Favourite Movie Scene?

Ooh, great topic (even if I had to rewrite this post from scratch because my MacRubbish Pro froze on me).


1. Pure fiction though this is, this is the most heartbreaking moment I've ever seen in a film and my favorite scene in any movie ever. David Wenham remains the only actor to date to have actually made me weep a little watching.

2. A classic scene from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. :heart:
>> 1:32 - 3:07

"I don't know where you get your delusions, laserbrain."

3. Clint Eastwood wants you to get off his lawn.

4. A hysterical clip from Team America. Really imo the entire movie is made of Hilarity, but I'm not sure how much of this you'll be able to appreciate or enjoy without having seen the film from the beginning. Nonetheless...

JSYK: This movie has been rated R for "graphic crude and sexual humor, violent images and strong language," even if it's all done with puppets. This clip is pretty much in line with that.
>> 1:21 - 8:15

5. Last but not least, a couple of clips from Kill Bill Vol. 1.

JSYK: This movie has been rated R for "strong bloody violence, language and some sexual content."

"The P*ssy Wagon":
>> 3:51 - 4:56

I'm not a fan of Quentin Tarantino, but this whole scene is just so beautifully and powerfully shot and constructed, well-acted, impeccably executed technically and generally unforgettable that he deserves every praise for it. (Caution for bloody violence throughout, though.)


I have a couple of more I'd like to post here, but I can't find clips of them atm.

I'll be back. :p
Great choices! I love the opening of Reservoir Dogs. It's one my all time favorites.
Everything by Tarantino is usually brilliant.
I also love that moment from LOTR, it makes me want to go watch all the movies again.

Some of my favorites:

Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth and Darcy argue...I just love how this is the first time that they're really alone together
and they're both wet and just out of breath...it's just very romantic.


Chocolat...When Vivienne and Roux first meet.
I love the instant chemistry between the two and how they both just immediately make assumptions about each other.

The Dark Knight...I love this interrogation scene when Batman appears behind the Joker
and the two are finally face to face. It's so intense and imo a great cinematic moment.

The Count of Monte Cristo...the part when the Count is introduced.
I love this scene, because it's just such a great entrance and I think Jim Caviezel looks so sexy.
Plus, it's quite intriguing to see all these people who betrayed him looking on in admiration.
Starting at 7 mins.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
...the scene when Daisy (Cate Blanchett) dances in an attempt to seduce Benjamin. I just think it's such a subtle sexy scene and Cate and Brad are so good in it.

I couldn't find an actual clip from the movie. This is one with music over it.

Goodfellas...the "Funny, How?" scene with Joe Pesci.
I just love how such a light-hearted moment turns so serious, so fast.
Such a great moment. I know he's joking, but everytime I watch the movie, I still get nervous about what may happen.

The Hangover...the scene when they wake up the next morning. Hilarious.
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Requiem for a dream - sex scene between Jennifer Connelly and Jared Leto, the whole ten last minutes of the movie and the elevator scene:heart:.

Babel - When the Japanese teens go to the disco.

Singing in the rain - when he really sings in the rain (that just makes me happy)

Pulp Fiction - Travolta and Thurman dancing

Goodfellas - when Joe Pesci says " I thought he'd never shut the **** up. ..... What the **** you looking at? Come on. Make that coffee to go. Let's go." (after killing a guy)
A few which stand out the moment include:

Pride and Prejudice (2005)- When Elizabeth and Darcy are walking towards each other at the end of the film, the way it was filmed was so beautiful. Also loved the last scene when Elizabeth is telling him what he should call her.

A Little Princess- I loved when Sarah is stuck in the attic and then she wakes up when the wind blows open the doors and then she see's the Indian man and starts spinning around. Also love when the two girls wake up and the room has been transformed into a beautiful place.

The Virgin Suicides- When they are sharing music via telephone with the boys.

LOTR: Return of the King- Towards the end when Pippin is singing The Edge of The Night it was so beautifully done.
^^I was so confused when you were talking about the last scene in P&P, then I realised you meant the American ending. Personally I love the was Joe finished the in the UK, having seen the American ending I think it's an unessential tag on.

I too love the Dark Knight Interrogation scene, it's the moment Heath Ledger won that Oscar. Simple as that. I totally agree about Chocolat, beautiful film and that moment when they meet is electric. And the Count of Monte Cristo. I've actually been to the house in Ireland where they shot that.

Marie Antoinette 'I Want Candy'. The most fun, indulgent girlie thing ever!

Pulp Fiction. Eziekiel 25.17.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Montauk.
I love that scene from Pulp Fiction. That whole movie is just amazing. :)

North & South...the ending scene in which they finally profess their love for each other.
It's a very well done scene that achieves a lot by doing very little.
Plus, the chemistry between the two characters is just so steamy.
One of the most romantic scenes I've ever seen in a film.

Deathly Hallows Part 1...the scene where Hermione tells the story of the Three Brothers.
It was so beautifully done and the animation is amazing. The music playing in the background is also so haunting.

Training Day...the "King King..." scene. Denzel is just so brilliant in this scene.
You really see just how terrified, psychotic, delusional, and pathetic his character, Alonso, is.

