I've said this before, I will say it again- I am glad she's leaving.
It occurred to me that she, as a designer bringing her identity to a grand house, almost brought too much of herself. A lot of the show staging she's done was more artisanal, more Italian by nature. And Dior is more about refinement and structure, in my eyes. The artwork that was on the walls of the show, as has been included in other seasons- it's just a mismatch for me.
There is a passion with how Italians design, hence the maximalist history of design in Italy; and it's strikingly different than Dior. The house codes were too competitive, which is why I never felt that MGC found her groove. Even this collection; which was almost nymph like in silhouette. It's just not Dior for me.
I hope MGC learned a lot about herself during this appointment term.
I am ready for the next era and a new CD to lead Dior into the future.