Faith Hill: Sore Loser ?

Leann Rimes stirs the pot ....


Thinking she would somehow help out her friend, she posted this message to her official website, "Okay, I usually keep quiet on topics like this but I feel I need to stand up for my friend, Faith. She was just being honest and emotional like every other person sitting at home with an opinion. These awards shows are SO political and we all get fed up with them. We all work very hard and have for many years so to see someone come in and win Female Vocalist that has been here for a VERY short time, is a little disheartening."

She went on to say, "That is why we have the Horizon award and Carrie had an incredible year, enough to sweep that one. I don't think Faith was angry about her loss, she probably felt, as I did that Carrie has not paid her dues long enough to fully deserve that award. As artists and public figures, we have to keep our feelings so repressed so we don't get called ungrateful as Faith has on this board many times now. She is a very sweet and gracious woman, whom I adore. Please cut her some slack!"
^ Oh good lord, Leann, what are you doing?! It's just making it worse! She should have just said, 'we all know that Faith Hill has a wonderful sense of humor and was just making light of the moment" or something like that.

I don't think it was really a tasteless joke; I think she was just trying to ease the seriousness of the whole awards show drama. Unfortunately, it backfired. I think it's kind of like trying to make a joke on an internet forum--- you have to be careful how you word it because it might translate differently over the internet.

I doubt Faith was really that bothered by not getting the award; she's a huge star, she doesn't need a CMA award to validate her career.

I'm not really a big fan of Carrie but I gotta admit that her 'Before He Cheats' song is awesome!
good point ^^ great post...

It was funny to me....
I feel it was a joke...some people can't get sarcasm
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I like Faith Hill but that was tactless on her part. I'm no country listening cheeseball and I dont care much for Carrie Underwood, although she can sing but the ego popping divas should ease up when it's appropriate. :lol:
Award shows are pointless....nothing reaks more then the word politics written all over it. That's why I can't stand watching sh*t like Oscars, Emmy, etc, etc....
Oh man LeAnn..what were you thinking dear....I wonder if Faith will bitchslap her for that..or maybe it's part of an inside joke continuing further..o_o
:lol: soon after Leann made that post Faith 's people immediately called Rimes to never mention CMA and the debacle...then all of the sudden the comment was erased. :lol: :lol:
I agree with CelineChic, IF it was a joke Faith could've giggled afterwards or winked or smiled whichever it would've been justified as a joke. She didn't and mouthed "sh!t".... BUT as Network ABC noted: It appeared that she shouted 'What?!', then quickly composed herself.

"...then quickly composed herself", meant she realized what she did unbeknowst at the fit-of-the-moment that the bloody camera was on her , did she realized she "F'd UP" on national TV. :lol: Sorry, that was no joke. But of course to cover her screw up her publicist insist it was. Heck, I'd say it too to save face. :lol:

I don't know how anyone can say it was a joke and agreed with Faith and her publicist that it is. Seriously, if you or your daughter , who was a winner of American's Next Top Model and got high profiled, lucrative campaigns in only 6 months of your tenure, won the coveted GLamour Award beating the veteran Gemma Ward, Amanda, Freja, Erin, Lily who was in the running, did what Faith did and said "WHAT?!?!?!" throwing her arms in the air, with a serious face but obviously upset and quickly composing herself soon after in front of the camera. And the next day her and her publicist comes out with a statement that it was just a joke. Do you really think you're going to laugh with her? Do you think your mother would be laughing too? Hell F'n no, you and especially your mother would be cursing Gemma till hell and back over that tactless showmanship.:lol:

And I heard Faith did something similar to Martina McBride in the past but she was laughing. People are saying last Monday was no laughing matter. :innocent:
Another take on Faith Hill's hissy fit ....

Why is Keith Urban bloated? I thought he wasn't going to show up?

