Dry Body Brushing


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Jan 24, 2005
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Does anyone dry body brush before they shower?

Benefits: good for the fight against cellulite, release of toxins around the glands (e.g. armpits), improved circulation, soft and glowing skin

Product: can be found at The Body Shop or any pharmacy

'The Cactus Body Brush'
the body shop.com

Instructions (by Zaire, vogue)
1.Start at your feet
2. Brush lightly on your skin in short (about 10-15cm) strokes UP your body towards your heart.
3. When you get to your chest/shoulders brush DOWN toward your heart.
4. Be a bit gentler on your decolletage.
5. Jump into the shower

*Regularly wash your brush to kill off bacteria
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Keep Your Skin Healthy and the Cellulite Goes Away
By Terri David

Article Word Count: 925 [View Summary] Comments (0)

Dry skin brushing is essential because the skin is the largest organ in the body, and is responsible for one-fourth of the body's detoxification each day. This also makes it, one of the most sources of elimination of toxins!

Toxicity can gather beneath the skin's surface from influences such as improper pH levels in soaps, creams and lotions, antiperspirants and deodorants as well as our environment in general.

When you do dry skin brushing you basically provide a lymphatic cleanse for your body. It works to lymph system to clean itself of the toxins that collect in the lymph glands. You use this simple technique to improve the circulation of the skin and stimulate the lymph glands. This also opens the pores of the skin, encouraging your body to discharge of metabolic wastes and toxins.

The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
Your body will have an improved ability to combat bacteria, and you will help your skin to look and feel healthier and more resilient!
HELPS Digestion.
Assists in reducing cellulite deposits.
STIMULATES Circulation.
INCREASES Cell Renewal.
CLEANS Lymphatic System.
REMOVES Dead Skin Layers, Tones and tightens the skin.
STRENGTHENS Immune System.
IMPROVES Exchange between Cells.
STIMULATES the Glands.
Stimulates better blood and lymph circulation for a lymphatic cleanse.
Stimulates nerve endings in the skin while also energizing the nervous system.
What's the point of dry skin brushing?
It will certainly enhance your skin and speed up cleansing. Remember that the skin is the largest eliminative organ of your body. But beyond that I recommend it was a lymph massage which also serves as a lymphatic cleanse. When lymph nodes swell, it indicates that they are working overtime to fight disease. In case of an uncontrolled infection, the lymphatics may act as an avenue to spread disease, providing direct access to the blood stream which can lead to severe poisoning of the body.

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system has no pump. The lymph system therefore needs exercise, muscle contractions and massage, which dry skin brushing provides.

Robert Gray, a well known nutritionist, says that five minutes per day of skin brushing is easily worth 30 minutes of vigorous physical exercise.

This issue is this: it is much better to clean out poisons from your body, rather than cutting out body parts that have been affected by many years of poisoning. Drugs cannot cleanse the body either.

In order to keep your skin clean and healthy, you should try to regularly indulge in dry skin brushing. Regular skin brushing can help to improve your skin health and it helps to stimulate lymph and blood circulation for the removal of impurities under the skin surface. This has the effect of enhancing the overall surface circulation of the skin.

Dry skin brushing speeds up the rate at which toxins are expelled from the body, because it motivates blood cells and lymph tissue, two key physiological detoxification avenues.

How To Do Dry Skin Brushing:

Purchase a NATURAL, NOT synthetic, bristle brush so it won't scratch the surface of the skin.
Buy a brush with a long handle, so you're able to get to those hard to reach areas of your body.
Do dry skin brushing, before showering or bathing, at least once per day, and twice, if possible.
Do NOT wet skin, since it this stretches the skin. The body has to be totally dry and naked.
Always brush lightly and gently and avoid broken skin, thread veins and varicose veins.
ALWAYS skin brush towards the heart with a sweeping type motion not a scrubbing motion.
Do circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen. For the rest of the body, brush clockwise in the morning as it is revitalizing and counter-clockwise in the evening as it is relaxing.
Do circular strokes over and around breasts, but do NOT brush the nipples.
Brush each part of your body several times, completely brushing your whole body.
Brush the soles of the feet first, because the nerve endings there affect the whole body, next brush the ankles, calves, and thighs, then brush across your stomach and buttocks and lastly brush your hands to the arms. Always brush toward the hear.
Take a warm bath or shower AFTER you skin brush, which should always be followed by a cool rinse at the end.
Wash your brush every few weeks in water and let it dry.
The skin is the largest eliminative organ of the body. Regular dry skin brushing removes dead skin cells and stimulates the skin to eliminate toxins more efficiently. This speeds up the internal cleansing of the body and reduces stress to the kidneys, lungs, and colon, which also assists in the elimination of waste.

Keeping Your Skin Healthy Dry skin brushing helps remove dead cells, stimulates circulation and lymph drainage. Poor lymph drainage is linked to cellulite, arthritis, hypertension and even depression. This practice keeps skin healthy and functioning well.

It can enhance the health of your whole system. Your skin will feel softer and your consciousness stimulated. The skin is the largest organ of elimination and discharges over a pound of waste products each day. Dry brushing in the morning helps support this process. (In traditional Chinese medicine the skin is seen as the third lung.) This five to ten-minute ritual feels wonderful, and inspires you to wake up and move into your day with a fresh countenance. Additionally, it is an excellent treatment for cellulite. Rinse off in the shower afterwards if you like.

For More On Health and Cleansing go to www.natural-cure-alternatives.com

Terri David holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from Grand Valley State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University.

Although her degrees are a far cry from nutrition, it just goes to prove that she loves to learn and she brings her website www.natural-cure-alternatives.com to you to share her knowledge and expertise in the field of natural health. She has studied under a number of highly respected natural health professionals. Not only has she become knowledgeable in natural health but also has become an expert in the field of spiritual and personal growth. She is a certified NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming) trainer, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Time Line Therapist, 4T Facilitator, Reiki Energy Healer and Silva Mind Method Graduate.

Currently Terri consults, coaches and trains clients to achieve their desired results when it comes to personal goals, overcoming health issues or business success.

Information in this article is educational purposes only.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terri_David
I am so glad you posted this! I have been considering a 3 day mini detox plan which includes body brushing. I think I'm sold!
I like the idea of dry brushing and just need to pick up a brush but I don't see how going clockwise on one area versus anti-clock wise on another area makes any sense.
I just finished Dry Brushing my body ( coz I was ultra bored)... and I must admit, it feels AMAZING afterwards!

All of a sudden, I feel tingles of energy through me. I love how it makes your skin smooth, and in the same time invigorates your circulation!

I just finished Dry Brushing my body ( coz I was ultra bored)... and I must admit, it feels AMAZING afterwards!

All of a sudden, I feel tingles of energy through me. I love how it makes your skin smooth, and in the same time invigorates your circulation!


I really need to do this! What type/brand brush do you have? I'm looking to buy one but feeling confused as to which one I should buy.
^ Don't make it too technical when choosing a brush. It's as simple as going anywhere where they sell bath equipment, and choose a brush with Bristles that you would feel comfortable rubbing your body with dry. ( Usually, my recommendation is something firm, in the mean time soft... do you know what I mean?)

Mine is a simple Shower Brush that is firm, but it's bristels are soft, so I can rub my skin without too much pain, but effectively. Again, choose something that you feel comfortable with (only YOU know what your skin can handle!)
i've never heard of this. i always thought those brushes were to be used with soap. :lol:
just started dry brushing this morning... i am hoping that it will help the cellulite to clear up a bit alteast before July. Does anyone know if you have to do your whole body to get the effects or can you just do your legs?

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