I am surprised that the Vanity Fair article (already online) is fairly critical of them, although in terms of the strength of its criticism, it's two steps forward, one step backtracking.
But when a mainstream US media publication is no longer promoting the picture of a new power couple, and instead is speaking about how their employees needed to get therapy, and how a post-divorce book was already offered to publishers, the shine has certainly worn off now, even in America.
I'll probably be repeating this in the actual thread, when it gets up and running - but the celebrity world is full of unpleasant characters, covered up by the machinery of the entertainment industry, by the smoke and mirrors. So the idea that Meghan and Harry are sh*tty people isn't really the issue.
The celebrity universe will always give you a pass if you are sh*tty but also very talented, very good-looking or very charismatic/popular with the public, or a combination of any of those things.
Meghan and Harry are - by Hollywood standards - none of those things, and they aren't even consistent with how they capitalise on their royal connections, being the human equivalent of that cartoon where someone is sawing off the same tree branch that they're sitting on.
As time goes on, people come to their own conclusions as to whether the couple are being unfairly persecuted - or whether they're unlikeable as a result of their own cumulative actions - but I do not know where things can go from here, except further downwards.