Carolyn Bessette Kennedy

^Some said she was 6ft and some said she was around 5'11 no one is really sure. She does have very long, thin legs so maybe that made the illusion that she was 6ft.
Thanks Ashcottmanor. I thought I had read that somewhere, but in photos of CBK and JFK Jr she looks shorter than him so I was wondering.

She was so stylish.
You're welcome :)

She was a great style icon, it's so sad she's gone. She is now my screen saver though!
This thread is looking a little lonely so here is something to brighten it up a little.

Also, in the spirit of summer...


And because I am missing my dog who passed away a couple of weeks ago...

We haven't seen this one before
Ashcottmanor, so sorry you lost your dog.

Great photos! Thank you for posting them.
I wish there were more summer photos of Carolyn; I'd love to see her warm weather casual fashion.
Ashcottmanor, so sorry you lost your dog.

Great photos! Thank you for posting them.
I wish there were more summer photos of Carolyn; I'd love to see her warm weather casual fashion.

Thank you limo that is very kind of you. I took my dog everywhere with me like Carolyn did with Friday so it's kind of heart breaking to see these photos. I know she really loved him, like he loved her.

I'll see if I can find more summer pics of Carolyn. I'm not sure there are too many new ones.

Love this dress, it reminds me of summer!

I believe this is from their wedding...


Dancing at their wedding...


Another one for summer...



there is still this incredible aura about this couple. classy, beautiful, elegant, mysterious, mesmerizing you name it they had it and still got it
I'm reading "What Remains" by Carole Radziwill who married John Jr. cousin Anthony. Carole says her and Carolyn were best freinds...I am on the second chapter and it has some great stories about her and Carolyn. If you want a great read, you should check it out. I have to warn you though, it's sad.

Carolyn just had something about her like you said. So magnetic! She was lovely, it's still so tragic what happened to them.
I love her hair! When she wears it in the chignon, it's both chic and casual.

Thanks for the book recommendation, Ashcottmanor. I was wondering if there were any good books on JFK Jr and CBK.
I wish we could have new pictures of Carolyn and John. So sad.
I agree with that to a certain degree...she had a lot of mystery while she was still alive because she didn't court the press or fame. She acted as a normal person who went to a few functions now and then. She even had that cool "air" about her that is very rare. She definitely had "something special".
I'm reading "What Remains" by Carole Radziwill who married John Jr. cousin Anthony. Carole says her and Carolyn were best freinds...I am on the second chapter and it has some great stories about her and Carolyn. If you want a great read, you should check it out. I have to warn you though, it's sad.

Carolyn just had something about her like you said. So magnetic! She was lovely, it's still so tragic what happened to them.

I read "What Remains" when it first came out and was so tearful all throughout, of course knowing what was going to happen, and then I was bawling by the end because of the way it all played out. So tragic. Still so hard to believe it happened.

RE: Carolyn's height- as a point of ref., wasn't JFK Jr. around 6'4"?
Would anyone be able to find the photos featured in the article mentioned in #486? They don't have them anymore on VF's website :( They were shot by Bruce Weber :flower:
They used to say that JFK jr was 6'1, but I think he was around 6'3 making her at least

When they first died, I didn't really get the fawning over her fashion sense, but now I definitely see it. Any of her outfits can be worn today and would not look dated at all, but chic as hell.
I think Carolyn was about 5'7"
In an interview Kate Moss said she 5'6". "In the beginning, my agent said to me, "If you were two inches higher, you'd have two more zeroes at the end of your bank account." I was five foot six and if I was five foot eight and had, say, a 4B cup, then I would have been fine."


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