Favourite Movie Scene?

The funny thing is when you watch the movie and the skirt's blowing you only see the lower part of her leg but as it turns out stills were shot of the skirt blowing all the way up to be used for publicity
Atelier said:
Three come to mind.

The Last of the Mohicans
Uncas is toast and Alice is left bereft. They had nothing in common except being horny for each other. Anyway, Magua motions at her to follow him but instead she chooses to fling herself off the mountain. The expression on Magua's face is amazing: complete incomprehension that a girl would swan dive into boulders over a dumb guy.

i love that scene :cry: gets me every time i watch it!
Say Anything - when John Cusack holds the boombox over his shoulders in front of her window and plays "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.

Girl, Interrupted - when Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder sit in front of someone's room after curfew and sing and play "Downtown"
Tinuviel said:
Did a search, doesn't seem to be any such topic other than fave movie endings/lines.
So, what are your fave movie scenes?

-David Bowie`s appearance in Fire Walk with me! :woot:
-The Walk-Off in Zoolander! :lol:
Pirates of the carribean - the introduction of Capt. Jack Sparrow. (funny)
Moulin Rouge - tango scene (dramatic)
My Fair Lady - ascot (fashionable and funny)
A room with a view - the first kiss. (oh the romance!)
The ending of An Officer and a Gentleman......when Richard Gere picks up Debra Winger and carries her out.
when they all start singing 'say a little prayer' in the restauraunt scene in 'my best friends wedding' :wub:
american graffitti

american graffitti, every scene

what scene do you like??
Harvz88 said:
the chapstick scene in Napoleon Dynamite:D
that whole movie cracked me up! :lol: thanks for giving me a laugh today.

my favorite movie scene (for the moment at least) is in Casa de los Babys when two women tell their stories of motherhood to each other. one is a story of loss of a child told by a maid who speaks only spanish, the other is a story of longing for a child told by a hotel guest who only speaks english. they manage to connect through their stories even though they don't understand a word the other is saying. LOVE THAT.
My favorite is still the classic scene in Steel Magnolias where Mlynn is standing just after Shelby's funeral in front of the casket finding it hard to tear herself away probably reminiscing about her daughter as she was growing up, and she has just asked for a compact and realizes FINALLY that her hair DOES look like a brown football helmet and totally loses it, and then Clari offers to let her hit Weeza to relieve the tension...:heart:
It's amazing how good films can have such an effect on you, some of these brought back some nice memories. :heart:
fab_fifties_fille said:
when they all start singing 'say a little prayer' in the restauraunt scene in 'my best friends wedding' :wub:

Love that scene! Rupert Everett stole the show. Which reminds me of Almost Famous where they all started singing Tiny Dancer on the bus. I love the scene where Kate Hudson is dancing in an empty hall.
:heart: Steel Magnolias, the scene when Sally Field was crying & ranting after the funeral was so heart wrenching and I love Weezer with that crazy dog & Olympia Dukakis lol.

Shirley Maclaine is also in another funny scene I remember from Mrs Winterbourne - the last part of the movie where she, the butler and the bride and groom (Brendan Fraser:heart: ) all start confessing to the same crime which they did not even commit and the cop goes what are you all confessing for, we've already got the killer!
graffitti- blowup

OK in american graffitti:
when dj wolfman jack gives curt a popsickle cos the fridge is broken. curt came to the omniscient dj voice wolfman in seach of guidance & life wisdom. the entire film is punctuated by the wolfman's voiceover & playimng endless 50s/60s radio hits. the wolfman says 'Im not the wolfman, thats a guy hundreds of miles away in mexico.' as curt is leaving he peeks in again & of course that IS the wolfman announcing another record. also curt is driving by and suzaane sommers [looking the best she ever did] mouths 'i love you' to him from a passing car.
also when Toad tries to buy booze at a 24 hour store. the way the cashier says 'you got an ID for that liquor?' is priceless. of course Toad does score the booze & he gets drunk w/super hottie candy clark. also when Milner the hotrod supercool stud looks at his date & its mackenzie phillips, looking all of 12 years old. normally milner wouild date a 17 or 18 year old. he is chivalrous and keeps her in the car, but makes her keep her head down whenever fellow 'coolsters' pass by. milner also says 'the beach boys are kids stuff' and mackenzie says 'the beach boys are boss!!' thats another of my fave lines ever in a movie. and at the end when the beach boys' 'all summer long' plays over the closing credits, the way the text comes on the screen out the airplane window to the beat of the xylophone in the song is another genius movie moment [imo american graffitti, by george lucas, far surpasses any of the star wars films.]

