Christina Aguilera

On The Voice performing a Queen tribute medley, then singing Lady Marmalade (




wow i guess everybody goes through a personal decline. she is actually kind of tragic.
I just find it annoying that these girls with all the money in the world, look like they dont have one ounce of fashion sense. Christina, Britney, Megan Fox ect. they're all gorgeous girls. i know it's their life but it really seems that they go out of their way sometimes to put together the ugliest and most tacky outfits. i've seen people on MUCH tighter budgets with their stuff together. i just dont get it. a simple jeans and tshirt combo would be great.

I've been giving Christina the benefit of the doubt because her style has always been up and down. i really think what's making it worse is that she was definitely not ready to be back in the spotlight this soon. ** i think most of this atrociousness stems from a lack of confidence in her apearance right now.

I love christina and i'll forever root for her but i feel sorry for her. it's evident that she wasn't ready to be back out there, but because of the serious need to do damage control after Bionic and events eariler this she is having to recover in front of the entire world instead of behind closed doors like she's so custom to.

she's always on point come album time...maybe this is just a huge setup for a big makeover and comeback when her album drops? lol. a fellow fan said that we wouldn't be able to fully understand how hard the past year has been for Christina if she was strutting around looking like Baby Jane. haha, i guess he has a point!
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I don't like her whole style in past year. She can rock white hair but not with such tacky makeup. The whole thing would look much better with pale lips and PLEASE LOSE THE TAN!
funny thats how we wanted her styled. no tan. no pathetic caricuature red lips, and there it is, and its still underwhelming.
Christina needs to pull it together and get back on track fast. She'sgoing to be a big has been like Whitney Houston if she's not careful.

Pictures of her house have been published in In Style; house is all black and red like an Alice in Wonderland theme. It's kinda creepy but it's the world she's chosen for herself.
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The interview is great from what we can actually make out and read. People at aLD were able to pull a few excerpts from the LQ pics.
"When I first met my husband, I needed that helping hand to take the reins and look after me. After the movie, I grew out of being that little girl. I became more of an adult."

"I laugh a lot lately. People expect me to cry but I always laugh when things go wrong."

"I was sad but I'm still glad I did the movie."

"And it was very hard to be in the center of all that. A lot was riding on the film, and I have the brunt. I was like, "Hey, stop fighting--this is my career."
- on fights that occured on the BURLESQUE set between the director and his bf

"I could depend on him (Matt) for everything. Matt was working on the movie and he was so supportive and he still is."

The night she was arrested, she was actually celebrating the completion of her "Voice" contract.

"I knew there was going to be a negative reaction to my divorce but I wasn't going to live my life because of something someone might say. That would go against everything I sing about on my records. I have to be myself."

"I knew what everyone was saying." Aguilera told me. "And during the Grammy moment, when I nearly collasped, I was thinking 'Are you kidding me?' I've always been really good with my heels. Even pregnant, I could perform in heels. Note to self 'Never wear a train onstage.' My heel had got caught in my train and if it wasn't for Jennifer Hudson, who picked me up as I went down, I would have fallen on the floor." Aguilera [proved] "When it happened," she continued, "it was just like 'What else, God? What else?' I threw my hands up in the air and started smiling because what else could go wrong?"
ok i understand now after that last qoute. i think we can all relate to that. sometimes we put people on a pedestal and judge style but clearly this is a transitional time for her.
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ok i understand now after that last qoute. i think we can all relate to that. sometimes we put people on a pedestal and judge style but clearly this is a transitional time for her.

Agreed! I think style-wise Christina has checked-out for now. I read that there is one more page to her editorial. I hope we have it in full HQ tomorrow because this is the most she's been open about the previous year.
6/11 - After the Gay Pride Festival in West Hollywood this weekend, Christina Aguilera and boyfriend Matt Rutler headed to The Abbey for an after party in the VIP section. Christina, Matt and friends sipped champagne and enjoyed the show.


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