Movies That Have Made You Cry

Jolene - i would never have predicted it to end the way it does, heartbreaking. :cry:
Michael Vartan was too confincing :( have lost my sympathy for him.
My Sister's Keeper

Gone with the Wind

A Walk to remember
Grave of the Fireflies
A Single Man
Tess of the Dubervilles (spelling?)
There Will Be Blood
a walk to remember - EVERYTIME.. i try to trick myself into not crying but i do


the notebook

funny thing i predicted everything that would happen in BOTH and still cried.
how lame am i? :lol:
My sister's keeper.. most of the movie.
A walk to remember
Seven pounds
Winter Passing, made my cry like a little baby... and im still wondering why...:unsure:
I don't really cry at movies, but I did tear up at these:

I Am Legend...the part when the know.
Harry Potter 6...yes, that's right, I cried.
Life is Beautiful...I bawled like a big, fat baby.
Sofie's Choice....just thinking about it makes me tear up. :cry:
Watched Hachiko today.. so sad :cry:, probably the saddest movie I've ever seen, I cried from beginning to end :ninja:.
Life is Beautiful (I blame the score)
Forrest Gump (score's fault as well:p)
The Color Purple
Up (kinda teared up a lil)

My friend claimed that the only movie that made him cry is Pather Panchali..I need to watch that film:lol:
The Lover (L'amant) is a romantic drama about a kind of painful, strong and unfulfilled love.
i was never crying before on a romantic movie, that was the first, it's so sad and beautiful, touched my heart.

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