Girls (HBO)

WHEN does the next season come out? i like the series a lot. I also loved the last episode. I think Marnie has grown up and become wiser.
WHEN does the next season come out? i like the series a lot. I also loved the last episode. I think Marnie has grown up and become wiser.
I think a premiere date for the third season has yet to be decided, but I would say it will probably air around next spring. :flower:
^I agree :D
Thought the beginning was a bit gloomy, but then I really liked the character of adam's sister, psycho and eccentric (her dance scene was really fun(ny) ) ; how hannah is back on track, and in the real, more relatable life of a young adult (though it's nice that they treat certain issues in the show) (I just feel a bit sad for adam, because he's so sweet to her and she's so self involved..) ; jessa is back! (don't really look forward her leaving again, kind of feels like a pattern since the first season); marni and ray is interesting.. ^_^
Watched the last episode at the beach house, it's really good, especially that honesty scene. I didn't want it to end, I mean Shosh..!
Best episode in ages, I loved the opening credits, very Wes Anderson! :heart:
^ yes that's the first thing that poped in my mind too when seeing it ! :)
I've started to watch season 3, I'm on ep 3- and I really like it. I forgot how short the episodes are;o
Wow, Hannah is so self-absorved.
haha I love Shosh, she is so eccentric. this whole show is somewhat eccentric;D
I spent a week binge watching all of the episodes and I absolutely love this show. Shosh is probably my favourite character along with Adam, who has grown a hell of a lot as a character.
The first season remains the best. Second was alright and the third was blegh. Hoping this season doesn't suck.
so forth season started, what do you guys think of it so far?

There hasn't been much to the first episodes imo, it doesn't bother me much though, it may be to settle the story of hannah moving. I don't care for marnie's story much, I wish we could see more of shosh, I think it's an interesting moment in her life (I kind of liked her interview in the last episode) , and jessa, if only they could give her more than a vague storyline, I liked seeing her and adam in the last episode :heart:
It's ok so far, nothing exciting. I hope the next episodes will be less Hannah centric though. That's my main criticism for the show. Lena focuses too much on her character, when the best episodes are always the ones where we see all the girls together, or at least all their storylines unfold equally.
I've seen the season premiere and haven't seen any new ones. The premiere was such a drag that I've totally lost interest in this show. Marnie getting her a** eaten is the best you can do? Meh.

"One Man's Trash" from season 2 (with Patrick Wilson) remains my favorite episode of the series.
I just saw the last episode of season 4.... and... :crush:

I really liked this season, more than the 3rd, but I still think that my fave season is the 2nd.
I didn't like this season at all...
It was like Lena is running out of ideas or whatever so she doesn't know what to do with these characters - they all had pretty boring storylines
I hope season 5 will be better

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