I don't think bringing up male actors who don't get attacked for sleeping around and/or breaking up marriages is even relevant on this thread; it's most relevant on the feminist thread, imo. Yes, it is true. Yes, it sucks. But I don't think it really relates here, because all things are not equal.
But asking why some actresses are more villified than others for their dalliances is a relevant question.
Personally, I wonder if some actresses (just like some people) give off certain vibes and hence are judged accordingly? Clearly, if Blake's been accused of sleeping with Affleck (married), trying to lure away Leo from Bar (Blake did say she dreamt of being with him since she was a little girl), and also possibly sleeping with Ryan before he and Scarlet broke up (married), then naturally people are going to be critical of her.
But to me it might be even more than that. For instance, I always get a "nice girl" vibe from Anne Hathaway, whereas I get a more "skanky girl" vibe from Blake. This doesn't have to do with the roles they take necessarily (well, not entirely) because I have never, ever watched Gossip Girl, so I have no idea what kind of character Blake plays on that show. Alhough, come to think of it, I did see The Town, and her character was quite skanky. But what I mean to say is that maybe it's related to the way they present themselves to the public, even the way they dress, perhaps? Before I even knew who Blake was, that's the general vibe I got looking through her thread.
I have no idea what she's like in real life. She could be as sweet as pie. For all I know Anne Hathaway is a beeatch or a sl*t. But I never get that impression in seeing her talk or viewing pictures of her. Celebs have a certain iconography that they create around themselves. It's not only PR; it's what people sense beyond PR. It's like first impressions, or superficial impressions of people. I wonder if somehow this feeds into how people react to Blake Lively?
Sure, the men, the rumours, the naked photos, the roles, and the PR-stunts/freebies are part of it, but I think presentation/iconography is too. If that makes any sense.
And I have nothing against her. I have defended her acting on her thread, re: "The Town". Nor is there anything wrong with a young girl playing the field (though if they're playing in the married ballpark, it is an issue). Blake is fine, neither here, nor there, for me. But yet I nevertheless get a certain vibe from her, and I can't put my finger on why, hence the blathering in this post.