LilyGirl and Waterfalls,
That Spy that's photographing as Taupe with Blue Handles is actually the Taupe/Purple... it's just different lighting and flashes sometimes makes them look blue!
I have the Taupe/Purple and it is beautiful, but sometimes I think I'd prefer it if the handles were closer to cobalt blue (like in that picture). The contrast would be sooo much better!
Waterfalls, OMG you will get so many differing opinions on which your first Spy should be! My first was the Taupe/Purple - a GREAT way to start! It goes with everything (even black) and is one of the few that truly looks 4-season.
Depends on who you ask, though. The Cognac is pretty fabulous, as is the Petrol. I would caution you to pass on the Cream White/Black, as the white has been known to yellow... and you MAY not want to carry it in the dead of winter, depending on where you are. GOOD LUCK and let us know which one you choose!