Cara Delevingne

Ah she looks so great. Although, there is a big disconnect between her own looks and the styled ones. Luckily she pulls both off.
I don't want to sound rude or take anything away from what Cara has accomplished, but there is no way she is bringing more money to the companies than untouchanble top-girrs like Kate, Gisele or Cindy. I believe that with the whole social media obsession it is easier to achieve fame these days, but will it last is the question. Kate, Naomi and other supers have lasted for over 20-25 years, let's see what will happen with today's top-models. Comparing a 20-smth model with someone in her 40's who is not even working full-time anymore does not make your statement about Cara's greatness convicing either.

Why people are still arguing over money and 'the supers' I just don't understand. Acting in Hollywood blockbusters is more of an achievement than being a famous 40 year old model. Kate is only getting older and many already view her as old hat and mutton dressed as lamb. People are resentful & irritated by her photoshopped, fake images. What else can she offer? She has already force fed people with make up and perfume, something Cara has not yet even delved into.

Many women, particularly men, do not care at all about models or reading vogue, but everybody goes to the cinema and watches films. I saw her in Paper Towns and was actually impressed with her acting and (like millions of others) will go and see Suicide Squad. Good for her. ^_^ I am pleased she is going beyond modelling and going into a career that requires so much more hard work and talent and will provide her with even more world wide recognition. She really deserves it.

Anyway, enough comparisons between old models and Cara. She is in a completely different genre to Kate, Naomi and other 'supers' now, therefore, can no longer be compared. She is more than just a model and I think that is a huge achievement. :flower: I am looking forward to seeing her in more movies. :lucky:
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Kate and Cara are only similar in height and that's where it ends for me, but I do think both of them have made a name for themselves but Kate was always mysterious and Cara is very full on. Either way, they both made Storm a loooot of money haha

I really want to see Suicide Squad, it looks insane!
Why people are still arguing over money and 'the supers' I just don't understand. Acting in Hollywood blockbusters is more of an achievement than being a famous 40 year old model. Kate is only getting older and many already view her as old hat and mutton dressed as lamb. People are resentful & irritated by her photoshopped, fake images. What else can she offer? She has already force fed people with make up and perfume, something Cara has not yet even delved into.

Many women, particularly men, do not care at all about models or reading vogue, but everybody goes to the cinema and watches films. I saw her in Paper Towns and was actually impressed with her acting and (like millions of others) will go and see Suicide Squad. Good for her. ^_^ I am pleased she is going beyond modelling and going into a career that requires so much more hard work and talent and will provide her with even more world wide recognition. She really deserves it.

Anyway, enough comparisons between old models and Cara. She is in a completely different genre to Kate, Naomi and other 'supers' now, therefore, can no longer be compared. She is more than just a model and I think that is a huge achievement. :flower: I am looking forward to seeing her in more movies. :lucky:

If you're talking about achievement, then I find your comparison quite weak. Cara is a model actress and I'm guessing you're aware that modeling and acting work quite differently.

Although, if you are saying that Cara has achieved much more than what Kate did as a model actress, then yeah probably you're right because as far as I know Kate is not even a working actress, who takes modeling jobs, at this very moment.

Regarding about the money... I can't say anything about that. What do I know about their personal life? But truly though, I'm very happy to see her achieve success in acting.
I was just talking in modeling, not versus films because obviously those profits won't be going to her agency, but you seem to have your mind made up regardless!

sooooo awkward but I was honestly appalled at how the hosts made fun of her afterwards. Totally unprofessional. Cara's not obviously her usual hyperactive self but honestly why do they expect her to be like that ALL the time? I've seen other interviews from that day where she was tired because the interviewer or hosts conducted themselves professionally even though she was rather mellow. A good interviewer (or honestly- a good conversationalist) would always be prepared with different questions and be able to match the tone and vibe of the person they're interviewing or speaking to. She was a good sport, making jokes and conducted her self well at the end even when they were being incredibly childish. Pretty insulting to be asked if you were "exhausted" by a stranger :shock:
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im not a fan of what she is wearing on post 68 but she looks gorgeous though...her face and hair is truly stunning
Why people are still arguing over money and 'the supers' I just don't understand. Acting in Hollywood blockbusters is more of an achievement than being a famous 40 year old model. Kate is only getting older and many already view her as old hat and mutton dressed as lamb. People are resentful & irritated by her photoshopped, fake images. What else can she offer? She has already force fed people with make up and perfume, something Cara has not yet even delved into.

Exactly and well resumed. Good for these girls to have made a whole career out of modelling alone up until their 40's... But seriously, how many models have evolved beyond that ?

Now, Cara has so much influence (especially on the under 20) that I believe that if she manages herself correctly, she could definitively build an empire when that public grows with her and she monetizes their love for her better into her brands, movies etc. If she makes a brand tomorrow in apparels, perfumes, lingerie or anything else that can gather her fans and newer ones around her name, and if her business model/brand is credible, it's inevitable.

I wasn't a fan of Cara 3/4 years aback but I was quick to recognize that this girl was going to bring simple modelling to a whole new level because of her social media influence. And, it's because of that power now that she might be able to do whatever she want and be successful at it.

She has given a lot of models a true marketing lesson.

Many women, particularly men, do not care at all about models or reading vogue, but everybody goes to the cinema and watches films. I saw her in Paper Towns and was actually impressed with her acting and (like millions of others) will go and see Suicide Squad. Good for her. ^_^ I am pleased she is going beyond modelling and going into a career that requires so much more hard work and talent and will provide her with even more world wide recognition. She really deserves it.

You are right indeed that modelling is a niche and only touches really a small category of people since the whole majority actually do not even care about models. That said, even if she still has a lot to learn and the road is still very long -;

At same age or in her 30's, I think Cara >> Kate Moss etc. because as you said, she is not just a model anymore and will not be just a model in the future.
Cara Delevingne debuts bright pink new hairdo as she supports girlfriend St Vincent at the Osheaga festival in Montreal; August 2015

At same age or in her 30's, I think Cara >> Kate Moss etc. because as you said, she is not just a model anymore and will not be just a model in the future.
I don't understand what is the purpose of even making comparisons. Want to compare model-turns-actress to another accomplished one, then choose someone like Charlize or Cameron Diaz, not Kate Moss. As far as I know Kate never really wanted to break into acting seriously. But if you compare Cara to Kate as a model, than I am sorry, but Kate is 2 heads ahead of Cara.
With acting we will see how far she will go. I haven't seen her in films, so I can not say anything good or bad either. However (I hope I am wrong), in most cases when public figures switch careers, I think of this commercial:lol:
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^^Absolutely. Cara undeniably has been very successful as a model. But Kate completely changed the industry when she appeared on the scene. And that is no exaggeration. Girls like Rachel Williams who were huge pre-Kate said that fashion no longer had a place for girls like her post-Kate because she single-handedly changed the modeling aesthetic. Can't say that about Cara.

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