Flip Flops : Are They That Bad?

I love flip flops in the summer at home or at the beach in a casual way most of the time. But some people wear them in a very chic way.
I can imagine you can get free off or prevent athlete's foot and eczema easier than in sweaty shoes. But the sight of this....:sick::D
Apparently flip flops can cause Plantar Fasciitis.

Around the house and at the beach, they are fine. I try to wear nicer shoes / sandals when I venture out though.
I wonder if people in London ever walk in flipflops to the streets...

Yes, they do. Granted, not that many go anywhere fancy in them, but we've been having some unusually hot weather and I don't really see a problem wearing them to go grocery shopping or to cafes and/or parks. I find them most comfortable when my feet are sweating...
mostly i only wear flip flops inside my house as it is very practical. and it's hard for me to find the right flops that's comfy in a long run, i find ipanema very comfy, i tested them on my holiday to the beach, i can wore them for days and feeling fine. most flops makes my in-between toes blister and hurt to wear them but ipanema is great.

i don't wear flops outside other than when on holiday on island or beach though, i even don't find flats comfy because i have protruding bones on my feet and the edge of flats mostly clash and make blisters on my skin, i mostly wear boots or high tops although i live in summer climate

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