Fendi Spy Bag

trufflesbang - that spy looks real to me and it's very beautiful. the cognac color is very dark and shiny which is good so it shouldn't have a problem with fading. I have a cognac one and there have been problems with fading. Mine hasn't yet but I hear the darker and shinier the better.
Hi, If he don't have any of the paperwork for the bag, I would get a pic of the front part of the holigram tag and the inside cap of lipstick compartment. If the inside cap has 2 little circle indents or the holigram has a number with an A ABOVE it it's fake. While it looks really good, something about the distressing may be off, not raised ( bubbly or puffy) enough. Too flat looking like those NBF spy's I could be wrong but I would get those other 2 pics cause I also saw this auction and he gives no info at all.
That bag look very real to me. (or they are getting AMAZING at making hte fake leather)

Also, here is the pic of the Shearling spy form NM FAshion Island.


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ojodeazul19 said:
That bag look very real to me. (or they are getting AMAZING at making hte fake leather)

Me too. I have seen the A above the numbers one one from personalshoppers, so I wouldn't be concerned about that. I have also seen without the A at all. There was one from bluefly.com and the card was different, too, the numbers and sku were in the center, not the left at the top. I think we (I really mean I) get paranoid about all the little details and don't look at the leather and stiching. I asked an sa at Fendi in Houston and she said that the cards and tags can differ. Just something to confuse us even more.
Guessgirl96 said:
I'm with everyone about returning the denim :)

Is there any realistic chance that the white may hold up nicley or is it pretty much hopeless? Does anyone have a white?

all white bags present a challenge to keep clean (and by clean I mean completely pristine and brand new looking). so if you're going to freak out when the edges show a little wear or dirt (and they will -- people have reported scuffs on the darker colored bags) even if it isn't noticeable to anyone but you, then don't get it -- it's not worth the heartache and stress. but if you can be zen about it and enjoy the bag as a whole and not through a microscope, then you might be up to the challenge. i have owned several white bags of all different kinds of leather except lambskin and they all got dirty eventually -- its' a fact. and while the spy lambskin might wear better than the chanel lambskin, it is still lambskin and you can't exepct it to wear like other heartier leathers.
since we are on the subject of white bags, does anyone know if it is safe to apply the apple garde conditioner (lotion) to a brand new white or light color bag? or should I just spray them w/ the apple garde rain/stain repellent? i have a chloe silverado in ivory and a valentino in pale pink but have not used them yet. not sure if i should treat them first before using them.
Thanks lily for your 2 cents. :) gg and I were wondering about the difficulty/ease of keeping white bags clean a few days ago after I posted pics of the white wisteria spy.

gg - have you pre-ordered the white wisteria?
The only way to tell for sure if the bag is real is to get it in your hands. If you feel you can trust the seller go for it. I would ask him questions though to see if he answers you. If he don't I wouldn't take the chance. With the white leather AG thing. Test it on a hidden spot. I used it on my white silverado and it waas fine, the spray didn't soak in that good but it didn't stain it or anything. You have to be careful with it. I use this stuff to darken up the handles and trim on brand new LV stuff cause I hate the way it looks when it's new and fresh. It darkens it on the spot but slows down the darkening process if that makes sense to you. The spray IMO cames out too heavy so I always hold it like 2 feet away and move very fast, if you concentrate it too much on any area you are really risking staining. What bag are you planning on using it on?
Always treat first before you seal and always find a spot to test it on first. LMK if your silverado soaks in the spray some areas did on mine and some didnt, it was fine with the conditioner.
trufflesbang said:
since we are on the subject of white bags, does anyone know if it is safe to apply the apple garde conditioner (lotion) to a brand new white or light color bag? or should I just spray them w/ the apple garde rain/stain repellent? i have a chloe silverado in ivory and a valentino in pale pink but have not used them yet. not sure if i should treat them first before using them.

i wouldn't put lotion on the white spy or any porous or delicate leather -- you risk staining it. if fendi won't suggest something (and they rarely do so you can't come back and complain), i would suggest that you take the bag to a high-end, trusted shoe repair place (one that you have used before and is accustomed to handling expensive shoes and bags) and have them treat it for you -- i would bet my bottom dollar that they will only spray it (and even if they do, you might be better off letting them do it because you need good spraying technique to avoid stains and spots). i have such a store here that has been recommended by several SAs at different designer boutiques.
ojodeazul19 said:
That bag look very real to me. (or they are getting AMAZING at making hte fake leather)

Also, here is the pic of the Shearling spy form NM FAshion Island.

