen ;)

Of course they all have PR. It's just interesting to me that the more talented the person the less I seem to know about their love life. For example, I have no idea who is Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Keira Knightly or Carey Mulligan are dating yet I can't escape news of Ashley Greene and Blake Lively's every dalliance.
guess both are fine with going public since this was "released":
"They are very much a couple," a source recently told PEOPLE. "They're really happy together."

How does a guy go from not being photographed with his ex-wife and now detailed information about his new girlfriend and pictures.
She's young, she's free to live her life the way she wants to. I don't see anything wrong with dating around, men don't get subjected to the same comments when they do it. Ryan has had way more dating rumors surrounding him than she has and no one is commenting on that.

That's exactly what I was about to say. I didn't hear much scrutiny over Leo practically immediately jumping into a relationship with Blake only weeks after he broke up with Bar. George Clooney is another male serial monogamist, but again...he doesn't get berated for it. Justin Timberlake as well.

I see nothing wrong with Blake dating around. She was in a long-term relationship with Penn and now she's free to actually date and that's what she's doing. I think the fact that she's dating much older, A-list actors is what causing most people to think she has some ulterior motive.
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She was also accused of trying to date Leo while he was still with Bar, I don't care if she dates around, but she seems dead set on landing a A-lister and flirting with taken men...That's wrong, and Karma maybe the reason none of these men date her longer then 6mths..I don't think this will last that long either..

Why is her name more then any other young actresses linked to married or in relationship men..?

Lainey said a few mths ago that she was making herself available to any A-list man...
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Since when did Lainey become god? How would she know that Blake has decided that she must date an A-lister and an A-lister only? She's just crapshooting like every one of us is and given how many times Blake has proven her so wrong over the past few months, why should we still put credence in what she says?

I agree with what fantastical, saann, jomarlushka and dajrekshn have said on her hook-ups and why everyone feels the need to crucify her for it. Ryan himself has been linked to a German model, Olivia, Charlize, Scarlett and Sandra in just over the past few months. The list of Olivia's rumored hook-ups is even longer than Blake's and in a shorter time period too (not a condemnation), Scarlett was barely in a 6-month relationship with Sean Penn and was rumored to have to want to get back with Ryan even though she initiated the divorce proceedings.

And while we're on the subject of A-listers, Ryan (side note: even Gosling since he hasn't and can't delivered a box-office hit on his own) is hardly an A-lister, and I simply fail to see what Ryan Reynold's can do for Blake's career. Magazines? She's gotten the holy grail (Vogue) multiple times, Campaigns? holy grail (Chanel) there too, Roles? She's been in an acclaimed indie (Private lives), a nearly Best Pic nommed movie (The Town), and she just wrapped filming with Oliver freaking Stone when even RR hasn't worked with a director on that level, plus the project seems super-duper promising. And she's bound to get even better projects based on the readings she's been doing with even higher-profile directors and the general trajectory of her career. It also helps that she's the only cast member who hasn't spoken out in any way against GG/her contract despite her having the best career out of any of them right now.

Like someone said earlier, she's the 'leggy, new blonde' so she's bound to have intense media scrutiny especially from bloggers that think they know her and her 'type' when they don't. By all indications, she's a very very pleasant girl maybe slightly spoiled but very nice from all those (civilians and industry-ites) who've met her.

Some of the rumors/blind items about her reek of a smear campaign tbh since her name seems to fit almost every BI that comes out. I mean she's not exactly Alexis Carrington, she can't be that diabolical :lol:
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^I don't know if I agree completely with your assessment of Blake's career vs Ryan's. I would say that he's B+ and she is B-/C+ so I do think he can solidify her a B status with this relationship. But as a relationship, unless one of them has an extreme hit on their hands I don't see them as a couple ever reaching above B-list. Ryan only looked A-list when he was with Scarlett but that's because she made him look it. And Blake, while she has had the Vogue covers and the fashion campaign she's still not nowhere near A-list or even a B+. Her Oliver Stone project sounds cool but the man hasn't delivered a hit in 10 years and I'm not sure if her role is anything other than eye candy. She really needs a hit on her own to prove herself. The premature push for her could backfire hard unless she starts proving herself as an actress, either a serious or at least a likable commercial actress.

Back to the original comment though, yeah I don't see why everyone is so judgmental of her love life, let her have fun she's young and single. I mean Ryan has had what, 20 rumored romances just this year or something. I would say he's the one who gets around.
Everyone is looking at Savages as Oliver's comeback project even more so than Wall Street 2 ever was. The film was in a 3 studio bidding war before Universal snatched it up and as a result of the movie, the writers other works are being snatched up for the likes of Leo. I have read the book, and her role isn't as throwaway as it sounds on paper. Her character might actually be the only one that goes through some sort of development/evolution throughout the book. A lot of the PR push for the movie is going to be centered around her and Taylor Kitsch (especially should his next two movies be super-successful and make him more well) so it's going to be a test for her star power, at least box office wise.

