Designers Switching Houses & Moving to New Brands

The ugly truth is that 30 to 50 years in the future, Pinault, Belletini, etc won't be the protagonists of their stories, they'll be the supporting casts in Blazy, Michele and Demna's.
As along as the original sin is corporate greed, I don't think the system will ever change like we fighting in world politics. Those brands has become so big that they can no longer afford to cater a small crowd of customers that they are just wanting to be expensive Pierre Cardins(no insult to the designer who actually made designers clothing affordable) persuading gullible public to buy their products. The solution is either those brands scale back which is very unlikely (even Miuccia having total creative control over her brand with her husband on her side just wants to make as much as money she can by producing a lot of trashy products) or those creative talents all go independent(if they manage to profitable andsubstainable without falling in the trap of corporate greed again).
I've been told from inside Missoni that Grazioli was fired because nobody ever bought anything from his runway collections, and they were desperate
thats sad but i can totally see that happening unfortunately.. curious to understand if theyre doing any better now..?
impossible... they raised the prices x2 before grazioli was there and after. and i saw more stores open
That's bad....what is the point is no one is buying to raise the price...a shot into the foot...

And also sad Grazioli proposal wasn't well received but consumers....maybe he wasn't the right fit in the end...but if he was fired because of that,its not gonna be easy or fast to find a new house...people talk and that is a bad precedent for him and a risk for a house.
I can’t believe that Stefano Pilati made a lot of people care about his work again for a Zara 1off collab with nothing after…

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