

Aug 11, 2005
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Okay, the title says it all. It's a fact- 95% of woman have cellulite. Theres really no point in fussing trying to rid yourself of all of it, it's natural to have a bit. But i'm wondering any toning/excercises/secrets you all have for dealing w. it or decreasing it? I'm not heavy- size 4- but I definetly have my fair share of it. I don't know if it's genetic or if I should be excercising more or what. So ANY solutions and tips on this subject would be so useful! After all, if cellulite affects 95% of woman, i'm sure I can't be the only one here to reap the benefits of this discussion :P
I don't have cellulite but I heard Pilates is good for reducing it.
when i gained weight i had some cellulite, even though i was still pretty thin. now that i've lost the weight its gone away...so i guess my only advice is to...lose weight? haha.
^It doesn't work quite this way, unfortunately. With most people, at least. Cellulite is a skin effect you get from changing the weight you are fastly and drastically which works with both gaining and losing weight. So, if you lose the weight you have gained in too short a time the cellulite will become even worse. You were incredibly lucky to have got rid of the cellulite once you lost weight.
I think cellulite is exaggerated and can even be confused with non-toned legs/bum. Someone mentioned once on this board that if you can pull your skin taut and the effect goes away it's more a matter of toning and less of cellulite.
^ I bet you never had cellulite yourself if you say that :P . If you have it you can't confuse it with anything, it's the skin effect, not the muscles thing or anything. Though, I think that's what the case with SashaTheElf might have been, cause it's so untypical for cellulite to go away naturally and especially by losing weight.
dispite misconception, cellulite is not fat, it's caught pockets of water. the best way to eliminate cellulite aside from changing your diet to affect your digestion and elimination is to do deep breathing (via sitting or exercise) and to pump the lymph, via exercise, breathing deep or massage. people swear by dry brushing. get a long handled wooden bath brush from a health food store, using upward strokes (always toward the heart - if you are doing your chest, stroke down) begin with feet 10 strokes or more upward motion brisk firm strokes.....left foot , right foot, left calf, right calf etc. this moves the pockets of water and breaks them up so they go into the blood and lymph system and through the body for elimination. if you have a large stomach, it is due to an overloaded colon and that should be cleansed for best effect. and kept clean with a healthy diet filled with easy to digest foods and nourishing ones at that.

people also swear by body wraps, seaweed baths and epsom salt baths to draw out impurities.

persistance and committment are the key.

hope this was helpful!
^Very helpful, thank you, and I like the somewhat spiritual approach, with the breathing and such. I'm quite happy with my weight, just wanted to lose the cellulite. I was thinking on going on a 3 or 4 day detox diet as well, with just herbal teas and such, to give my liver a rest. It's pretty overworked as of now, and even though i'm a vegetarian, theres still some foods I eat that probably arn't the easiest to break down.
LucindaMay said:
dispite misconception, cellulite is not fat, it's caught pockets of water. the best way to eliminate cellulite aside from changing your diet to affect your digestion and elimination is to do deep breathing (via sitting or exercise) and to pump the lymph, via exercise, breathing deep or massage. people swear by dry brushing. get a long handled wooden bath brush from a health food store, using upward strokes (always toward the heart - if you are doing your chest, stroke down) begin with feet 10 strokes or more upward motion brisk firm strokes.....left foot , right foot, left calf, right calf etc. this moves the pockets of water and breaks them up so they go into the blood and lymph system and through the body for elimination. if you have a large stomach, it is due to an overloaded colon and that should be cleansed for best effect. and kept clean with a healthy diet filled with easy to digest foods and nourishing ones at that.

people also swear by body wraps, seaweed baths and epsom salt baths to draw out impurities.

persistance and committment are the key.

hope this was helpful!

I do dry-brushing and its amazing.

It didn't get rid of it, but it reduced the appearance a lot. It wasn't so obvious as 'orange peel'.

If you have it you can't confuse it with anything

I agree with this whole-heartedly!!
I've heard that girls get cellulite and stretch marks during puberty when they get hips, but a lot of it will fade later.

PLEASE tell me this is true?!
My mom is 47 and doesnt exercise but no cellulite at all. I do exercise and I still have cellulite. Hmm..I guess it doesnt come with age or whether you exercise or not !! :innocent:
I have a little on my bum. I never had it until i went on the contraceptive pill. I exercise 4-5 times a week and drink a lot of water and watch what i eat but it doesn't go away. So who knows?
I have a question to ask...does having cellulite affect the clothes you wear or does it not bother you to wear shorts or short skirts with bare legs? Cos i feel so self-conscious that i just don't want to show my legs at all, plus i am so damn pale.

Do most people just not care about this? cos i see plenty of other people wearing these kind of clothes yet if i happen to look, none of them seem to have any cellulite! And i feel like, it couldn't just be me with it? :shock:
I'm 18 and have developed cellulite around my tummy, bum and thighs and firming lotions have really helped me. I applied religiously morning and night for about a month, and have kept a good diet and flushed out my system every day with water ... and now you wouldnt say I ever had cellulite.
wowandflutter said:
I have a question to ask...does having cellulite affect the clothes you wear or does it not bother you to wear shorts or short skirts with bare legs? Cos i feel so self-conscious that i just don't want to show my legs at all, plus i am so damn pale.

Do most people just not care about this? cos i see plenty of other people wearing these kind of clothes yet if i happen to look, none of them seem to have any cellulite! And i feel like, it couldn't just be me with it? :shock:

I am also ridiculously self-concious about it... I never show my thighs. So you're not alone!
Tushka_BeLLa said:
I'm 18 and have developed cellulite around my tummy, bum and thighs and firming lotions have really helped me. I applied religiously morning and night for about a month, and have kept a good diet and flushed out my system every day with water ... and now you wouldnt say I ever had cellulite.

Thanks for your response, was there any lotions in paticular you used and would recommend?
I love massaging ground organic coffee into my legs and the rest of my body as well. I really think it makes the skin looks better and firmer. I love to do it before I go to the beach especially.

Many of the cellulite creams contain caffeine these days so it figures...
I'm getting confused now :doh:..... So the "dimpled" effect that lots of people have or talk about, is that cellulite or is that just untoned skin/muscle or fat??

Thanks for everybody's advice on this issue :flower:. I shall try these remedies someday, they seem interesting and effective.
wowandflutter said:
I have a question to ask...does having cellulite affect the clothes you wear or does it not bother you to wear shorts or short skirts with bare legs? Cos i feel so self-conscious that i just don't want to show my legs at all, plus i am so damn pale.

Do most people just not care about this? cos i see plenty of other people wearing these kind of clothes yet if i happen to look, none of them seem to have any cellulite! And i feel like, it couldn't just be me with it? :shock:

cause i have a little on my bum i try to stay away from super tight pants (jeans are ok though) and pants made out of thin fabric cause i'm always paranoid you can see it through.
I am really pale to, but if i put fake tan on it really reduces how the cellulite looks, so if you have it on your legs maybe you can try that. (if you like fake tan that is)

And believe me hun you are not the only one with cellulite!!!!!! A lot of women have it!

hi aquarius21 :smile: - 'dimpled' is usually cellulite. (resembles the skin of an orange...)

I believe the best way to combat cellulite (i even hate saying the word!!) is exercise, lots of water, cutting back on foods with saturated food and processed foods and cutting back on salt. It also helps a lot to massage the areas with a firming cream. The massaging helps to stimulate the area.

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