i usually don't pre-treat my bags, but the prices are getting more expensive by the season, the colors are getting lighter and lighter, the leather softer and softer...I just don't want to mess up my bags by pre-treating, but i don't want to get them dirty also. recently, i spilled a little hot sake on my olive balenciaga. i dabbed it really quitely to dry w/ my napkin. next day, the olive color turned partially burgendy at that region. imagine, my horror. finally got the stain out w/ apple garde, but it left a dull finish at the area. not 100% sure it was apple garde's doing (the dullness, i mean) because i tried removing the stain with something from neiman marcus first. so now i am scare to use anything on my bags, but i know if i don't...disaster will likely happen. i am especially concerned on the valentino bag because the color is such a beautiful pale pink and the leather is soooo soft.