Favourite Movie Scene?

Right now my favorite scene is from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Toward the end of the movie during their last (first) memory together, when the house is crumbling, beautiful music is playing, he's standing in a room with water everywhere, and he's saying "I wish I'd stayed". I love that so much. I cry every time I watch it.

I could choose a few more scenes from that movie, or any number of scenes from "What Dreams May Come".
there are tons but alls i can remember at this hour are

Royal Tenebaums
when margot meets ritchie at the bus station
she gets off the bus to Nico's These Days and she's walking in slow motion
perfect perfect scene

Eternal Sunshine
when Joel is a kid and all the other kids are taunting him to whack the bird with a hammer and he won't do it
too much cuteness!
and then when little Clementine side-hugs little joel and says everythings going to be fine or something like that
i was grinning like a ****** with candy

House of Wax- When Chad Michael Murray takes off his shirt and shows of his six pack..me and my friend Steph actualy squealed

A Cinderella Story- Near the end, where, when Chad Michael Murray's character, Austin, realizes that he loves, Sam, played by Hilary Duff, and he runs after her, after deciding that he will indeed follow his dream and go to Princeton like he always wanted, and not stay and play football at USC like his dad wants,, and he catches her right before she leaves and she's all like "Austin, What are you doing?" and he says " Something that i should have done a long time ago" and then they kiss, and right as they kiss, a single rain drop falls on Chad's perfectly tanned face and they look up, and then it starts to pour and they stand there, making out in the rain, and they are all wet, and looking soooo HOT!!!!!!! and this was during the football game...and they were sooo HOT!!!!! loved it....

Mean Girls- When they were having the Trust fall...that whole scene was hilarious...especialy where Gretchen falls to the ground after saying..."I'm sorry that you're all so jealous of me, but i can't help it that i'm popular"
Like totaly...OMG tokyo...you totaly need to come to my crib and we can, like, get, manis and pedis, and like totaly have a girls nite...i'll bring my one tree hill and cinderella story dvd and we'll totaly slow motion when chad is onscreen, it will be soooo FETCH!!!!!:woot:
for sure, for sure
Jssy4Eva i am totally dedicating this song to you please listen to it you'll bodaciously love it

Frank Zappa - Valley Girl
It's a Wonderful Life- at the very end when the bell rings and Clarence gets his wings. I cry every Christmas.
Shawshank Redemption- playing Motzart to the inmates.
i just recalled another one...

a bunch of interesting scenes really worth some interest in brothers quay's "institut benjamenta or: this dream people call human life" even if some points are averaging the quality of the whole movie. every single frame in the bizarre odyssey is tightly composed and beautifully printed in black and white. i particularly like the through the keyhole moment and the dust being brushed aside by the clock pendulum.
pretty woman - when she's been shopping, and goes back to the store where they wouldnt serve her looking like a tramp.
when harry met sally - the orgasm scene, and the scene at the beginning when they are discussing how men and women can never be friends after leaving the diner.
city of angels - when seth kisses maggie in the park, and she asks him if he felt their chemistry, but he cant feel anything cos he's not human....oh that scene makes me cry.
Phantom of the opera - the masquerade ball scene...oh the costumes are incredible
theres gotta be loads more that i cant remember right now
I thought of a few more...

Clueless- Cher's "debate" scenes

Gaslight- When Ingrid Bergman starts to think she's going crazy. When she finally realizes she's sane and confronts her husband. That was such a "you go girl" moment

Dirty Dancing-Danging on the log, the last scene when she does the lift and her father realizes that he was wrong about Johnny

16 Candles- When Samantha leaves the chuirch and sees Jake standing there waiting for her and she looks to see if someone's behind her and and then goes "Me?" and he goes "Yeah, you!". And then they kiss over the birthday cake! Aww.

Pieces of April- When April tries to explain Thanksgiving to the chinese family

Beauty and the Beast when they dance together, when the beast kets her go b/c he loves her, when Belle realizes she loves the Beast



It's All About Love- the Ice Ballet scene and snowing July


There are so many! But ultimately, when Margot Tennenbaum gets her finger chopped off - I don't think I've ever been so thoroughly impressed by a moment on film. Other films have made me laugh more, others have made me cry, etc... but that one just really stands out in my mind as a great moment.

Oh, and as frivolous as this moment is in a movie full of poignant jokes, I think we can all feel the burn when Ty says to Cher in Cluless 'You're just a virgin who can't drive!'. Ohhh the pain of 10th grade!
In "The Hours" each character has a scene that resonates for me.

For Virginia Woolf (Nicole Kidman) It's when her niece finds a dead bird and she's talking to her niece about what happens when we die. Then she realizes that she doesn't want to kill the heroine of her new book, but that someone has to die so that everyone else can value life more.


For Laura Brown (Julianne Moore) it's the scene she's baking a cake with her son for her husband's birthday and she tells him their baking a cake to show him that they love him and her son asks "otherwise he won't know we love him?" and she says "That's right". I think that's the scene where she realizes that she doesn't love him and she doesn't want to be a wife and mother.

For Clarissa it's the scene where she's lying on her bed talking to her daughter and she's trying to tell her daughter about life and how to find happiness in the moment, but she can't quite find the words to communicate it.

At the end, when the three stories come together,w/ the death of Clarissa's friend, I think the themes of the movie come together as well. For me it's about seeing life for what it is, accepting what is, and trying to find a way to love it, with the knowledge that it's temporary. I thought the whole film had a terrible beauty but these 3 scenes really stood out for me.
Pretty much any scene from "Fight Club", but the one that stands out in my mind at the moment is at the end, when they're on the top floor of that building and those guys bring Marla in and Edward Norton (as Tyler Durden) is standing there all shot and disheveled and in his underwear and he looks at her and says, "Hello, Marla".
SCBl0ndie said:
Felt like adding a few more...

Titanic-The scene where they're at the front of the boat and its sunset and they kiss. Shut up. I freakin love it.

I love this movie too :ninja: . Please dont spread :lol: lovely avatar. Gemma is precious!
fun thread i will make my list too, i love movies.. will be a long one.
A few more. If you haven't guessed by now I love movies and I'm just doing these a few at a time when I have a chance:p Anna and the King- When the King tells Anna "I never understood how a man could be satisfied with one woman for his entire life, until I met you." So romantic.

La Belle et La Bete- Jean Cocteau's film- a beautiful version of my favorite fairy tale. I like the scenes where Belle explores the Beast's castle. And at the end when Belle realizes she loves the Beast and they fly away together.

Edward Scissorhands- Winnona Ryder dancing in the snow, and when she asks Edward to hold her and he realizes he can't with out hurting her.


What's Eating Gilbert Grape? -When Arine climbs the water tower (and hets arrested, and when the mom dies and they all burn down the house (sad but a sweet gesture)


All About Eve- the end where the next wannabe comes into the picture to dethrone the new star and you know she'll gets exactly what she deserves and the whole process will begin again. Also, when Eve "congratulates" her rival.

Rebecca- When the made tries to convince the wife to commit suicide, When the house burns down w/ the crazy maid inside

i love the scenes in hawaii in Punch Drunk Love -- it completely captures the mood and atmosphere. I especially love the intercut ambient visuals..i wish there were more in it! i forgot the name of the artist who designed those...

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