in blow up, when hemmings & veruschka are at the london party, everybody is drunk & high, and he says to her 'I thought you were in paris?' and she drags on a doob and says 'I am.'
when hemmings returns from shooting the bums & prison inmates & he tosses a few rolls of film at his assistant and says to print them. his super cavalier acting is so hot. also his uniform of white jeans, a light blue oxford shirt, a navy velvet jacket & beatle boots. when he buys a huge airplane propellar at a junk shop & throws it in the back of his rolls royce convertible. irs sticking out the sides of this ultra-luxe car & he acts like its nothing.
the way the clowns & pierroths joy ride through london so unfettered among uptight business squares. the way hemmings joins the clowns & mines in the imaginary game of tennis at the end of the film, even though you hear a tennis ball pplop, its not there, a visual symbol of the films theme of reality vs unreality & perception being untrustworthy.
when hemmings photographs vanessa redgrave in the park with her lover, the way she comes chasing up to him afterwards all out of breath.
when hemmings meets his art dealer at the cafe, the dealer is served an eggs & beans brunch. hemmings inspects it, and instead of ordering a meal in the traditional waym, he points at the eggs & points at his mouth with his finger. the primordial, unspoken way he does that is incredibly sexy.
hemmings observes his downstairs artist neighbour paint these abstract paintings taht are really messy. hemmings drools over them to the guy & wants to buy some, buit you just know he thinks they suck and he is atually laughing at them. the dual level to hemmings performance there is brilliant, he convinces the artist he likes them but you can totally tell he thinks the paintings are crap. once again questioning reality in word & event.
when the 2 teenage groupies show up at his studio & he has his way with them like the lustiest rockstar. their screams & noises as their mod dresses are ripped off.
have you seen the film? it won the palm d'or at cannes 1967.
more fashion

I should also mention that hemmings character is based on david bailey, THE swinging london english photographer.
and one of the teen groupies that hemmings attacks is penelope tree i believe. as I understand it the nudity of this scene was one of the most shocking moments in art cinema up to that point. I think you have to go back to a famous nude swimming scene by garbo in an early swedish film decades before to match the shock & more-busting iconoclasm.
and of course veruschka was 1 of the biggest models of the 60s, a russian girl I believe, showing that russian models have long been paradigms of elgance & other-worldly beauty.
and the score by herbie hancock is incredible.
if you like dee-lite's 'groove is in the heart; you may beinterested to know that the opening riff is sampled from 'bring down the birds' on the blow up soundtrack.
and that line 'bring down the birds' is what hemmings says when hes ready to photograph a bevy of wildly adorned 60s models....
also the yardbirds perform 'stroll on' a new version of 'train kept a rolling' and this is the yardies with jeff beck & jimmy page. youve got to see 1966/67 beck & page they might be 2 of the hottest men youve ever seen.
really youve got to see blow up if you havent & we can discuss it. its not just the ultimate swinging 60s film, but since italian antonioni directed it its far deeper with surreal touches & perceptual matters. ive never seen another film where every word means so much & yet every scene can be interpreted different ways depending on how YOU view the meaning of this film.
yes i love blow up its intense. its a very fashionable film.
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I agree, Say Anything with John Cusak holding up the boombox

Goodfellas-deniros close up with "sunshine of your love" playing in the background

harold and maude-when harold puts his face through the phallic sculpture

Cry Baby-johnny depp with the tear rolling down his face
Being such a passionate Robert De Niro fan, I would have to say a fantastic scene is in Tazi Driver when he puts the gun up to his head after the eccentric shotout scene and pretends to pull the trigger-classic De Niro B)

And in The Deer Hunter, the Russian roulette scene at the very end, incredible
uma thurman o.d-ing in pulp fiction....classic tarantino B) don't know if its my all time favourite scene but definately one of the coolest

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