Fendi Spy Bag

Uniq, the green spy from S/S 05 was only produced in the medium size, not the large. I think there were cognac and chocolate brown spys in the large (and the sequinned one too), but definitely not green. I think that lovehatestory has a large cognac on ebay for sale, but it's definitely in used condition.
I wonder if it is the same place I have used. They do all Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags for the stores. You go in and se all hte high end designer bags in there for repairs. He has died many bags for me and done many bags for me. You can even give him a photo of a bag and he will make it for you. It is called Rago Brothers in Morristown NJ. You can even ship things in for repair.
truffles, somebody else PM'ed about this bag (my opinion on its authenticity. I think it's a super fake (i.e., very good fake, not obvious) because of the leather grain. In the closeup pictures of authentic nappa leather spy bags, you can see the pores in the leather and the grain is completely different than the one you posted. In fact, it reminds me of an NBF spy.
omg! he accepted my offer for the spy bag ebay #6849877622 for
. $1600. guys, help me out! is this bag real???? he had sold a python chloe before on ebay item #6837048449 and the chloe definitely looks real. how he gets these bag i'm not sure, but i don't want a fake bag. can someone help me?
truffles, that's a fake spy. The leather color isn't right for cognac or chocolate brown, and I know for a fact that this seller has been trolling around, trying to sell this bag to lots of people off of ebay. Stay away! :ninja:
bagqueen said:
I wonder if it is the same place I have used. They do all Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags for the stores. You go in and se all hte high end designer bags in there for repairs. He has died many bags for me and done many bags for me. You can even give him a photo of a bag and he will make it for you. It is called Rago Brothers in Morristown NJ. You can even ship things in for repair.

HI, THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't think of the name of it for my life. If you have the number please post!
Greendrv said:
truffles, somebody else PM'ed about this bag (my opinion on its authenticity. I think it's a super fake (i.e., very good fake, not obvious) because of the leather grain. In the closeup pictures of authentic nappa leather spy bags, you can see the pores in the leather and the grain is completely different than the one you posted. In fact, it reminds me of an NBF spy.

Hi, That's what I thought too. I knew something was off on it but couldn't put my finger on it. It does look like a NBF spy and that's what I thought it was too.
Guessgirl96 said:
Thanks for the reply! I'd get the white with the flowers if I got the white spy... I'm actually kind of hoping it is very hard to keep clean so I have a reason to not want it.

Hi Guess, I have the dior with the flowers from 2 years ago. The flowers are a nightmare to keep clean. Stuff collects in them and the flowers are way more open than the ones on the spy. I can only imagine how bad stuff will collect in those. I finally gave up and bought the Dior wipeable mono messenger cause I had bought the wallet, camera bag and sneakers it seemed kind of a waste to have all that stuff and a bag I can only use on special occations.
i asked the manager at fendi sydney (rocks) a/b maintenance, and he recommends:

collonil spray
dubbin wax

he said they use the wax & spray on the bags themselves.

(i thought wax dries out leather by sealing the pores?!)
Was informed by a Singaporean SA to avoid wearing the White Spy with denim. Te SA was very meticulous with it. I tried the White on by holding it away from my body as I was in jeans that particular day. While it is a great colour, she did caution about it being a "high maintenance" bag which required lots of TLC.
ilovepositano said:
i asked the manager at fendi sydney (rocks) a/b maintenance, and he recommends:

collonil spray
dubbin wax

he said they use the wax & spray on the bags themselves.

(i thought wax dries out leather by sealing the pores?!)

which collonil spray? I used the one recommended by mulberry on my mulberry and it darkened the leather significantly. and unllike vectra (which seem like a light, dry spray), the collonil was pretty wet. wax sounds crazy -- I've only used wax on my saddle and it makes it much darker.
That happened to me. My LV manhattan has denim dye on the edges of the leather things that hold the handles on and my bag was treated. Thank god it's on the backside only but it's there. Light colored suede and all porous does the same thing also.
lilygirl: i thought it sounded crazy too. he didn't specify which collonil, but mentioned it was good for leather AND canvas. then he said to use the hands and rub dubbin wax all over the bags and let dry for 3 days away from the sun (sun stains the bag). i couldn't believe an actual fendi rep (let alone a mgr) would say such a bold thing. then he offered to do my petrol for me, at which point i politely declined and ran away. nice guy, tho.
ilovepositano said:
lilygirl: i thought it sounded crazy too. he didn't specify which collonil, but mentioned it was good for leather AND canvas. then he said to use the hands and rub dubbin wax all over the bags and let dry for 3 days away from the sun (sun stains the bag). i couldn't believe an actual fendi rep (let alone a mgr) would say such a bold thing. then he offered to do my petrol for me, at which point i politely declined and ran away. nice guy, tho.