*Look at Faith 's reaction backstage after she finished her performance. As The camera zoomed at her , she's all smiles and confident when they announced her name as one of the nominees. It's obvious she thought nailed it and was ready to walk out and accept the award. :lol:

I was told that those that perform right before announcing the said category usually take the award. :innocent: Could explain Faith's sudden outburst?
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Diddy Spoofs Hill .....

apparently not for Diddy :lol:

Diddy Spoofs Hill And West's Award Show Angst

10th November 2006 06:53:09
Diddy Spoofs Hill And West's Award Show Angst.... Rapper Sean 'Diddy' Combs has mocked Faith Hill's on-camera gaffe at the Country Music Awards and Kanye West's outburst at the Mtv Europe Music Awards after they both lost out on top prizes.
Hill was caught on camera on Monday night (06Nov06) looking unhappy when Carrie Underwood took home the Female Vocalist Of The Year prize, while West stormed the stage at the Mtv EMAs last week (02Nov06) after missing out on the Best Video award.

Combs appeared on US talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday night and appeared in a hilarious video clip where he was inserted as the nominee at the Cmas instead of Hill.
When Underwood's name was announced, Combs was seen saying, "Hell, no. I know y'all ain't saying what I think you just said.
"Put the camera on me, man, I am country music. When the Country Music Awards does not give Diddy an award, the Country Music Awards loses all credibility".
When an assistant tries to calm him down, he smashes a pitcher of water over his head saying, "Get the f**k out of here.

"There would be no Brooks or Dunn or Toby Keith or nobody if it wasn't for me, Diddy. I am country music!" He added, "You better give me my mother-f**king award, you country mother-f**kers," before storming off camera.
VainJane said:
^ Oh good lord, Leann, what are you doing?! It's just making it worse! She should have just said, 'we all know that Faith Hill has a wonderful sense of humor and was just making light of the moment" or something like that.

I don't think it was really a tasteless joke; I think she was just trying to ease the seriousness of the whole awards show drama. Unfortunately, it backfired. I think it's kind of like trying to make a joke on an internet forum--- you have to be careful how you word it because it might translate differently over the internet.

I doubt Faith was really that bothered by not getting the award; she's a huge star, she doesn't need a CMA award to validate her career.

I'm not really a big fan of Carrie but I gotta admit that her 'Before He Cheats' song is awesome!

But didn't it seem like an honest reaction to you?:huh:
She blurted it out so fast that I think it was exactly what popped into her mind at that moment.
I just think she is silly to lie....all celebs are so silly about stuff like this:rolleyes: ...
protecting their "image" so much!!
I would have just owned up to thinking I was going to win and being surprised I didn't....
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I wasn't going to watch it..but I just did..and it sort of looked like a joke to me, maybe on in poor taste..but she did it well after Carrie's name had been announced...and she did it really quickly, like somebody sticking their tongue out at the camera. I dunno o_o
well... in my opinion i can't blame her. faith is tons better than Carrie!!!
ok, jk. Even if Carrie is extremely overrated (actually, i hate country music in general), it's still not appropriate on her part.
Oh God, this is so lame. She was clearing joking! She had a big smile on her face and it was so stagey. No one spontaneously reacts like that. People are just seeking controversy at every opportunity :rolleyes:
I was in Nashville a couple weeks ago and apparently a lot of music industry insiders are saying Faith was truely upset. I have no clue if faith was joking or not. On one side it seems totally out of character for her to do that since she is so sweet natured. But then again, her and time did have a good year with their tour and she was coming back to her country roots with this last album. What I can't believe is either one of them (faith or carrie) thought that they could win over Martina or Sara? Sara had a fabulous year and won the ACM female vocalist just a short while ago. I personally don't like Carrie's voice all that much so I wasn't rooting for her but it didn't look like a joke when faith said "what!" then stormed off the camera. Usually when you're joking you laugh and do something to make sure people know you're joking. I think its fair for some people to get upset over it, how were we suppose to know she was joking? When she didn't make it clear she was?
I like Faith Hill but that was tactless on her part. I'm no country listening cheeseball and I dont care much for Carrie Underwood, although she can sing but the ego popping divas should ease up when it's appropriate.

What's wrong with being upset about not winning. I think all of us has felt upset one time in our lives for losing. At least she didn't go completely off like Kayne West. Now THAT was over-reacting.
I think this whole thing was concoted by the CMA's to get some people to notice them..i mean honestly.

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