With the assessment of their careers, I see what you're saying and what I was saying is in response to what someone was saying earlier about her being desperate to get an "A-list boyfriend". I was just saying the Ryans are hardly A-list and really wouldn't do much for her career besides the marginal benefit of what? B- list to B list? hardly worth it it for a showmance. Leo was as A-list as ever and if she was really as desperate as everyone assumes she is, then she would have clung to that relationship for dear life and willingly turned a blind eye to many to his many indiscretions (as documented by the Aussie media).

While she is B- list, I do think that at the same time GG limits the number of films she can do and that's why I'm amazed that she hasn't ever publicly spoken out against it. Hopefully, Savages (while far away) can be even more of a career breakout for her than The Town was because even I, as a fan, am fearful of her career collapsing under all the hype.
^Oh, I got it! I thought you meant that they were on the same level but yeah, I don't see Ryan as A-list either.

I hope Savages is good, it's more in his vein and it could be a throwback to his old filmmaking days but I don't believe that it will truly test her star power unless she comes out of it as a scene stealer. I'm not sure I agree with you on how it will be promoted, I think this will probably be promoted a cast picture (what with Travolta, Del Toro and Thurman in it) and as a Stone vehicle/comeback. At least that's how I would promote it.

But enough about this, we should go back on topic. Only time will tell what's going to happen:p
Magazines? She's gotten the holy grail (Vogue) multiple times, Campaigns? holy grail (Chanel) there too, Roles? She's been in an acclaimed indie (Private lives), a nearly Best Pic nommed movie (The Town), and she just wrapped filming with Oliver freaking Stone when even RR hasn't worked with a director on that level, plus the project seems super-duper promising. And she's bound to get even better projects based on the readings she's been doing with even higher-profile directors and the general trajectory of her career. It also helps that she's the only cast member who hasn't spoken out in any way against GG/her contract despite her having the best career out of any of them right now.

That's a big part of the problem. She's gotten covers and campaigns and most people are scratching their heads wondering why? She was known for always showing her boobs and legs on the red carpet so what made her a fit for Chanel? Her biggest role to date outside of the teenybopper Gossip Girl was in the Green Lantern-- a huge box office bomb. Were these projects really worthy of Vogue covers?. She has no awards nominations to speak of for any of her alleged "great" indie performances.

Her peers like Anna Kendrick, Jennifer Lawrence and Carrie Mulligan have racked up nominations, accolades and major roles without any forced hype, scandal or persistent romance rumors. When Blake continues to be mentioned alongside these actresses without their achievements it only increases suspicions about what measures she and her team are utilizing to keep her name in such company and if the casting couch is a part of those measures.
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^What are we talking about here? Casting couch? Really? For Anna & Karl?

With regards to the scandal, romance rumors etc she's a public figure, it's part of the job. Why are we talking about her peers too? Not everyone is going to be an Oscar nominee, and there are actors/actresses that have built a respectable career without ever being nominated. My main point was not to criticize her for who she's dating, or say she "gets around" when there is clearly a double-standard being employed.
I don't think bringing up male actors who don't get attacked for sleeping around and/or breaking up marriages is even relevant on this thread; it's most relevant on the feminist thread, imo. Yes, it is true. Yes, it sucks. But I don't think it really relates here, because all things are not equal.

But asking why some actresses are more villified than others for their dalliances is a relevant question.

Personally, I wonder if some actresses (just like some people) give off certain vibes and hence are judged accordingly? Clearly, if Blake's been accused of sleeping with Affleck (married), trying to lure away Leo from Bar (Blake did say she dreamt of being with him since she was a little girl), and also possibly sleeping with Ryan before he and Scarlet broke up (married), then naturally people are going to be critical of her.

But to me it might be even more than that. For instance, I always get a "nice girl" vibe from Anne Hathaway, whereas I get a more "skanky girl" vibe from Blake. This doesn't have to do with the roles they take necessarily (well, not entirely) because I have never, ever watched Gossip Girl, so I have no idea what kind of character Blake plays on that show. Alhough, come to think of it, I did see The Town, and her character was quite skanky. But what I mean to say is that maybe it's related to the way they present themselves to the public, even the way they dress, perhaps? Before I even knew who Blake was, that's the general vibe I got looking through her thread.

I have no idea what she's like in real life. She could be as sweet as pie. For all I know Anne Hathaway is a beeatch or a sl*t. But I never get that impression in seeing her talk or viewing pictures of her. Celebs have a certain iconography that they create around themselves. It's not only PR; it's what people sense beyond PR. It's like first impressions, or superficial impressions of people. I wonder if somehow this feeds into how people react to Blake Lively?

Sure, the men, the rumours, the naked photos, the roles, and the PR-stunts/freebies are part of it, but I think presentation/iconography is too. If that makes any sense.

And I have nothing against her. I have defended her acting on her thread, re: "The Town". Nor is there anything wrong with a young girl playing the field (though if they're playing in the married ballpark, it is an issue). Blake is fine, neither here, nor there, for me. But yet I nevertheless get a certain vibe from her, and I can't put my finger on why, hence the blathering in this post. :p
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^do you feel like you might have that opinion of her because of all the rumors surrounding her?

and Fey_Sommers I agree with just about everything that you have said so far :)
^do you feel like you might have that opinion of her because of all the rumors surrounding her?

