Originally posted by mikeijames@Dec 26th, 2003 - 9:32 am
there is a very pronounced strain of elitism in fashion...in fact, if you think about the function of clothing and accessories, outside of protection from the elements, everything else about them is ostentation. with that said, i find our society a very frustrating one to exist in as a lover of fashion simply because unlike the other functional artforms (painting, let's say)...a look, trend, or item can be featured in a show this monday, by this friday it has already gone into mass production at a number of firms that have had no hand in the creation of such items...i love the fact that my teenager can wear knock off balenciaga cargos at the same time i wear my authentic ones, i just think this robs the fashion industry of the creativity that it has survived on for the past few years.
we're moving back into a time where the rich will go back to wearing uniform-like well-made clothes (the bespoke and the couture) and leave the excitement of fashion to the masses. while i don't completely hate this direction, it is sad for those of us who loved accessible fashion.