Crystal Studded Cell Phones

Originally posted by eunhasoo999@Nov 11 2004, 02:20 AM
i think you should just buy some crystals and DIY..
my friend did it herself and it was a LOT cheaper that way
go to for crystals...  :)

It's really not cheaper... when you consider the fact that those stones WILL eventually fall off... the glue is left behind, RUINING THE FACE OF YOUR PHONE... and it's even worse when your phone doesn't have separate faceplates that you can purchase... I completely reccommend a DIY for people who can find faceplates for their phone and do the crystals on the extra one...


Which is better... gluing a bunch of stones on your phone and having it pretty and shiny for a month or two? Or having a phone with it's regular faceplate and not having to replace your whole phone?

I actually had to remove all of the stones from my phone... sand it down (which by the way, made it look HORRIBLE, but better than it did with all of the glue caked on it)... I then spray-painted my phone silver.. thinking it might look decent again.. Yea.. It didn't. Once my contract was up with Sprint I switched to Tmobile just so I could get a new phone.
I did mine and I love it. I ordered swarovski crystals off of ebay. I've done two phones now, and the trick seems to be to use smaller stones. If you use larger than 9ss you get spaces and they pop off really easy. I *prefer* to use 5ss, but those are almost impossible to handle. This phone (my new one) was done with 7ss.
Originally posted by sandrac823@Nov 12 2004, 01:57 PM
Here is a phone I completed

I purchased my swarovski cystals from I also purchased The Best Permanent Glue for Non-Porous Surfaces Pinpoint Precision Cement for Non-Porous Surfaces. The prices are great, the cheapest I have seen for the crystals. I did this phone for my sister in law. Her phone has held up really, really well, with the occasional crystal falling off because she dropped it. I researched this very well before I did this. I have done 3 phones. I applied the crystals to the phone using the tweezers you can get from creative crystal so you can aline them in a perfect row. I sanded down the phone to make a rough surface for the glue to adhere to. After sanding I wiped the phone down with rubbing alchol. You can not have any oil on the phone. When applying the cystals you have to make sure you do not touch the phone because of the oils on your skin. Then I used the glue and it has a needle nose so it is one drop per crystal. I think it took like 1000 crystals for me to do this phone. I would love to do my own phone but because of the keyboard on a treo 600 it would be way too complicated. Also I would like a design, which I can not do. I agree with Luna, I only did my sister in law's phone because it was all scratched up. So if it did not hold up well, it would look no worse than what she had. The phone now still looks great. I figured if her crystals stayed on this long with the right glue and application, professionally done, it should really stay on.
If (like me) you dont ahve steady hands, just buy some Swarovski crystal body art tatoos - the type thats already set up in shapes like stars/flowers/hearts/etc..then just peel off and apply on your phone.
I also use them to buff up picture albums and stuff.
Originally posted by onehotgrrl@Nov 15 2004, 06:45 PM
Sandrac- would you to my phone for me? How much would you charge?

Hi, I have only done a few phones! 4 to be exact. Is your phone new or old? What type? Can you replace the casing on the phone? It really was not hard to do at all. If your phone does not have a slope to it, it will be super simple to do. Have you thought about doing it yourself? It takes about a thousand crystals, (if I remember correctly that is about $55.00 from creative crystals) and a half of tube glue....and about 6 hours! If you do not have a case you can change, I would do it professionally, like my phone I would not even touch since I can not change the case. I can send you some more pictures of the phones I did and I did a brush. For some reason I have a very hard time attaching the pics on this site. pm me and we will talk!
Originally posted by bad_barbarella@Nov 19 2004, 03:48 AM
do u think paris's is covered in diamonds?

No, I believe she had her phone done by NYC Peach. In one of my magazines she was at the launch party for the T-mobile sidekickII. At the party they were giving celebrities the phones covered in crystals from NYC. Oh, to be famous!!!!!!!! :(
I checked there web page its cool... u can just post ur mobile in and they will decorate it
By the way, I just noticed OCHANELO's phone... :heart:

I'm not in the states, so I'm gonna go buy me some stick on skin tatoo swarovski's and try and copy hers- will try to post pic when done :flower:
i really like this one!! i think the fewer colors (but more than 1) you use, the better. and it's not too 'bling bling' for me.

wonder why that nycpeach site doesn't do nokias??

Originally posted by studiolife@Nov 12 2004, 10:54 AM
I did mine and I love it. I ordered swarovski crystals off of ebay. I've done two phones now, and the trick seems to be to use smaller stones. If you use larger than 9ss you get spaces and they pop off really easy. I *prefer* to use 5ss, but those are almost impossible to handle. This phone (my new one) was done with 7ss.
mabye i should send my old spare mobile in to get decorated so i dont ruin my new moterola
You can't possibly ruin your phone if you buy a cover, put the stones on there, then switch the cover. Then you've just ruined a cover, not your phone. ;)

I love glittery cell phones! I'm waiting to buy a new one before I embelish it.
my friend who just moved to western PA would like to know where she can get hers done, if anywhere....ive never been there so im not sure...
Originally posted by *Addict_to_Fashion*@Nov 10 2004, 11:38 AM
My God.. it is sooo TACKY

I think it's tacky in a super obvious, fun way.

Nobody is trying to play off their "bling cells" as covered in diamonds. We all know they're just silly little crystals.

I think it's a totally neat thing.
the bigger the gems the tackier the phone looks.

the way studded phones should look is like the one studiolife posted. done very cute
Hi, after months of searching for a deal, I found someone in NJ that does the crystals for 180.00! I love it!! I did buy a new phone, I no longer have the treo. I have the samsung i500 which of course does not have an interchangable case. I shipped my phone from Chicago to NJ and had my phone back in a week. I just got it back today. It is so perfect there is not one crystal out of line! Anyone that is interested pm me and I will give you the info. I wish the picture came out better, it is so much prettier in person!
sandrac823 said:
No, I believe she had her phone done by NYC Peach. In one of my magazines she was at the launch party for the T-mobile sidekickII. At the party they were giving celebrities the phones covered in crystals from NYC. Oh, to be famous!!!!!!!! :(

yes, her phone was done by nyc peach. but i distinctly remember her lying about it in an interview once... she said she did it herself and that it took her "5 hours" ... :angry:

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