Can stirrup pants be far behind ?

I equate stirrup pants as an early 90s trend. There aren't many early 90s styles I like. I've never liked stirrup pants... but never hated them too much either. You can get away with boots with stirrup pants, but any sort of pumps or flats or sandals are definite no-nos with these pants. Some of you may remember me posting something on a friendly Korean lady who is the manager (I believe) of the deli across the street from my community college. I noted her in talking about how she mostly wears these old Volatile platform sandals around the restaurant. Well sometimes, she wears these black stirrup pants with some black platform lace-up boots. I think one time, she didn't wear those boots with stirrup pants. That's how I figured they were probably stirrup pants. It's for these reasons why I say that you can get away with boots with these pants. Otherwise, you'd look a bit foolish with these pants.

As for if these pants aren't too far behind, my answer is... maybe. I say maybe because of all the super-skinny stuff that's been the rage lately. I was okay with skinny jeans for ladies who had such skinny legs. I've willingly loathed leggings under denim miniskirts until I gradually matured over leggings. I wouldn't be surprised if stirrup pants were on the horizon considering the recent success of leggings among ladies of all ages. I personally don't like stirrup pants because of simply how the pants attach to the feet. It's why I say that you HAVE to wear boots with these, or you'll look like a 21st Century girl stuck in the [early] '90s. I think you could wear legwarmers to get over the unsightly stirrup part of the pants. But even then, you'd run the risk of looking overdressed, which was my primary criticism of layering fashions. And good luck putting together a great look with these pants. These are almost as bad as the "peep-toe tights" in another thread.

Down the road, something is still going to tell me that you may just need to stick to traditional pants and jeans. Something functional and warmer than these leggings and other pants. I would go with leggings if it were up to me if I had to choose between leggings and stirrup pants. Even then, I'd still stick to traditional jeans and pants and not really pay too much mind to these legging-type pants of various kinds. It's not to say that it's impossible to pull off sensational looks with these, just that I haven't personally loved leggings and legging-type pants too much to recommend them in putting together a look (except for tunic + leggings).
stirup pants are straight up senior citizen home its looks really bad , it looks like someone is pulling you from underneath and thrown in a big sweater with Xmas motifs and your a grandma in a mid west town mall lol.
I'll give you that, disco54. I'm just defending them in a way because I know I'll get lynched if I don't agree a trend looks good. I just still think that stirrup pants don't seem to be too far behind with the run leggings have had these days.
Not only "old lady" material, but also more of "dorky, geeky, fashion-unconscious, K-Mart cheap chic." The fashionistas are going to do all they can to make these pants work. But I'm sure their best efforts will be severely halted. Would you attempt coming up with something stylish with these pants if these do indeed make a return?
my mom use to wear beige stirup pants with flats and a big *** top circa 1992 ---.> nasty , than in 1994 wide legs became mainstream ,so she switched to that thankfully.
i dont think they will go mainstream because , for one grandmas are rocking them still and they look cheap , just like leggings do . I already see the legging trend fading , girls are opting for black tights/stockings ,which look so much more sexier , stirups are mid west grandma and leggings are mid west soccer mom milf a la peggy bundy....
Well, I bought a pair from a chain store, they were 70% off already. So they are mainstream by now ;)
I saw some stirr-up pants at Express for 65.00 the other day... Needless to say I didn't buy them, Lol
i have some pants like this one, both are skinny legged one out of denimb the other a black twill .. ikinda like them :ninja:
gemi_12, you're probably aware of how much I'm sick of the '80s. But you know someone's out there trying to rub it in our faces some more. Like the Grammy awards earlier tonight. Who let Cyndi Lauper escape the '80s time capsule? No matter how much you hate a decade, it will never go away. I hate the 80s, and I'm from the '80s (born in 1983). I almost never hope this goes mainstream. People try their best to bring back past styles that were left in the dust. By the way, "MArried with Children" is one of my all-time favorite comedy sitcoms (in reference to Peggy Bundy).

My mindset is just on stirrup pants not being too far behind. The question here is not to focus in on stirrup pants, but rather to question if stirrup pants may return with the popularity of leggings. I answered "maybe." It's going to be very hard to convince today's younger ladies to wear stirrup pants. I still think you need to wear boots to avoid looking like a prick with these pants. Stirrup pants can be a fashion disaster waiting to happen.
I bought stirrup pants from Express for $7 yesterday and to my suprise they are okay quality, and the reason I bought these were because I want to wear certain things without feeling that I dont have pants on, since these have a zipper and clasp......BUT i would only wear these with my BOOTS and possibly my Fendi oxford peep toes.... I have the right idea on this? Please share your input!
sounds like you've got the right idea--covering up the stirrup bit at the bottom and not wearing them solely as pants (e.g. don't tuck yer shirts in..ugh)...
I have stirrup leggings from Express if that's the same thing.
I don't seem to have heels that cover the stirrup all that well unfortunately.

But I love the safety feeling! :lol: Like, they won't ride up my leg.

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