That is a fair question, and I considered it. The thing is, though, the first time I looked at her thread was when she was doing the press junket for "The Town". At that time I knew nothing about her, honestly. I was interested in "The Town" because I liked "Gone Baby Gone" and I love Rebecca Hall. That is how I inadvertently saw Blake, because she was posing a lot with Rebecca. I hadn't yet seen the "The Town" but was reading reviews, etc. I had never followed Blake's career (don't watch much t.v.); I don't read gossip sites or magazines (I think I have seen this Lainey site once). I get a lot of gossip via the old fashioned grapevine, or here (sometimes), or standing in line at the grocery store. So I didn't know anything about Blake. Don't even know this Penn person you all are referring to. Thus, I don't think the rumours are what gave me the impression. I think it has more to do with persona, comportment and style. That's just my twocents, though. Interested to see where her career heads.
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Re: Savages. I want the film to do well but I have a lot of doubts. I adore Taylor Kitsch but I can be realistic when it comes to his career: he doesn't pick very good films and I'm not entirely convinced he's a strong actor. There's a reason why all his recent films (Wolverine, Battleship, John Carter) are all action-type films.

As for the Blake Lively backlash, that's what happens when you're overhyped. It annoys people and they start to dislike you. I don't think it really has to do with her dating around or being blonde and leggy or a bad actress or whatever. Amanda Seyfried is a pretty blonde whose personal life isn't squeaky clean (got with Dominic when he was in a relationship), yet she receives little backlash for her magazine covers (Vanity Fair, W) or dating life (dated Ryan Phillippe, Alexander Skarsgard). IMO the difference is the PR strategy.

As for the Blake Lively backlash, that's what happens when you're overhyped. It annoys people and they start to dislike you. I don't think it really has to do with her dating around or being blonde and leggy or a bad actress or whatever. Amanda Seyfried is a pretty blonde whose personal life isn't squeaky clean (got with Dominic when he was in a relationship), yet she receives little backlash for her magazine covers (Vanity Fair, W) or dating life (dated Ryan Phillippe, Alexander Skarsgard). IMO the difference is the PR strategy.

This is a good point. There are actresses who've been working years without ever a rumor of pursuing married men or the casting couch. When those rumors attach themselves to the same person over and over you have to wonder if there is some merit. I'm sure people behind the scenes witness things and blab to tabloids all the time. As much as tabloids can be ridiculous they certainly get things right a lot of the time when it comes to affairs.

I certainly don't begrudge her dating Leo or Ryan (I don't find either of them attractive honestly). I think it's interesting to note that both are notoriously private people who managed to evade the paps quite well in the past. Trying to find pics of Ryan and Scarlett together is like looking for a needle in a haystack. For some odd reason when Leo and Ryan started dating Blake the paps always seems to know where they are whether it be Italy, France, the grocery store down the street...etc.:innocent:
i actually find it fascinating that even the most private ones start getting their picture taken and start talking to when they get on with Blake unlike in all their past relationships. first Leo, now Ryan.

if it is to believe the stories (just so it's clear, not my stories, just a general summary of all the rumorish stuff about these two), Blake was very much into Ryan from the start, tried to make a move, it didn't pass with him cus he was married (and apparently very dedicated to his marriage at the time) and now that he's a free man they're hitting it off. in that sense, i really do think she's into this guy, cus from Leo to Ryan, in terms of popularity and high profile, Leo's superior (that is, if it's to believe it was Blake who broke up).
Loladonna I totally agree with your assesment of Blake and why she gets so much hate.

You guys even the most ardent fans of Ms Lively and Ryan Reynolds must agree that it is odd how much inside info on the relationship is being leaked to the star friendly People and other gossip rags, when Reynolds was with Scarlett we barely got any info or pictures. Same thing with Leo.
I don´t know why but for some reason i always felt for Ryan that Scarlett made him that hidden husband and wouldn´t even walk the red carpet with him - for some reason i have the feeling that it was way more her decision than his to be so guarded about that...though i do find it interesting that she was less guarded even with Sean Penn in terms of getting pictures taken and not hiding under a hat and seemed like Ryan was the sad puppy being hidden from the world so that Scarlett would still be that sexy HW-siren and not a married girl being pareded around by her when she got the Tony - you could see how much he wanted to be seen with her and she just wouldn´t let him be her husband ...that´s just my opinion though...don´t know how much is projection...but if it was partly true than I could understand him being happy now being in a relationship where the woman doesn´t want to hide the fact she is dating him´s not like the women dating him have anything to be ashamed of, right? ;) and: I remember pictures of him and Alanis Morissette when they dated so he wasn´t always hiding his girlfriends/wives...

as for Blake--yeah she has an orchestered PR that screams Prom Queen contester - not the best choice IMO but maybe they want to overcompensate the fact that she is not the most talented leggy blonde and does not have any indie vibe or cool princess thing going on like a young Jolie or Paltrow in their days...i just remember Paltrow was being hyped and PR-ed a lot in the 90ties but she had talent and maybe that´s the only difference but she was "hated" for being that blonde, rich, leggy, skinny girl who got it all and the darling of all magazines, etc.
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