Chad White

I guess I'm not used to seeing him in head gear. I only like him in the cowboy hat (looking like the Marlboro man), the head band, the doo rag and the fisherman's cap look odd on him. But he looks fiiiine in all the looks.
As one of the most popular male mods on the planet right now, Chad White is as sweet as he is gorgeous. This recently turned 30 guy also has some major wit and charm as you’ll read in the latest installment of ‘Male Model Moments.’ You know him from his work for Dolce & Gabbana (“Domenico and Stefano have always been so awesome to me,” he tells us) and DSquared (“The twins are two of my favorites for sure”). And let’s not forget his work with Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, and Nautica. Our fave recent work with Chad is Michael Bastian‘s lookbook for his Spring 2015 collection. Male mags love him too, with editorials in Vogue Hommes, Interview, Maxim Italia, DETAILS, and L’Uomo Vogue, to name a few. You get it it, we get it, so so let’s get the 411 on Mr. Chad White…

Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Current City: NYC
Single/Married/Dating? Single
Nickname: Chaddycakes. Can’t remember who exactly is responsible but it just stuck.
What were you like as a kid in a word: A goof.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Billy’s Bakery. All the way.
How often do you call your Mom? I speak to my family as often as possible. Being on opposite ends of the country makes it difficult sometimes
What’s your number one fitness tip? Just get out there. I don’t think I’ve ever said, “Man, I really regret that workout”.
Who is your biggest fan? My family
Where would you like to retire? Give me a beach and I’ll be happy.
How many times do you go on Instagram every day? Ballpark or rough estimate? Pretty frequently. Adding it to the list of guilty pleasures.
Do you read the comments? Whenever I have the chance, I do. I appreciate everyone’s support and some provide a good amount of comedic relief to a hectic day.
What websites do you go to? Besides Instagram?,…and of course Fashion Week Daily. [Editors note: Thank you, sir.]
Any desire to act? Absolutely! It’s something that has peaked my interest quite a bit lately.
How many times have you watched Zoolander? I’d say too many times, but I know that’s not possible.
What quote do you live by? I have quite a few, but one of my personal favorites came from one of my teachers – Mr. Freemark. He stuck a post-it note on my desk while I was sleeping during class that said A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a shame to see a lad sleep away his hour of opportunity.” It definitely woke me up.
What’s your specialty in the kitchen? I can cook up a mean frittata.
What facial products do you use? I’m pretty straightforward and simple when it comes to products. Eating right is the best thing you can do for your skin. I also swear by Aqua Velva after-shave.
What’s the secret to great skin? Put quality in and you’ll definitely get quality out. The cleaner your food is, the better your skin will look.
Do you have a favorite female model? Oh, geez. There are so many that I admire and follow as their careers progress. Do I really have to pick a favorite?
When’s the last time you were scared and why? My dog [Batman] was recently attacked when staying the weekend at a doggy day care. It was pretty scary having something happen to someone who means so much to me. He’s recovered like a champ.
What word sums up your current state of mind? Happy!

When we heard dozens of (mostly straight) male models were headed to Fire Island to celebrate top mod Chad White’s 30th birthday, The Daily decided to get on the ferry and take a day trip. All for you! Along the way we caught up with Soul Artist mods Chad, Max Papendieck, Dan Murphy, Sean Harju, and Jeremy Santucci. Plus! Think models are different than you? We’ve found a few examples of common ground…

Chad White, 30, Single

Why did you decide to have the party on Fire Island?
I always go out here. It has the best atmosphere.

Was it overwhelming to have so many people come?
It was and it wasn’t. There was so much love, and I wanted to give my time to everybody. I couldn’t believe everybody showed up. I got a little overwhelmed because I was so grateful. At the same time, I was living in the moment.

What was the day like?
I got off a flight from San Francisco and went straight to my agent’s (Jason Kanner) house. It was chill at first. I took an hour nap and as soon as I woke up, the party began, it never stopped. I woke up to 100 people in the house. It was awesome.

What was your favorite part of the day?
There was a moment when I was on the top deck of the pool looking over and saw all my friends at the pool from over the years. I’m a Cancer, so I got a bit sentimental and I choked up. I had to take a step back and appreciate the moment. It was the best feeling I’ve felt in a long time.

Your Parke & Ronen shorts are cute. Normal look?
These shorts are so awesome. The ones I normally wear can’t compare. I didn’t feel like I was in good enough shape to wear them well!

You have quite a fan base on Fire Island!
If you believe in me, I appreciate you. It was awesome to see them there, too, and share my big 3-0 with them.

You’ve got a large gay fan base!
All my friends are gay. It’s the best thing ever.

What is it about Fire Island that you love?
Everybody is so friendly and happy. It’s all love! It’s like a family out here!

How did you feel after the party?
Oh, man. I had a big smile on my face. I was in a euphoric state of mind.

Absolutely! I didn’t get to drink on my actual birthday, so I let loose!

How long did you sleep after the party?
One hour. I had a flight to catch.

Quiz time! Why is it called Fire Island?
There was a big fire?

What is Cherry Grove?
I hear there’s an underwear tea party there that’s really crazy. That’s all I know about it.
Oh maaaaannnnnn.....

letting my imagination run wild that Chad is gay! "one of us. one of us!"
Gents S/S 2015 New York

Perry Ellis S/S 2015 New York
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A model poses backstage at the Perry Ellis fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015 at The Waterfront on September 4, 2014 in New York City. (September 3, 2014 - Source: Craig Barritt/Getty Images North America)
Attending Polo Ralph Lauren event



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