Dries Van Noten Talks

Originally posted by mikeijames@Aug 31 2004, 10:40 AM
excellent article: one question though...does mr. van noten have a mrs. van noten?

i'm just curious :innocent:


According to the article, Mr. Van Noten has a companion :

among the guests were Van Noten's companion of 18 years, Patrick Vangheluwe

Thae article was superb. Thank you for posting this Lena :flower: I really admire Dries and his is the model I will follow when I start my own business.
Originally posted by stylegurrl@Aug 31 2004, 10:44 AM

According to the article, Mr. Van Noten has a companion :
Thae article was superb. :flower:

oh i thought the full text of the article was posted...i guess i should learn to read :blush:
Thank you so much for the article Lena.
I love his aesthetic. I too have that Surface issue that Faust mentioned. I'll look for it when I get home. It talked about his passion for gardening in that one too.
a man at the next table gets up and comes over to Van Noten. After begging his pardon, the man says, ''Are you Dries Van Noten?'' He then inquires if Van Noten's father plans to open his garden to the public soon. Van Noten says that he does. The man looks pleased. He remembers that the roses are particularly exceptional.

I love that part! :heart:
I liked that article a lot.

He reminds me of Issey Miyake. When I had met him after he came to speak at my school he seemed a bit suprised when I asked to take a picture with him. I think both of them are just people that don't really like the glitz and glamour of the high fashion industry, they just want to make clothes.
Great article!

His passion is so inspirational. And such an incredible thoughtfulness that flowed through this article indeed. Like his work. He and the rest of the Belgians are perfect archetypes of purity and soul.
Originally posted by Mutterlein@Aug 31 2004, 07:55 PM
I liked that article a lot.

He reminds me of Issey Miyake. When I had met him after he came to speak at my school he seemed a bit suprised when I asked to take a picture with him. I think both of them are just people that don't really like the glitz and glamour of the high fashion industry, they just want to make clothes.

the industry could use more of that...imo... :flower: :innocent: :heart:
Ok its official, we all love Dries! I love his attitude and the fact that he survived and became successful with his outlook on business and design! It gives me hope.
Originally posted by Scott@Sep 1 2004, 01:16 AM
Great article!

And such an incredible thoughtfulness that flowed through this article indeed. Like his work.

Imagine, even if Cathy Horyn (or whatever her name is) can't f*&k up an article about Dries, nobody can.
Cathy Horyn is fantastic journalist,though. She never F's up anything...always spot on and eloquate.
Originally posted by Scott@Sep 4 2004, 09:59 AM
Cathy Horyn is fantastic journalist,though. She never F's up anything...always spot on and eloquate.

Really??? I think she sucks. Just a personal opinion.
^^ Where do you go to school?? :D

Great article... how old is he? I must have missed it..
can someone email me this interview!?

Mutterlein said:
He reminds me of Issey Miyake. When I had met him after he came to speak at my school ......

i wondered where you went to school as well. meeting mr. miyake would be worth the price of admission. :heart:

now, does someone have a copy of this interview they'd be willing to email me? that would make my day. i can't seem to find any interviews with him.

thanks in advance, meme
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How is Dries Van Noten lately?

I love his work, I would say he is the only still around designer who can design both men & women line with same intergrity.

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