Mad Men

^really? This is the first one I thought was really great this season...:blush: :heart:
I liked to see Don halfways enthusiastic about something. Peggy irks me a bit more everyday...
This episode was one of the best ones so far this season. I really need to see less of Megan and more of what is happening at the agency and what is happening with Betty even if I don't like her.
You guys have convinced me to rewatch it. Maybe it's just not good to watch things when you are multi-tasking on an ipad.
I guess I'm the minority and thought last weeks was quite good. I don't think people were unaffected by MLK's death, I just think it was so jarring and no one knew quite how to react. But as for this weeks episode, I thought it was brilliant. So much going on and in contrast to last week, where eveything was kind of just floating in a bit of an awkward daze, this episode was so full of energy with all the upcoming changes and new direction the agency is going in. Also lots of closure in this episode with Pete and Trudy, Vicks, Jaguar, etc. which is hopefully setting up for bigger and better things. Overall just so much that I loved in this episode: loved the fact that Don is finally excited about something again for once (that smile on his face!!), I think I actually verbally gave Joan a 'you go girl' when she told Don off, I loved that Roger is actually doing something good for the company for once, and I especially loved this:
^^ never fails to make me crack up. I wonder if it was part of the script or not. Because if not, kudos to everyone carrying on as normal.
Very likely part of the script - Pete has been slipping and falling all season long...
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^ I'd say so too...people just love to hate him so theyre giving the viewers what they want. A few more gems:



I would like for Betty to come back more beautiful than ever....I hate how they've put her in the matronly corner :ninja:
I've been watching a few of the earlier seasons and I'm surprised at what a natural plot progression it is for Betty to gain weight. She can no longer see herself as a trophy wife, and curiously after she's divorced Don.

Going far back, she's always had weight issues since her mom always criticized her and what with being a model. In therapy she said she was once pudgy before swim camp or summer camp. [Um I hope this isn't verging on going against tfs rules since we're talking about fictional characters...:unsure::flower:]

I agree that it's super sad and, on the vain side, not as fun to see her in glamorous outfits but in terms of character development, it's fascinating to see where this goes and whether her self esteem will ever grow/recover.

The only other facet I'm really into this season is peggy and don's relationship. She was finally out of his shadows and now after this merger, she's right back to being don's little apprentice.
Some amazing moments in this week's episode. But it seems the writers are trying very hard to make Don less and less likeable. This mildly sadistic affair he was trying to carry on with Sylvia was seriously creepy and I'm glad she snapped him out of it at the end. But that final shot... Don and Megan backs turned to each other... it doesn't look good. Sylvia's line was fantastic though: "I need you. And nothing else will do."

Love the bit with Don and Ted in the plane. A little bit of comeuppance.

And almost feeling sorry for Pete now. Another great line: "My mother can go to hell and Ted Chaough can fly her there!"
^at first I thought Don was doing the dominant thing on purpose, cause he eavesdropped Sylvia arguing with her husband and he wanted to end it but he didn´t want it to be his "fault"... but the look he gave Sylvia at the end made me backtrack. I think he´s no longer the big kahuna at the agency and he needed to feel all macho with someone.
^agree..also all the mind games with Chaough show how he can be petty. Years ago he wouldn´t engage to belittle a guy so below him.

Joanie breaks my heart, she is so lonely...
I really don't know what to say about this weeks episode. WTF was going on there? I was watching the whole episode with an open mouth, so astonished was I!
Whatever there was in those syringes, I want some please LOL
That was one weird episode, but I found myself laughing like I never have watching MM...
Love the trippy episodes of Mad Men. This one was really good. And it had this:

Has anyone seen last night's ep yet? I didn't and all I can say is, I kinda saw it coming.
^ I watched. One of my favorite MM episodes. ;) :clap:
I watched too. :heart:


I totally loved don & betty together. :ninja: It was all kinds of wrong and I know I shouldn't have enjoyed it......but.....I did. :innocent: that was a pretty sexy scene.

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