Books that have made you cry

-The Tomorrow series by John marsden IT'S BRILLIANT!! BRILLIANT:bounce::bounce:
-Goodnight Mr Tom :cry: beautiful
-The Seven Little Australians.... BEAUTIFUL TOO!!!!

and some others
The horse Whisperer :innocent:
I know that I'm forgetting some.
dimlat said:
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Idiot
the ending is such a powerful portrayal of the human condition's tragedy. When life breaks you and strips of you of whatever you love, you reach to an end. And the only thing you can do is to show kindness and forgiveness.
i'll try that, i have to cop to never having read dostoyevsky. :blush:
it reminds me that tolstoy's death of ivan ilyich was the first book i remember making me cry, the whole think is shattering.
seize the day, by saul bellow, who died this month, was the second. RIP.
Antonia said:
The amber spyglass by Phillip Pullman. though you kinda have to have read the previous 2 books xx
Is that series good? I've been looking for something new and different.
The Bridges of Madison County made me cry a lot.
It´s much more beautiful and rich than the film. ;)
The book im reading now is making me cry and only on the first chapter
My Story: A Boy Called It
tuesdays with morrie.

and some judith mcnaught books. :lol: i'm such a sucker for love stories :heart:
mdankwah said:
The book im reading now is making me cry and only on the first chapter
My Story: A Boy Called It
I was like a mess throughout the enitre book. Make sure you have tissues!
still waters and blackburd by jennifer lauck
how to kill a mockingbird - harper lee
I'm the king of the castle. must read! its absolutley amazing in a very strange way and slighlty sickening- susan hill
a child called it - sorry cant remember
tuesdays with morrie-mitch albom
and lovely bones- alice sebold
I think I almost cried at the end of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines. And then again at the end of the 6th Harry Potter. :P
the only book that has really made my cry so far in my life... boy by luis p. coloma... i was in the middle of a failed "relationship" (i never even met the guy in person) i cried like crazy... beatiful, touching book
mdankwah said:
The book im reading now is making me cry and only on the first chapter
My Story: A Boy Called It

Yes! Dave Pelzer's books are just gut-wrenching to read.

To add to that:

Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones
i'm a cry baby, i can cry after only seeing the cover of a book! but the latest one that i read that really did made me cry was "the notebook", i dont know who it was by.. but it was made into a movie with Rachel Adams (? i think!) in it.. 'twas a good book! :)
Where The Red Fern Grows-I'm a sap I know.
King Lear-the most tragic of Shakespeare's plays, it doesn't have the suicide like in Hamlet, but when Lear and Cordelia die, it's the saddest moment in any Shakespeare.

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