Girls (HBO)

^ It really was a good episode! I never thought I'd see Charlie too! Best episode so far of the season for me!:blush:
It's one of my fave episodes of the whole Girls tv series already. It was nice, and romantic at first, and then sad, I can't get it out of my head, so many feelings through less than half an hour.
I never imagined I would ever say that about an episode centered around Marnie but it was such a great episode. Probably the best of the season so far. Honestly I've hated Marnie as a character so much since the first season and always found Allison Williams acting terrible but I just loved this episode. I loved how it helped us understand more who Marnie is without needing tons of profound monlogues, emotional flashbacks, dramatic dialogues or whatever. Things usually used to explore a character's depth. Since the wedding her character had been less present , maybe it was intetional so that we wouldn't fight an episode solely dedicated to her.
And it worked. At first I was like "Uuurgh a Marnie ep ?? why ?!" But by the end I was like "oh ok now I get it ". For the first time probably ever in the whole series, I'm interested to see where she's going. I just loved how she needed a clash of her past life and her present life to FINALLY open her eyes and figure out what she wants for her future.
I have to say that Allison's acting was finally on point, pretty strong even. All the gimmicks of her character , even her insufferable way of speaking were not cringey and the vulnerability wasn't forced. It was her time to shine and she delivered.

PS: Desi is most definitley the biggest douche bag of all the douche in the whole wide Douchey world !
Does anyone know where I could find outfit IDs from the episodes? I'm dying to know everything Jessa was wearing in the carnival episode.

Charlie as a heroin/drug addict was a bit farfetched to me. I dunno. I just don't see it but it was a good episode overall. Marnie was less annoying than usual, which I kind of still can't believe. Well except for her 'twenty-five and a half' spiel in the boutique.
I found this season so painful to watch but after watching the finale - I get it now!!! The finale was great - I watched it twice ! Elijah & Shos smashed it !
This last season is soooo good. I'm gonna miss this show so much when it ends.
I know right, I feel this last season has become everything the series should have been from the start. Loving Elijah's character. Can't wait to see the whole Adam-Hannah-Jessa storyline end up though.
This is the worst series finale I have ever seen in my life and I've seen A LOT of TV shows.
All in all I think this last season was meaningless. It would be better if it ended last year. I didn't find one episode good enough, most of them were repetitions or cringey or plain boring.
Hannah's character is unbearable. I can't believe I watched all seasons of this show. The finale was incredibly realistic despite it leaving me super annoyed. I mean, I should have known Hannah was going to be a terrible parent who still acts like an eight-year old brat while going, "I'm mentally ill" instead of stating the reality, "I'm a straight white girl who ain't getting her way. Why can't this baby just take care of itself?".

This show really does a disservice to mental health and feminism in my opinion. I did really like Shoshana's and Ray's characters, however. I just didn't like them together.

Again, standing here looking outside the window wondering why I wasted so much of my life watching this show... At least I learned to think more critically about what stuff I watch?
I'd forgotten Felicity Jones was in an episode of this, but idk if I ever want to rewatch.
Happily, this show seems to have been discovered by gen Z. For me it's still the seminal show of my early adulthood. Lena gets alot of hate these days (I guess she always has) but the writing was often SO damn good. I rewatched a good chunk of it back in 2020 and lately I've been in the mood again. Funny how I can't make time to watch most of the new shows everyone's buzzing about, but I can watch episodes of this, Fleabag, and SATC for the umpteenth time.

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