
a little ínfo about season 3 and when the glee project winners will appear

1. Damian Is Coming! Damian will be the first winner to appear on the Glee mothership. He plays an exchange student named Rory, and will show up in episode four. He will be staying with…wait for it…Brittany’s (Heather Morris) family! I’m told Santana is decidedly not pleased about this. Think of all the jokes that will come from Brittany not being able to understand his accent.
2. They Are Currently Casting Brittany’s Mother! What kind of woman has spawned the awesomeness (and cluelessness) that is Brittany S. Pierce? We will find out this season! Naturally, with Damian shacking up with the Pierces, we’ll be seeing Brittany’s home life. And given that Brittany probably has no clue where Northern Ireland is, nor what foreign language Damian is speaking, you can expect some serious comedic gold to come from this storyline.
3. Samuel Also Is Coming—But Later! Samuel Larsen, the other Project winner, will probably make his debut at the end of the fall semester…somewhere around episode nine from what I hear. Part of the reason for this delay is that producers want to focus more on the regulars’ stories this year. There are no guest stars in the first nine episodes—just lots of focus on the characters you already know and love. Hooray!
Tina seriously needs a story line this season! :judge:
I almost want to cheer whenever she gets a line. Come on, writers!
Anyways, I'm psyched for season 3!!
i really like Quinn's hair in the spot, it looks much better in motion and with that styling than in her candid pics

"Glee" Season 3 Cast Promoshoot

^me too!!!
is this the first time they shoot a scene in the cafeteria?
I think this is the second time...I'm pretty sure they shot a scene there with the whole Mercedes not being allowed to eat tots storyline ;)
I never cared about her character so I´m not complaining...

… Ashley Finke has reportedly been all but written out of Glee's third season. She’ll appear in a brief flashback in the premiere to explain why she left New Directions and broke up with Puck. (Hint: Because Ryan Murphy has grown weary of last year’s playthings.) [TVLine]
Oh no so Lauren won't be in the series at all after Ep 1. I thought they were just going to have her not in every ep. That sucks for the actress.

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