Dries Van Noten S/S 2024 Paris

Very Dries, very pragmatic but...where is the magic of last season?

Thinking also of the Prada show: I know it's not a new thing but it's starting to really grate on me how ww shows seem to be so along the same lines of the mw ones that precede them, same patterns, same silhouettes, same fabrics, same venue, same everything. Where is the effect surprise?
At this point they might as well go co-ed (which I hate, just to be clear).
first collection from him I really don't like, it looks just lazy for lack of a better word
I like his Fall collections 10000X more but I will let this slide lol
The styling is really sloppy on some of the looks which is a shame because there is some great pieces that are getting lost. Obviously, the stripes, bodysuits, and hot pants get a big fat no, but everything else is pretty good. It's not his best work, but it's better than most of the lifeless clothes we saw in Milan.
A lot of very beautiful and desirable pieces but a terrible collection overall. The styling is a mess and it’s very confusing…
the styling is messy and overdone. but there are incredibly pieces. the draped items are tdf.
one cannot deny talent when it’s there.

not his best collection however, is he trying it be a little more commercial?
I felt a sense of nostalgia watching the show. Not sure if it was Hogwarts, the fact that some of these pieces came straight out of my childhood dresser or the wardrobe's of moms from private school circa 2000s.
I can appreciate how he kept his usual blast of colors and prints to a minimum this season. In recent years, I feel like he's been in the habit of going a smidge too overboard for my tastes with the colors and prints. Luckily, he kept his flowers in his garden and not on the runway.

This is all very fine and dandy, but is there anything new here that the usual DVN customer doesn't already have? The collegiate stripes are rather new to his womenswear, but I can't imagine many of his current customers would add these pieces to their "must have" list, and I doubt he's enticing new customers with them either. But, eh, what do I know about the shopping habits of the opposite sex?

It's funny to think that, at one point in time, him, Marni, and Prada complemented each other quite nicely. And nowadays, these three brands are on totally opposite sides of the style-spectrum. WTF is going on there?
Ever since he opened that store in LA hes lost his identity. Its still great though.
Lots of beautiful wearable pieces in this collection. Loved the colors and the styling but he can do better! specially if we compare to his previous season which was absolutely breathtaking and worth rewatching multiple times

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