that made me giggle. the idea of hand rubbing wax on a bag and letting it sit for 3 days in a dark room sounds crazy enough that it might be sane. and it's cute that he offered to do it for you (i might have taken him up if he agreed to replace my bag if he ruined it). or it could be pervie -- maybe he has a bag conditioning fetish? anyway, i certainly won't be the first one to try it.

the collonil spray mulberry recommends is the waterstop, which i would not recommend for a spy.
Oh wow...those fakes are getting better and better. Look at the texturing on the left side. Back before I ever bought my petrol Spy, I bought a brown one from NBF and it was good, but nothing like that. :shock: You need a very watchful eye just to look through ebay now.

Rubbing wax on my Spy? I can't even bear to think about it! I won't be the first to try it either. I took me almost 2 weeks before having the nerve to put leather conditoner on my baby!

Anyhow, I just ordered my Honey Spy from Fendi! It should be coming on Monday. This will be the 2nd addition to my Spy family! I decided not to go with Saks afterall. I would only have been saving about $75 bucks anyway! I bugged the SA at Fendi to death though, about the texturing. I kept going "And you're suuuurre it is really REALLY textured, right? Right? Bumpy? On both sides? No ink spots?" :innocent::blush:
truffles, I honestly don't know. :( On one hand, the leather and the shape look really good. But on the other hand, greendrv mentioned that she knows for a fact that the seller has been shady, trying to sell the bag to people outside of ebay. Also, what kind of crazy person sells a Spy for $1,600! :blink: If I were you, I would stay away. Even if it is authentic (and this is 50/50), $1,600 is a lot of money to take a risk on.
Edna said:
Oh wow...those fakes are getting better and better. Look at the texturing on the left side. Back before I ever bought my petrol Spy, I bought a brown one from NBF and it was good, but nothing like that. :shock: You need a very watchful eye just to look through ebay now.

Rubbing wax on my Spy? I can't even bear to think about it! I won't be the first to try it either. I took me almost 2 weeks before having the nerve to put leather conditoner on my baby!

Anyhow, I just ordered my Honey Spy from Fendi! It should be coming on Monday. This will be the 2nd addition to my Spy family! I decided not to go with Saks afterall. I would only have been saving about $75 bucks anyway! I bugged the SA at Fendi to death though, about the texturing. I kept going "And you're suuuurre it is really REALLY textured, right? Right? Bumpy? On both sides? No ink spots?" :innocent::blush:

Congrats on your spys! You have to see the stuff NBF is selling. It's AMAZING. Someone asked about it last night so I went and took a look and it's the best fakes I think I have ever saw. The best part of all it's only one bag to a customer cause his WAITLIST for spys is getting too long.
I saw the NBF spy's too few days ago. I was really surprised at how close they were, but you can still tell the difference thankfully. Texture is still off, and the spy leather is kind of rough in a way but still soft (doesn't really make sence, does anyone know what I mean?), I dont think they can easily replicate that.

I decided against the white wisteria, I really appreciate all the replies :flower: I take good care of my bags but it will still show wear more than other bags and I dont want that for a nearly 3k bag. I wonder if they'll continue the wisteria for f/w, it would be fabulous in another color.
Guessgirl96 said:
I saw the NBF spy's too few days ago. I was really surprised at how close they were, but you can still tell the difference thankfully. Texture is still off, and the spy leather is kind of rough in a way but still soft (doesn't really make sence, does anyone know what I mean?), I dont think they can easily replicate that.

I decided against the white wisteria, I really appreciate all the replies :flower: I take good care of my bags but it will still show wear more than other bags and I dont want that for a nearly 3k bag. I wonder if they'll continue the wisteria for f/w, it would be fabulous in another color.

Even though I'm not a big black bag person, would love to see it in black with either red, cognac or violet handles and flowers for F/W.

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