Fashion East - Gareth Pugh S/S 06 London


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Jul 8, 2005
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Fashion East - Gareth Pugh S/S 06 London

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i like it, its a bit like what mcqueen used to be like.
I find this one a little disturbing.

It's a little too S&M for my taste.
And finally, the type of show that should be given a health warning. From the moment the spooky screeching music came on you knew it didn't deserve a review, but nothing could stop the mind mutilation. You know the scene in the latest Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith where Anakin Skywalker gets chopped up and burnt to a smouldering crisp when he takes on Obi-one? Yes? The melted face? Dismembered limbs? This was scarier - colour co-ordinated in red and white. This is not fashion, this is a nightmare, regardless of the fact that it took the boy two weeks to make a pair of fur trousers. Let's not create a modern day Emperor's New Clothes scenario.

from vogue
i dont like it personally, but it is interesting....
VICTIM said:
And finally, the type of show that should be given a health warning. From the moment the spooky screeching music came on you knew it didn't deserve a review, but nothing could stop the mind mutilation. You know the scene in the latest Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith where Anakin Skywalker gets chopped up and burnt to a smouldering crisp when he takes on Obi-one? Yes? The melted face? Dismembered limbs? This was scarier - colour co-ordinated in red and white. This is not fashion, this is a nightmare, regardless of the fact that it took the boy two weeks to make a pair of fur trousers. Let's not create a modern day Emperor's New Clothes scenario.

from vogue

Well its about time someone scars the crap out of the fashion industry because Im sick of reviews that glamourize the oh so boring world of fashion that has become the mainstream. Look at Mcqueen now, he gets rave reviews for his much more toned down collections, but he started off with people screaming in their seats because of his avant-gardisim. Fashion is many things not just the skirt or blouse of the season and its not about describing that "Black is the new black." I think it is the fashion periodicals responsibility to showcase the avant gardists because they will pave the future of will inspire the next generation.

So Yes this collection is crazy, large scaled and unfunctional. but since was fashion only described as functional and a pretty skirt!!!!!

Designers showcase every season their concepts in fashion. The mundane consumers that purchase these pieces of clothing are not even wearing them as the designer wouldlike. People buy a Prada jacket and pair it with a tank top and jeans and a designer bag! I dont beleive that is fashion! That is someone who could afford designer clothing and that in turn makes them think they are fashionable. Well your not! I want to see someone show up to a show with this young designers clothing on...then you will be fashion forward!!!!

Its time to screw fashion up!!!!
Usually I appreciate crazy, unique, creative fashion, but this is too much for me. I like the second 'outfit' and that is it. I much preferred Spijkers en Spijkers in the Fashion East show...

This is a glow in the dark coat by Gareth;

i didn't know spijkers and spijkers were in fashion show east. love their stuff.

I actually really like that red suit...thing. Obviously, not as something wearable, but it looks like the thing has growths on it, and i just find that funny/interesting. It does remind me a bit of old mcqueen, but vogue should use those reviews for some of other shows
His stuff is so costumey, I like what he does, even if it looks kind of amature . he's geting alot of press rigth now, but I think if wants to continue he is going to need to move away from the super costumey stuff.
i love the sculpture in that glow in the dark coat
i think it's fabulous! so individualistic and fun... but i do agree with vogue...*why* does this show need a review from them? they dont! i think they should go back to their zac posens and and gwen stefanis and let the man do his thang~
way too mcqueen for me and way too fashion school.
Gareth is just trying too hard, it seems like it isnt what he really wants to do (asthetic wise). McQueen made that whole terrifying thing beautiful, he just has the talent to make it beautifully morbid, kind of sick the way the clothes are made but they're still beautifully made...
I don’t often post here because my fashion world credentials are nil, but as a consumer with a long memory of styles and times gone by, I can say with confidence that more of the apparently outrageous design elements and shapes offered by the likes of Gareth Pugh will ultimately find their way into mainstream fashion than any of the bleached-out rags shown by what I call the Miss Havisham school of designers (no names – I value my life!).

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