Favourite Cleanser / Cleanser Recommendations

i adore OCM. its like... heaven. it maybe didnt work cause you didnt do it the right way??
i love the Clean & Clear Continuous Control Acne Wash with the matching moisturizer, clearsil face mask
Clean & Clear Morning Burst. i tried their stuff before and hated it but this one i liked, my coworker recommended it to my sister so she bought it so i use hers hehe.. its a good basic cleanser to get rid of makeup or that greasy residue from using waterproof eye makeup remover. i have normal skin but its really gentle, not drying and my skin feels a little softer afterwards.
The only cleanser that really helps clear my skin is Oxy's Daily Wash. It has ten percent benzoyl perxoide. I am not too keen of that on my skin because it might lead to premature aging but it's really the only thing that works for me.
^ Is that different from Oxy Deep Cleansing Wash? Because I'm using this one and it doesn't contain Benzoyl Peroxide...instead it has Isopropyl Methylphenol and Vitamin C & E :flower: And it works really great too.
I use two and swear by them both:
Aesop Fabulous face cleaser and SKII foaming face cleanser and cleansing oil. Jurlique ultra sensitive cleanser is lovely too...
I use a mix of E. Excel Elemente Revitalizing Cleanser and Philosophy Purity makes my skin feel nice and soft. :)
I swear by Ole Henriksen's On The Go Cleanser,
. . . the only facial product that makes me look forward, with excitement might I add, to the beauty ritual process. If you've seen what exhilaration of using a shampoo product can give you (Herbal Essence commercial), then you'll understand the sort of sensation I get from working up a nice lather with this cleanser . . . the burst of vitamin C stimulates my senses in such a frenzy, that it has been making me say "Oh Yes, yes, yes!" day and night for years now . . . give it a try. I believe Sephora carries the line, so if you must sample before commiting, just simply ask one of the associates for one.

I also recommend, Dr. Hauschka's Cleansing Milk and Clarin's Gentle Foaming Cleanser both of which I used interchangeably, before I became loyal to the aforementioned.

IMG credits: olehenriksen.com, clarins.com, drhauschka.com
I only use Cetaphil on my face, and even then I only wash every other day. I remember my Chemistry teacher once telling us that the best thing to wash your face is just water. Good or bad, I've pretty much sworn by that for years and my skin is excellent.
I only use Cetaphil on my face, and even then I only wash every other day. I remember my Chemistry teacher once telling us that the best thing to wash your face is just water. Good or bad, I've pretty much sworn by that for years and my skin is excellent.
Water cannot properly cleanse your face, so you've got good genes on your side. Or just good skin naturally.
Does your face feel tight and dry after cleansing with Cetaphil? All clients I've seen who use Cetaphil (I'm an aesthetician) have a ton of comedones (blackheads) and their surface of their skin is very dehydrated and stripped.
I use Dermalogica Ultracalming Cleanser and I really like it. I have ridiculously sensitive skin and a lot of cleansers I have tried have been terrible on my skin but this one is just perfect.
Water cannot properly cleanse your face, so you've got good genes on your side. Or just good skin naturally.
Does your face feel tight and dry after cleansing with Cetaphil? All clients I've seen who use Cetaphil (I'm an aesthetician) have a ton of comedones (blackheads) and their surface of their skin is very dehydrated and stripped.

Well I am not really a fan of the clear gel-like Cetaphil, it feels very harsh, but when I use the white, creamier formula, I have never experienced tightness or dryness. I actually love it because it gives me skin an almost dewey glow.
I'm addicted to Liz Earle's products, I use the Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser but without the cloth part. You can order sample/travel sizes of all the products on the website if you want to try them: www.lizearle.com

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