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I still have Cameron Hammond in the soft pornographer category of 35mm swim photographers. He could pivot his work to a more mature / less horny sensibility but most of is still super close up crotch shots with water dripping from between two legs, girls suggestively drinking from a lawn hose, crushed watermelons over skin etc. All the corny swim cliches. There's so many of the horny 35mm swim photographers now that it has all started to look identical. Also because they all use the same cameras and lenses and film. Nikon FM3's etc. They all want to be Purienne, but the difference between what Purienne does and the imitators is that his entire life is aesthetically identical to the images. At his place in LA every item speaks to 70's hedonism, Bauhaus design etc. Every fork, every chair, every piece of furniture. The Cameron Hammonds of the world are just out taking titty pictures with no real voice that makes it any other than barely there nudity, which is pretty hollow.
You're right. I actually came back to your post after just seeing a story with Luna and Birgit and wondering how they suddenly went from looking very high-fashion to kind of raunchy/instagram model vibes, then I scrolled up to see who shot it and it was Cameron Hammond so I came back to see what you had written lol.I still have Cameron Hammond in the soft pornographer category of 35mm swim photographers. He could pivot his work to a more mature / less horny sensibility but most of is still super close up crotch shots with water dripping from between two legs, girls suggestively drinking from a lawn hose, crushed watermelons over skin etc. All the corny swim cliches. There's so many of the horny 35mm swim photographers now that it has all started to look identical. Also because they all use the same cameras and lenses and film. Nikon FM3's etc. They all want to be Purienne, but the difference between what Purienne does and the imitators is that his entire life is aesthetically identical to the images. At his place in LA every item speaks to 70's hedonism, Bauhaus design etc. Every fork, every chair, every piece of furniture. The Cameron Hammonds of the world are just out taking titty pictures with no real voice that makes it any other than barely there nudity, which is pretty hollow.