Evanna Lynch

Honestly, that taking "Luna too seriously thing?" I honestly think her personality kind of runs along that meter-kind of spacey but angelic. I adored her and it has been the only time I've been happy with the casting of the younger set in the HP movies.
Evanna Lynch - "The Dark Night" London premiere (July 21, celebutopia).

she looks great. This is the best I'v seen of her.

I've found 2 more

credits to:http://www.gryffindorgazette.com

Here’s Evanna Lynch, the perfectly cast actress who plays Luna Lovegood, looking gorgeous in a vintage-looking burgundy gown at the London premiere of The Dark Knight. Any of you lovely readers seen this movie yet? It looks pretty good


Shes so sweet but I think the sparkly face stuff is a bit much... :)
She looks really good, though.
credit mugglenet.com

new pics from harry potter and the half blood prince

Look at that Lion hat, it is amazing!

OMG, I LOVED THIS PICTURES HER EYES... excpet the last one of course, she looks kind-of deformed, but the rest..a re lvoely!
aww i love evanna lynch
when you listen to her in interviews she sounds just as much away with the pixies as luna!
she looks great at the premiere! i really hope she gets a lot of working opportunities after harry potter ends. i think shes the most talented of all the cast.
Looking great. She´s perfect Luna - she looks and acts exactly how I´ve imagined her while reading the books.
Evanna Lynch leaves Claridges hotel carrying a mysterious box. London, UK. 06/07/2009

Celeb Mad
^ love that outfit

Evanna at the dublin premiere


love the dress, it's a really nice colour on her, she looks really pretty
she is so cute, and indeed talented! she was soo lucky to get the role. i've never seen that photoshoot! she looked great there!
wow short hair.

she looks sooo much better!

i really like the dress and shoes.

great outfit! kuddos for her!

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