Difficult Designer / Brand Pronunciation

^Huh? The 's' does get pronounced, but more like a 'z'. It is 'air-mez'.
How about Moschino?
Some says Moskino while others, moshino...
Which one is right?
The same goes to Bruno Magli...
Is it Maklee or Maylee?
Couture_Tribe said:
Well, I might have to correct Hermes.

It is not French I believe, it is Greek. In Greek Mythology, there are twelf gods/ goddess, Hermes is the god of making clothes. It is Her- mees.

BTW, I am not European, so I could be wrong, I am only saying according to English class.

Hermès is the surname of the founder, and Hermes the deity was not the god of making clothes. It is indeed air-mez, but there's no real rhyme or reason to why the consonant is pronounced (as far as I know), it's just one of those peculiarities of French. The exceptions are a pain to learn!
what about PANERAI


ilaughead said:
^Huh? The 's' does get pronounced, but more like a 'z'. It is 'air-mez'.

Sorry, I mistyped... I meant to ask if there was any technical reason why it does get pronounced.
Pssh. It's French. They just like adding consonants and vowels to words and randomly choose which to pronounce and which to keep silent!:lol:
borjacapella said:
might sound stupid but i've heard this in sooooooo many ways i dont know what to think anymore (blame on general spanish way of pronunciation)


i've heard

HIL (as HEEL) FIG (as FIGHT or FIGURE) ER (as in announcer)

the funniest i've ever heard.. and it wasnt a joke, is High-lifer... couldnt help laughing.. i would never imagine people actually said that... i though it was just a stupid joke :P


( what about Estée Lauder?? )

EST (like in ESTIMATE) EE (like in BED, but it's actually a 'closed' sound...) LAU (like in LOCKER) DER (with the french R ^_^ )
Belowen said:
Hermes = Er-mez

Is that right? :unsure:

Actually its Er-me
they don't pronounce z in it
and I always watch style.com's reviews to get the new designer names right:rolleyes:
^It really is Air-mez, look a little farther back in the thread to see why.

But I have a new one for you all: Lucas Ossendrijver. Is it just "Oss-en-dri-ver"?

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