Fashion= Superficiality ?

Those same people talking about superficiality are full of ****. I find its the ones that have no sense of style at all, or cant afford it that talk that way. I know that people look at me and judge me by the way i look and dress, especially at my childrens school. I have always had my own unique style of dressing, and wont give that up for anyone regardless of what they say, least of all a few miserable and jealous gossiping housewives. The last thing i heard was that our car was a porche(its a Cadillac Escalade) that cost £80,000, which it didnt. They dont even know the differences between a Porche and a Cadillac, and they are gossiping:angry: . These women have nothing better to do, they pretend when they see me coming, with the fake smiles an all, then once im gone they are discussing my bags, car and Lord knows what else.

Take no notice of people who talk that way. I spot the most fakes on women at the school, but i couldnt careless, because its not important,whether their bags are genuine or not. i try my best never to judge people, maybe because its happened to me most of my life, but to say superficial,i would never say that i was superficial, because as much as i love fashion i see it as more of an artform,and i exjoy expressing myself. I look at the design, cleanliness of lines, stitching etc, rather than the label. I enjoy scrutinising my clothes, shoes and handbags. If that makes me superficial then so be it:innocent:
softgrey said:
i would say that the vast majority of people who are into 'fashion' are incredibly superficial...imho...

Seems quite true, even at the top level. I own that i-D book of interviews with fashion designers and a large number of them come across as idiots.
I thing that yes, fashion is very superficial.

Why try to turn it around to something its not?

Its just fashion, all about the way you look. Therefore yes, it is superficial, and there is nothing wrong with being a bit-superficial.
PrinceOfCats said:
Seems quite true, even at the top level. I own that i-D book of interviews with fashion designers and a large number of them come across as idiots.

I totally agree PoC - they speak utter gobsh*te don't they. Its like they talk in riddles of gobbledegook. I think Marc Jacobs was particulary bad but many of they were just as terrible - trying to be oh so clever & cerebral. I couldn't be ars*d reading a lot of it.....
I've never had anybody tell me I'm superficial to my face- but I know that is what some of my friends once tried to "hint" towards me. They were trying to explain to me how I only shop at stores leaning on the expensive side, and it seemed like they were kind of POed at me because of it. I will admit- I do prefer stores that have good quality and I usually prefer their items, but that does not mean I am superficial or snobby in any way. It is just the way I think. I like to save my money and buy things I love rather than spend my money on something I only think is mediocore.
helena said:
I totally agree PoC - they speak utter gobsh*te don't they. Its like they talk in riddles of gobbledegook. I think Marc Jacobs was particulary bad but many of they were just as terrible - trying to be oh so clever & cerebral. I couldn't be ars*d reading a lot of it.....

Hah! Same. I forced myself to read cover to cover but some of it was mile-high in prentension...
When I was in primary school my mum used to own a Childrens clothing shop. My mum has a terribly good sense of style, so she stocked the eurpean brands. Oilily, IKKS, Confetti, Jean Bourget(sp?) etc.

Now i ADORED these clothes with all my heart. I was bought up in a world of beautiful clothes that other girls i knew couldn't get. I wasn't stuck up about it though, I even got embarassed sometimes when I was wearing something 'different' and I'd get stared at by the other girls.Usually because they were jealous, there were nasty coments made:(..stuff them:innocent:

My mum recently closed the shop..surprisingly at the same point I grew out of all of the clothes:shifty: . My parents split up and finaces aren't as 'big' shall we say:doh:. I'm losing it having to buy not so gorgeous clothes! And I'm starting to shop with my friends, which i am not used to:lol:, even my really good friends think i am being superficial trying to get stuff similar to the catwalk stuff!

It really hurts me and i hate it. I don't only see gorgeous clothes that people who hav some money wear i see a way to express myself...WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEE THAT!!!

ohhhh, i'm going shopping with a friend tomorrow and i'll try not to go, OMG that looks so much like the top in Chloé A/W 2005.

HAHAHHHAHAH IM WATCHING CLUELESS!!! and she's obsessed with fashion and she was just called superficial, hahahaha how convinient!!!!:lol:
You can still have deep ideas and be concerned about fashion.

I just don't see the link.
goeth314 said:
You can still have deep ideas and be concerned about fashion.

I just don't see the link.
Definitely, but most of the "fashion people" I know are pretty superficial.

I think the determining factor is the reason you brought fashion into your life in the first place. Are you into fashion because you're superficial or because you love fashion? Simple as that.
I read Nietzsche.
I will have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (hopefully) within a few weeks.

I love fashion and beauty.

Do I qualify for superficial?
There is no relation like you said Goeth

I'm doing my Medecine and I love fashion. But I still think you can be superficial and beeing at University and reading Nietzsche.
I'm not saying you are and I am, I'm the starter of this Thread lol.

But for some people, you and me maybe are only because we love fashion.
That is the point :p
the superficial ones are those who work 'around' fashion (assistands, start ups etc),
the ones working 'inside' fashion -i mean high posts- are not superficial at all,
trust me guys.. they manage huge companies and they are very very serious people.
i don't know...
i think plenty of people who take their jobs in fashion very seriously and who are in a position of power, are still driven by superficiality..which i think basically means a preoccupation with the 'surface' and external things-
ie-the way someone looks or dresses...i mean...that's essentially what fashion is's about the exterior and's about the surface...(there's even a magazine called that)

and those who aren't so focused on the surface are judged and whispered about by baily of harper's bazaar...

of course i am referring basically to fashion editors...not designers...i like designers a lot better..that's why it's so hard for me to work at a magazine....i think they are the absolute worst of the fashion bunch...i love meeting and/or working with's a whole different attitude...they are usually so passionate and's really great...:flower:
are rei, issey, yohji, junya, hussein chalayan rooted in superficiality or pretension? also i agree w/ soft's last post. fashion can be seen as art, it can be spiritual, which is what i see the bunch i just mentioned as, or it can be contrived and empty. i'll risk sounding to "arty" --it is like anything else, it's not absolute.
AlexN said:
I know. So was I. ;)
Sorry it was a misunderstanding.
Ignore my comment above.
I just think that there is no link between fashion/superficiality. It's a common mistake to relate independent events. I just made it myself.

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