Grey Or Black - Your Thoughts?

Jul 31, 2002
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OK so I was browsing the winter coats at bloomies....everything is on sale! including a kenneth cole reaction coat that I like. Now this wool coat comes in 2 colors black and a smoke grey.

Looking at the two, I prefer the smoke grey, BUT I'll be wearing this coat to work with suit. I have only one grey suit, the rest are black, blue, black with blue pin stripe, brown, tan, etc, etc.

Obviously I'd wear a brown coat with tan and brown suit, but do you think the grey coat would look ok with my other suits or should I go with black to be safe?

What's your opinion?
Grey does look good with every colour, but there's something wonderful about black - it's more formal I guess
both look good. depends which one you prefer.. go for the one u like most :wink:
GREY, dont even think about it, grey is going to be huge next year :wink:
Hey guys.

Just a quick update. I been weighing the options. I have black coats, but didn't have a grey one. Since the grey is what caught my eye when I first saw the two I decided to by the grey. The best part...I got it EVEN cheaper than expected (seems bloomingdales is having a sale with an additional 30% off kenneth cole) Joy.

I know it wil look good with grey and blue suits, just hope it looks "formal enough" with black.
Originally posted by Fashionably Lost@Jan 12th, 2004 - 9:20 pm
I know it wil look good with grey and blue suits, just hope it looks "formal enough" with black.
Don't worry, smokey grey is almost like black when it comes to formality and looks great with black and practically any colour there is! Black is just a bit more severe.

And congrats on the unexpected discount, don't you just love it when you end up spending less than you thought you would? It's like getting a present!
grey- black

both are essentials.
i must have 100 grey items and 200 black at least.
wearing several different shades of grey together can be super chic.
[jil sander just showed this, very sophisticated].
obviously all black is an essential & when youre in the mood for it its the mood.
i have long been into grey and greys.
and now that "all- white" has been too trendy for a few years, i want to push the all grey.
and every time somebody says all black is 'over.' thats when i love wearing all black all the more.
From a practical standpoint, if the fabric isn't the best or of the highest quality, a black wool can look old and faded sooner than a grey (especially when lint comes into play). Grey colors, especially heathers, can get by longer. I think you did well by choosing the grey.
Black is wonderful. Classic. Timeless. But if you already have a black coat or two, go for the grey. I luuuuuuuv grey, as well. It all boils down to what you already have in your closet.
I prefer black. My winter coat is a black woollen sailor coat and it is so versatile. I can wear whatever colors of hat, gloves, and muffler I want with it.

My next coat will probably be a mixed tweed, however, in green or brown.

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