Pan's Labyrinth...the scene where she steals the dagger from the child eating monster.
It's so terrifying. I chew all my fingernails off every time I watch it.
#1 Resident Evil
- My first time watching this I had no idea what was going to happen when she woke up, and the moment she grabbed the gun and cocked it, and the Marilyn Manson song came on I got so pumped

#2 Eyes of Laura Mars
- The photoshoot scenes were all good, but this was the first one and I just loved how intense it was. Made me wish shoots were still this action packed :lol:

i probably have more, I just cant seem to remember what movies ive watched :lol:

#3 The Lovely Bones (disregard the last few seconds)
- When he sees her and they kiss is when I started to cry... tears were rolling down like crazy and i never cry in movies

#4 Black Swan
-the dance as the black swan and the final scene are both parts where i thought i was at a real ballet. I wanted to stand up and clap.

#5 Salt
- She was just perfection and a total bad *** in this movie

#6 Somewhere
-I enjoyed the whole movie, but for that short second i got to see Maryna... I was too happy :lol:

Jerry Maguire, when Dorothy Boyd (Renée Zellweger :sick:) says, ' You had me at "hello". BOOHOOHOOOOOO:cry: Hahahahahahaha of course not :lol:

Star Wars, when Darth Father says to Luke, 'I am your father'
and Luke says,'No, No it's not true, that's impossible'
Darthe Father says, 'Search your feelings you know it be true'
Luke, Nooo NOOOO!!! (I liked the scene in Toy Story 2 better with Buzz Lightyear haha ;)) hahahaha!

Movies that really gave me some Goose bumps were...

'Once Upon a Time in the West' (C'era una volta il West) it was at the end, the story behind the misterious harmonica man played by Charles Bronson.

'Gladiator' when Maximus reveales his real name and Commodus face turnes pale.

'The Sixth Sense' when the whole story comes together.
Sweet topic! Well there are many many of course...a few that come to mind:

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (New Cinema Paradise): the end where he sees the censored kiss scenes...:heart:

Death in Venice:
the last scene where Tadziu turns around...

Camille Claudel: Where Camille runs out in the middle of the night and claws at the ground as if possessed, to get more clay...wow...the embodiment of artistic passion :shock:

The Secret Garden:
where the garden is all flowering...

Finding Neverland: when the mother dies and goes into to magical heaven...heartbreakingly beautiful...:(
this question is HORRIBLE
I know many amazing scenese
but when I actually have to put them here
they all disapear from my head.

I love Gone With The Wind
and that movie was full of great scenes,
set was beautiful and the actors wera

this was one of my favourite scenes,
Rhett making teasing Scarlett,
too bad I did not found this scene
where it begings...anyway, here is what I found:


also,Roxanne scene from Moulin Rouge.
It gives me chills every time.

Little Miss Sunshine- When Dwayne is talking to his uncle and he says the memorable lines, "you do what you love and f*** the rest."

500 Days of Summer- Loved the scene in ikea. Too adorable.

Up- The opening scenes get me every time, I always end up in tears. It is truly one of the best animated films I've ever seen and I love how true Carl and Ellie's love is.

Juno- When Juno's eating dinner with her family and then her dad tells her what type of person is worthy of her ending up with. Such a true scene.

Elizabethtown- Love this movie as a whole but two scenes really stand out for me. At Drew's father's memorial service the band sings Free Bird and then everything goes wrong. Also love the road trip scenes. They are really touching.
Road to Perdition - Final scene with Tom Hanks (Sullivan Sr.) is looking out at the beach, and the beach is reflected in the window, and from then on to the credits. :cry:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II: Epilogue. Never thought I'd say that in a million years, but even though some of them looked hilarious (*cough*Tom), it was such a beautiful and lovely end to the series, particularly the final shot.

Eve's Bayou - final scene with Cisely and Eve looking out over the bayou, holding hands, while two trees mirror the sisters.

Say Anything - scene where Lloyd asks, "Do you need someone or do you need me?" And Diane says that she needs him, and they kiss. :heart:

Doubt - Final confrontation between Sister Aloysius and Father Flynn. Superb acting by Streep and Hoffman.
i know of many but these two sprung to my mind immediately :heart:

"nature,nature...i am your bride" :wub:
This whole bar scene in Rush Hour is just HILARIOUS!!
Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are both so funny.

Memoirs of a Geisha...Sayuri's dance scene. I love this so much.
It's so beautifully done and I love that she finally gets her big moment.

Titanic...the dance scene down in 3rd class. I love this so much.
This is when their romance just really kicks off and Leo and Kate are both so good in this scene.

In Bruges...The shootout scene. I love this movie. It's so funny yet so dark.
This scene is on of my favorites, because it's so well done and Ralph Fiennes is great.
I am an "anti-favorite" person, because I find it too difficult to pick a favorite film, designer, food, musician, etc, etc, etc.

However, one scene that I find amusing still is the Balcony scene from "Annie Hall" - this entire movie just took romance comedies and busted them up. It's a fabulous piece that stands the test of time. (I LOVE the labyrinth scene from "Orlando"; I teach Virgina Woolf's novel whenever I can and always show some of Potter's adaptation - including this lovely scene. When she falls off her horse, too. :))

I don't know how to embed videos, so here's the link to the Balcony scene.

I love the proposal from Stepmom. It's so cheesy yet so romantic at the same time.


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