Grace Kelly

^^ A young star who is gracious!!?? What a concept... :unsure::innocent:
(Whatever happened to those elegant days...):cry:
Whatever happened to them? Take a look at the Lindsay Lohan thread. I wonder what Grace would think if she saw how Hollywood was today. These people wouldn't stand a chance back in the 50's. You either had the looks and talent or you didn't. Actors and actresses were rarely given second chances. Audiences appreciated the art of acting and the glamour of the actors themselves. It baffles me that we allow nobodies from reality shows make it in the entertainment business today.
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Grace on way to the Oscar Ceremony. Edith Head, designer of Grace's Oscar dress, is the woman on the left

opera gloves
^Great picture. I've never seen it before. Thanks! Did Grace go alone to the Oscars that night or did she have an escort?
God, every time I see her at the Oscars, I remember the story... they interviewed her father the day after she won, and he actually said "Oh very nice, but Peggy (her older sister, his favorite) has always been the pretty and talented one in the family" and so on...Jeeze, how cruel...And people wonder why she had such a string of older men in her life...Father complex, anyone?? :cry:
in her biography it talks about how she married the Prince to make her father proud

that is sad that her father said that. winning an oscar is quite an accomplishment for such a young actress
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Thanks as always Scriprgirl..What a beautiful painting- I've never seen that before!! :flower:
is there anyplace online where you can watch her acceptance speech?
thats the first place i looked. i also tried google video but couldnt find anything, unfortunately
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With her Baby as she called her Stephanie








Stephanie Definitely got moms blue eyes


Thanks to michelle,iceflower,ianna,nina8675 at TRF
^that last picture is one of my favorites, and the one where she is wearing glasses. both gorgeous
Some of those pics have been posted as well. I know I posted the top one a few pages back
A scan of Princess Grace from the book Grace by James Spada scanned by Me


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