I like that one! Very cute!
ojodeazul19 said:
That bag look very real to me. (or they are getting AMAZING at making hte fake leather)

I got curious last night so I went on ioffer and looked at newbagfactory 's bags and at first glance they look real. It's not until he gets real close in with the camera that you can see the leather is more veiny than bubbly. They are getting real good with the leather, go take a look, kind of amazing.
i usually don't pre-treat my bags, but the prices are getting more expensive by the season, the colors are getting lighter and lighter, the leather softer and softer...I just don't want to mess up my bags by pre-treating, but i don't want to get them dirty also. recently, i spilled a little hot sake on my olive balenciaga. i dabbed it really quitely to dry w/ my napkin. next day, the olive color turned partially burgendy at that region. imagine, my horror. finally got the stain out w/ apple garde, but it left a dull finish at the area. not 100% sure it was apple garde's doing (the dullness, i mean) because i tried removing the stain with something from neiman marcus first. so now i am scare to use anything on my bags, but i know if i don't...disaster will likely happen. i am especially concerned on the valentino bag because the color is such a beautiful pale pink and the leather is soooo soft.
I don't know if you live in or near NJ but there is a place near Morristown that does all the bag repair and cleaning for all the top designers from NYC ( Dior, Marc Jacobs ect). I have yet to use them but the few people I have talked to that has RAVES about them. A friend of mine had a Dior bag cleaned/dyed by them and it came PERFECT. I have a Dior bag and wallet that got dropped into a swimming pool that I think I'm going to have dyed by them ( it was a carmel color and stained on the trim). When I get the number I will post if someone needs something done.
jacobsgirl said:
I don't think the white leather would be hard to keep clean either. The one with the flowers on the other hand might be a lot harder. Because of all the crevices in between the flowers. I never really had a dirt problem with an white leather bags in general and I'm very. very hard on my bags. With me it's always pen marks and they are totally impossible to clean off light and white colored leather. I always try and find a mint condition used white bag, while can still be expensive I'm not totally sick when a pen mark gets on it.

Thanks for the reply! I'd get the white with the flowers if I got the white spy... I'm actually kind of hoping it is very hard to keep clean so I have a reason to not want it.
im in a love hate relationship with my green spy..i got it last may but its the meduim size which is now the normal size..i wish i got it in the large one when they had it...my new velvet seems bigger because of its structure...and so does my striped denim spy..because of the material...i love my large congac and is the perfect color..but the green just looks soo small on me..:( i wonder if i can still get my hands on the large one...maybe ill check ebay since it was last produced for sp05
LilyGirl said:
all white bags present a challenge to keep clean (and by clean I mean completely pristine and brand new looking). so if you're going to freak out when the edges show a little wear or dirt (and they will -- people have reported scuffs on the darker colored bags) even if it isn't noticeable to anyone but you, then don't get it -- it's not worth the heartache and stress. but if you can be zen about it and enjoy the bag as a whole and not through a microscope, then you might be up to the challenge. i have owned several white bags of all different kinds of leather except lambskin and they all got dirty eventually -- its' a fact. and while the spy lambskin might wear better than the chanel lambskin, it is still lambskin and you can't exepct it to wear like other heartier leathers.

I definatly wouldn't expect it to look brand new, my cream paddington is showing some signs of wear but it's minimal, I can deal with it :) I just dont want it to look like it's been dragged through dirt 2 months after I get it.
Guessgirl96 said:
Thanks for the reply! I'd get the white with the flowers if I got the white spy... I'm actually kind of hoping it is very hard to keep clean so I have a reason to not want it.
i think you should pre-order it while you still have the chance. you can always return it if you change your mind. :)
LilyGirl said:
i would suggest that you take the bag to a high-end, trusted shoe repair place (one that you have used before and is accustomed to handling expensive shoes and bags) and have them treat it for you -- i would bet my bottom dollar that they will only spray it (and even if they do, you might be better off letting them do it because you need good spraying technique to avoid stains and spots). i have such a store here that has been recommended by several SAs at different designer boutiques.

hi lilygirl ~ what is the name of this shoe repair place, and what is its location? Have you used them before? :flower:

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