Footless Tights

Well still, it's like SUVs. Much like how there have been all these different terms to call them or whatever.. it's still a big hunking piece of metal in which most of them are gas guzzling pieces of crap people think are too good for minivans (especially those who don't use SUVs for off-road purposes). But back on topic. Footless tights and leggings are horrible under almost ANY skirt. I still say that longjohns (I almost said "Longhorns!" Pardon my Texan...) should be worn and shown. I'm still WELL over anything super-skinny. I have no problem with skinny (I'm skinny myself), only that I've grown sick of most fashion (especially bottoms) that are too skinny. I think one of my friends paired footless tights with the ubiquitous denim mini skirt. Had some cute mary jane flats and didn't look bad.

Still, when will the nightmare be over?
My girl laughed at me about what footless tights are called...
I call them Stretch Pants, but I am 26
She calls them Leggings and she is 20 and seemed to think the whole stretch pant name is hysterical.

anyway - just my 2 cents.
Im looking for a pair of footless tights & found a pair a Targets but they have this band thing at the bottom so they wont slide up I guess... Im not sure when your wearing it if it would be noticeable or not but Im just wondering do all of them have this? I was looking at the pics of the colored ones in this topic & it just looked like they where tights that were cut off at the bottom... no band or anything.
No... stretch pants were the wonderfully-hot pants that had a flared leg or boot leg that was pretty hot on ladies (the ones I know anyways) in the mid-late 1990s.

I think of something like this on the basis of functionality. For example, when my old cargo jeans used to fit me, I used my cargos to put in some extra stuff. I think of these longjohns/footless tights more like "if you MUST wear a short-to-mid length skirt, wear these so that your legs don't get extremely cold." Only such people this would truly fit would be cheerleaders when it's really cold. Most cheerleaders (I'm talking about female ones) may have to venture out to places where the air temperature is freezing cold and have to wear some longjohns to keep their legs warm. Only other alternative would be to wear pants.

This is otherwise an okay look for when it's real cold. Would be pretty dumb to wear something like this in the dead of summer unless you get (and this is going to sound strange) extremely cold in the heat of Summer. It's the same reason why I've been completely opposed to ladies wearing pants tucked into boots when it isn't all that cold or if there isn't inches of snow or high water. But these are just my gut reactions to looks like these.
We called leggings stretch pants in the 80's. Also I was in a dance company & we called them jazz pants too.
They are really popular in Japan right now, and I dont mind them toooo much, as long as they arent worn with a cutoff jean skirt and sequined tank tops. Is that still "in" with the tweenys? Japanese fashion is so different so I dont see that kind of garbage here.... :innocent:
I've worn one pair of footless tights while biking to and from work. Then again, they're made by Duomax.

But I often wear another pair from Wolfords, and several other pair from other companies.

Mostly, however, I simply prefer opaque tights beneath jeans/slacks and my usual socks and boots.
I remember stretch pants! I spent most of 1987 begging my mom to buy me a pair. I wanted one of the cool (heh) ones with the stirrup-thingys on the bottom, but instead I had to settle for one that ended at the ankles. Oh, well. At least they were hot pink.

I realized after I posted the other day that the knee-length tights/leggings remind me of the whole bicycle-shorts-under-everything fad of the 1980s. It took me a while to remember, I think, because I had blocked the first awful go-round from my mind. I know they're functional, but this trend needs to end, like, yesterday. Very few people can pull it off, and they're probably the ones who don't follow trends anyhow -- most just end up looking stupid.
To cheepmunk,

They have them now with stirup. I saw them in a small women's store today. Was looking today for them
Eeeee! You, sir, have made my day. I probably shouldn't admit this (anonymously and on the internet, but still), but the little kid in me wants to run out and buy a pair of right now, preferably in hot pink. I know I posted about how much they suck, and they do, but I think it would be okay if I promised not to wear them in public. Or I could wear them under my jeans, the way some people wear really sexy lingerie under their clothes so that they feel empowered or special or whatever. Whee!
I wear my stirup pair that I got from WetSeal with boots so they stay put but you cant see that they are stirup ;) ...& around they house is good too. I love them.
Yeah...leggings are heavier & can be worn as pants where footless tights are more sheer & meant to be worn under things.
Ok so... how about legless tights? :lol:

Seriously I was in Target today I saw a pair of... not really socks.... they were like tights... slightly sheer & made so they wouldnt really be tight around the ankle. They werent socks they were strange & in bright colors like hot pink... just wondering if anyone knows whats up with them? :huh:

By the way I did find a nice pair of footless tights there. They were a little sheer & didnt have that banding around the ankle... just looked cut. So Im happy about that.
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I was wondering, how would a guy incorporate leggings into his woredrobe? I work at American Apparel and some of the other guys there are trying to wear them as regular pants with,like, a sleeveless shirt.....any suggestions?
mylilmike said:

I was wondering, how would a guy incorporate leggings into his woredrobe? I work at American Apparel and some of the other guys there are trying to wear them as regular pants with,like, a sleeveless shirt.....any suggestions?

I'm not really sure how to wear them for a guy, but I wouldn't wear them as pants... that sleeveless shirt + tights as pants thing sounds hideous to me! :shock:
mylilmike said:

I was wondering, how would a guy incorporate leggings into his woredrobe? I work at American Apparel and some of the other guys there are trying to wear them as regular pants with,like, a sleeveless shirt.....any suggestions?

Id do that with leggings not with footless tights (which are a lighter & slighter sheer more like a little heavier panty hose).
I would wear it with kaki, cargo, or camofluage printed shorts from Gap , Old Navy, Banana Republic, or similar store and a polo shirt or print tshirt or long sleeve sweater or long sleeve shirt like Billabong, or Polo or so. ALso with a long basketball short and a tshirt or sleeveless basketball jersey. I have experimented with both running tights by Nike and Reebok and also footed and footless brown, black, navy, and tan tights with shorts. I also went to rollerblade with my running tights. I had someone glance for a moment while doing so but no statements were made. By the way, I have seen guys wearing the footless running tights with basketball shorts and also actual tights in black by a african american guy with a basketball jersey and shorts and black socks. Try wearing nude or tan pantyhose with shorts first. If you can do that then tights should be easy. DOnt draw attention to yourself. Wearing longer shorts with tights appears as long socks. Try wearing actual tights with matching color socks. Try it. You will be suprised.
John_M. said:
Well still, it's like SUVs. Much like how there have been all these different terms to call them or whatever.. it's still a big hunking piece of metal in which most of them are gas guzzling pieces of crap people think are too good for minivans (especially those who don't use SUVs for off-road purposes). But back on topic. Footless tights and leggings are horrible under almost ANY skirt. I still say that longjohns (I almost said "Longhorns!" Pardon my Texan...) should be worn and shown. I'm still WELL over anything super-skinny. I have no problem with skinny (I'm skinny myself), only that I've grown sick of most fashion (especially bottoms) that are too skinny. I think one of my friends paired footless tights with the ubiquitous denim mini skirt. Had some cute mary jane flats and didn't look bad.

Still, when will the nightmare be over?

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