Christian Group Slams Simpson

AlmostFamous said:
She's in a bathing suit. Dancing around while washing the car. ;) And shaking her bum and such but with a goofy smile on her face the whole time. Its not supposed to be all serious and sexy and :rawr:. haha You know?

Yeah, thats pretty much it.

But again, it's the fact that she herself has talked down on Christina, Britney, AND Hooters waitresses for being to sleazy...I mean, her own husband tried to put her in her place by remindering her of sexy magazine covers that she's been on:innocent: , but she claims they weren't that bad AND she admits to never having even been in a Hooters before...The girl is just making blind statements, hence making most of her here pretty annoyed:angry: .
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Ladies and gentlemen here are the pictures of the self-proclaimed christian girl who wouldn't sell her body and turn to the ways of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera whom she's above.


So-called "Christians" should hold themselves to higher standards. Jessica is selling herself out to popular media.

Jessica is an adult and can do what she wants, but she shouldn't call herself a good Christian girl - her behavior with this video says otherwise.
Thanks for posting the article.

I am not sure which is funnier, them demanding that Jessica reshoot a 'cleaner' version of the video or them still believing that Jessica's father is a Baptist pastor. :lol: When it reality he is nothing more than a glorified pimp who has a huge hand in Jessica doing this quote unquote wh*ring.

As for the video ~ Ehh...She looked dense.

Seriously I can't say that I am surprised with this new direction that she is embracing. Jessica being the ditzy goofy wife on Newlyweds has run its course and her voice (while never being great was at one point in time decent) is now shot, hence her doing baby sounds and or screaming when she performs.

So though she was so ticked off with her record company when they made her lose weight and turn up the sex appeal when she released her sophomore effort (which bombed) and then she went on a diss fest against other artists-her relying on her looks & such seems to be that natural course for her. As sad as that may be. Poor girl.
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Uuuuuh, Wow. . .:blink: :blink:

The Resistance asks Jessica Simpson to join them
After harsh criticism, John Conner extends a hand of friendship

(San Diego, CA) After receiving international attention for criticizing Jessica Simpson’s new sex charged video “These Boots are Made for Walking,” spokesperson for The Resistance, John Conner, asks Jessica to join them in their mission of exposing the September 11th cover up, and in the fight against the New World Order. “Let’s turn this lemon into lemonade” insists Conner.

“I think this is a great opportunity for Jessica to use her celebrity to help expose the lies and cover ups surrounding the September 11th inside job.” explains Conner. “Now that she’s familiar with The Resistance, I hope she picks up a copy of The Resistance Manifesto and learns the truth about that tragic day, and how elements within our own government planned, and allowed the attacks to happen as a pretext for war.”

Now that the issue of the inappropriate video has been raised in the mainstream media, The Resistance is focused on larger, more important issues such as the criminal residing in the White House. “Today we internationally expose an inappropriate music video, tomorrow the biggest crime in history.”

For those people who don’t know, the terrorist attacks on September 11th were not an ‘intelligence failure’ as the official story states. The attacks were not only allowed to happen as a pretext, or a reason to get the population behind the war, but the hijackers were assets of the CIA, just like Osama Bin Laden. President Bush signed Presidential Decision Directive W199i, pulling FBI agents off of the suspected terrorists, ensuring they could continue their work, and the treason gets worse.

Despite popular belief, the CIA had run ‘drills’ of jets being hijacked and being used as weapons and the envisioned targets were the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The anthrax which was sent through the mail following the suicide attacks was also an inside job perpetrated to create even more fear, ensuring the Patriot Act would pass and to get the American people to completely submit to the plans of the New World Order.

The Resistance would like to thank every gossip columnist and blogger who picked up on the Jessica Simpson video controversy, and shows that the Lord works in mysterious ways. One of the greatest things about our Lord Jesus Christ is that if we’ve strayed from our path, or even abandoned God, he’s ready to take us back with open arms and forgive us for our shortcomings. It’s also amazing that He used Hollywood gossip columns to attract attention to the Christian community. God bless you all!

Wow, I just have no idea what to say to that. . .lol

Except, I think that this website just might come in handy for them:ninja: :alien:
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SanDiego said:
Well it wouldnt be such a big deal if she didnt publicize her virginity so much. Its her own fault. Married or not a Hoe is a Hoe

Love the rawness in your statements, tell it like it is SanDiego! :flower: :woot:
Part of being a Christian is not passing judgment on other people. Yea, Jessica seems like a hypocrite, but that group has no place criticizing her like that. Just my opinion.
You guys are too much for me lol.

The christian group that criticized her was her old church where she used to perform and sing. I can understand a little bit where they are coming from now, but still it doesn't give them the right to tell her what to do.

I do think that she should stop calling her self a good christian and selling her body at the same time, you can't have both.

On Inside Edition her father said she wasn't being/trying to be sexy. :o:o:shock::shock::cry::cry:.
Ho-Coture said:
On Inside Edition her father said she wasn't being/trying to be sexy. :o:o:shock::shock::cry::cry:.

Maybe not in his eyes. . .but then again, a lot of the comments he's made about his daughter make me think he's a perv anyway. :yuk:

Example: "Jessica never tries to be sexy," Simpson tells GQ. "She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"
Witchbaby said:
Maybe not in his eyes. . .but then again, a lot of the comments he's made about his daughter make me think he's a perv anyway. :yuk:

Example: "Jessica never tries to be sexy," Simpson tells GQ. "She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
That's really inappropriate for a father to say especially in a magazine!! :sick: :sick: :sick: It's making me sick!!
I just saw the vid; she looks good even though her dance steps were limited to what, three?

About the she STILL saying stuff about Britney, Christina & company?
Yes? No? People can change their minds yknow.

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