An excelent article about CdG parfum from mug magazine.
I'd like to thank Runner, he let me know about the art.:-)
by Luca Dal Bò
“A perfume that works like a medecine and behaves like a drug”
The psychological effects of perfumes are partly based on the suggestive power they possess in nature. Perfumes which have deeply rooted in our minds over the centuries and daily stimulate our senses.
It is just in daily experience that Comme des garçons have discovered the energy and the inspiration for ever new fragrances since 1984, when the original “Eau de Parfum” first appeared.
Comme des Garçons redesigns a new geography of perfumes on the concept of “natural fragrance”: an olfactory language which widens its range of sensations as tobacco and tar smells are taken into consideration, the smells of daily life, of a new ‘nature’, reconsidered and studied in the sophisticated relationships that turn an odour into an expressive code to identify a certain idea of modernity.
An ABC of fragrances mixing essences found out in Morocco, Iran, Spain, Provence, California and Egypt described as “woody, green and metallic”, a description in which the adjective ‘metallic’ stands for an interpretation of contemporary life, rather than for the quality of the essence itself.
A subtle play on hints which enables us to recapture the meaning of words like perfume, modernity, need, dependency, refuge, confidence…
A perfume as language, as a code of communication, which owes its efficacy also to the careful choice of packaging, to emphasise the connection between the perfume and the formal features of the message it conveys.