Carolyn Bessette Kennedy

The entertainment media always says that Gwen Stefani brought back the red lipstick and platinum hair, but Carolyn clearly owned it. With her blonde blonde hair and fairly thin eyebrows,red lipstick and ridiculously blue eyes she reminds me an old Hollywood actress. Her look to me is almost as if all those silent movie stars pictures were in colour.JMO
Found this in my mag collection - Carolyn on Paris Match, 26 August 1999 (image source - my snap).


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I miss her! She was my first style icon that I looked up to. She always looked amazing and I remember reading that she hated 'labels' and when she ordered a selection of Prada Sport clothes that she got the red label removed. She was totally anti-bling. Everything was beautiful and classy and she didn't go around trying to flaunt a particular designer look. She has/had a reputation as an ice-queen but from all the photos that I have seen of her she came across as so warm and lovely with her friends. I think that as she was so private and aloof with the media they unfairly assumed that that was her character. I have that Vanity Fair copy somewhere. Must dig it out. Can't believe that it is 10 years since the accident already.
thank you for all the posts in this thread. i just went through it in entirety. i remember when the Vanity Fair came out with her in it. at the time i didn't admit to myself i was a fan, but, i poured over every centimetre of her carefully perfected look. her hair drove me crazy. i was so fascinated to see how she had made herself into this creature. she's now an inspiration again.

just an aside but it's sad that photos get lost when threads get old.
I can't believe it will be 10 years since the death of Carolyn and JFK

I recently got a hold of a 2002 issue of Vanity Fair with Kirsten Dunst on the cover and there was a great article on Carolyn. It talked about the lengths she felt she had to go to for her public image. I can't believe it was alleged she did botox, that seems extreme for her age at the time, and that she dyed her hair to be so white that it was often painful for her to have people touch it. Some of the other stories are funny though like how she was disgusted that she had to sit next to Puff Daddy at a charity event...
she has a lot of story behind her but her style is blah. she has big shoes to fill after her mom was a fashion icon.
^ It was her mother in law and Carolyn had her own sense of style. She was simplistic and effortless. She only had a few colors that she wore but when she wore them, WOW! She could make a potato sack look chic.
mother in law of course, silly me. im not sure about the popato sack though. she was classy ill give her that.
10 years. O.M.G. I cannot even believe it. The special on TVGuide channel was pretty good for footage of CBK that I have never seen anywhere else. As always they dont know what the fans want in terms of bios.

From simplycarolyn .... in happier times, right after their honeymoon.
I think she was all class in terms of dressing. She is still relevant today. I still think of her outfits, and go through my scrapbook when I get a few moments.


I think if he had lived, he would've got into politics, Carolyn would've been an interesting first lady, to say the least. So glamorous.
She would have made a spectacular First Lady, style wise that is.
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