In the spirit of discussion (and a slight bit of

's advocacy), I'll bite and say this does sound extremely snobbish.
Here on The Fashion Spot we're hypersensitive to the luxury industry. Just as messageboards devoted to house music (for instance) are full of people griping about how "the mainstream" is ruining the scene, we too get protective of our buys.
Ask yourself what sets you apart from the "mainstream?" How come you're allowed to buy a Coach item and keep the Integrity of Luxury flying high while "12 year old girls, hip-hoppers, and teeny boppers" dilute it?
Is it because we know and appreciate the quality and craftsmanship? Is is because we're filled with trivia about the designer? Is it because we know someone that knows someone that knows Tiiu?
I don't think anyone at Coach headquarters is particularly bummed out about a packed store. Also you must consider who actually bought an item there as opposed to merely internally window-shopping.
Thanks to financing, people drive cars and live in houses they can't afford. Similarly, credit cars make a Coach item attainable for some. There's no prerequisite for discretionary income or hip knowledge to buy luxury goods.
Remember Jack Black's character in
High Fidelity? Should Coach sales staff quiz prospective customers
before they can buy?
We've got 270 million people in the US. There is no one "mainstream" anyway, just a bunch of trends with good PR.