Chanel Cruise 2023 Monte Carlo

Sue me, but I like this. Good mix of classic pieces and more youthful/trendy ones. Not terribly original, but is that what the Chanel customer is looking for anyway? There's a few looks I love and none that I really hate.

(So SICK of the tiny purse thing, though)
I don't remember the announcement of Tommy Hilfiger designing a collection for Chanel, but the banality and preppy colour palette of it remind me in an unpleasant way of him.

Well, it is a resort collection, so I think some brighter colors are appropriate, but this is still like 80% black and white, and the other colors (gold, pink, variations of red) are all pretty common for the brand, lots of precedent
Maybe they should rerelease Pre-Fall 2007 if they want to do a Monte Carlo collection. While this is not bad, the taste level and the lack of creativity between the 2 collections is too much.

Virginie is still relying too much on Karl's 9
Chanel. This time is the early 2000s. The opening red looks are very Spring 2002. What she is lacking are his sense of humor and his audacity. He's not afraid of being vulgar, here Virginie wants to be as safe as possible without taking any risks.

I like the look on Mica, and a few tweed outfits look nice. But this is Chanel, pretty tweeds are the bare minimum. You have to offer more than that.

The collection is an improvement from the previous collection, but that does not say much. What alarming is all of her pre-collections all look the same? There are no memorable moments in her collections, which is a shame because Karl's Cruise/Pre-Fall collections used to be standout, sometimes even stronger than the main collections.

She can throw in as many logos as she wants, but the loyal client base is long gone, good luck courting them back.
G'damn...that long-sleeve onesie w/ the floral bib is the probably the most annoying thing I've seen since she took over.

Nice beach, though.
It's an ok collection.

It's a very Chanel by the numbers collection and could have been designed by practically anyone.

It's soulless.

Those hats are a cheap, tacky and vulgar cash grab considering what the brand has become.
I really disliked their FW collection, the first of Virginie I hate, but this one is back to bassics.
absolutely love it ! was a bit disappointed with the last collection in PFW, i prefer when she does more younger pieces
This is probably one of her most successful collections to date tbh. It's very straightforward, very pretty (mostly) and very Chanel. I don't know what more you could want in a Chanel collection?

I personally like the lightness of everything and the fact that finally they went lighter with the jewellery. Also the 80's/90/s references to Karl's Chanel were very subtle and a nice ode to Chanel of this period.

Viard is a clever woman. She knows exactly how to balance trends with classicism, hence all the logo's and the caps and t-shirts. This is exactly what sells at the boutique to all the masses. As I mentioned in one of the Dior threads, even though some of the more subtle and more elegant pieces are less expensive, most people will go for all that brash and vulgar logo stuff. It's just what fashion is these days and that's in part thanks to IG and TikTok, etc.

Design has to be very straightforward and surface-level to grab the attention of Gen Z, which all these brands are so obsessed with courting because they know this generation will spend endless money on trash and not think twice about it.

There is no room for complexity and nuance in fashion anymore, especially in these mega brands like Chanel. Everybody working there knows that, which is exactly why we see collections like this.
Design has to be very straightforward and surface-level to grab the attention of Gen Z, which all these brands are so obsessed with courting because they know this generation will spend endless money on trash and not think twice about it.

There is no room for complexity and nuance in fashion anymore, especially in these mega brands like Chanel. Everybody working there knows that, which is exactly why we see collections like this.
:( sort of agree but also I feel like in Chanel's case, it is a big enough entity that Gen Z and its followers would still eat up no matter what is produced. They're big enough to be leaders and tell people what they want instead of catering. Their seasonal bags are sold immediately as collectors items no matter what they are or what they look like it's crazy. She could at least chill with the branding and add some more flavor.

On the other hand, maybe they do need to keep up this act because... Not that HRH Collection is the word of god (maybe lol), but I kind of agree with her that designer bags are not the vibe anymore. This is all cyclical and I feel like we're on the tail end of this. I believe slowly, more and more people will start to think the same and "designer" sh*t is gonna be out the window. Chanel better grab the easy cash now before it's too late lol

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