Hayden Christensen

oh my :huh: .. lol.. i thought so.. I just.. wasn't.. sure.. because well.. I don't know I just didn't expect it lol.. :lol: .. I guess I thought Jena Malone's charachter would be a little more freaked by it.. but then again I didn't watch the movie.. though I need to!!!

And the Jay Leno clip is hilarious... "me and ewan like to go and play with our lightsabers together off the set.." or something like that... was he really oblivious to the double entendre.. it seemed like it.. quite adorable.. and he seems kinda shy from the whole press/screaming fans thing.. I think its cute :blush:.. I have to admit.. I soo would be one of those screaming girls in the audience.. AAAAH!!!! :rolleyes:

Wow.. I've spent a good portion of this night watching these videos... :o .. i'm going to do it again tommorow probably... :innocent:

Wow sorry for all the emoticons.. I guess I just have a lot to express lol.
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oh- you only watched the clip...the film makes it pretty clear what is happening!
make sure you watch the short little clip of the UK RotS red carpet thingee- it is only 25 seconds long but super funny...this kid shows Hayden how to wave like a Queen to the crowd and he does it to be funny:)
ha!.. thats cute..:blush: .. I really hope he doesn't retire.. I heard from somewhere he was considering quitting acting to become an architect.. if so.. I'll keep his name in mind if I ever need a house built.. but he'd need to build it himself... shirtless.. ok thats a carpenter's job... but whatever.. :D
hayden is so gorgeous..and his face is really beautiful (those eyes!)..i think he looks hot in 'shattered glass' as the nerd (so does peter sarsgaard!) and hes got a hot as body (i love toned men!)..hes too hot!
ohhhhh he has the most amazing eyes....sooo distracting
i got anikan;)

Padme of course, doomed to die for love.:ninja:
Orchide said:
oh- you only watched the clip...the film makes it pretty clear what is happening!
make sure you watch the short little clip of the UK RotS red carpet thingee- it is only 25 seconds long but super funny...this kid shows Hayden how to wave like a Queen to the crowd and he does it to be funny:)

LOL!! I never saw this. That looks adorable! Hmmm, I will have to go and dl it.:rolleyes:
Tinuviel said:
<- please delete images when quoting->

Padme of course, doomed to die for love.:ninja:


Oh well at least you will get your freak on with Anakin.:innocent:
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Orchide said:
oh- you only watched the clip...the film makes it pretty clear what is happening!
make sure you watch the short little clip of the UK RotS red carpet thingee- it is only 25 seconds long but super funny...this kid shows Hayden how to wave like a Queen to the crowd and he does it to be funny:)

I told you girls this video was hylarious! His look when he does the wave:lol: . He is "serenely" making fun of everybody.:lol:

About the LV adds...
...I'm buying all LV men's collection, hopping to get a "special promotion" in the end!:rolleyes:

Regarding Mischa... well even though I don't like her that much, I prefer her to that Italian chick/nun!:doh:
WOW- those pictures of them kissing.. I don't think I could possibly be any more jealous haha. I can't wait to see the Decameron when does it come out?
Awww bless him!!!

Decameron comes out next year not sure about the date though.:blush:
BohoChic said:
Oh well at least you will get your freak on with Anakin.:innocent:
Silver lining baby! Which reminds me, one thing is puzzling, why does Leia say in ROTJ, that she remembered little about her mother, just that she was very beautiful and very sad. How could she remember a mother who died in childbirth? Plot hole?
Tinuviel said:
Silver lining baby! Which reminds me, one thing is puzzling, why does Leia say in ROTJ, that she remembered little about her mother, just that she was very beautiful and very sad. How could she remember a mother who died in childbirth? Plot hole?


Good question Tinuviel! I never thought of that. Hmmmm, my theory is that the people who adopted her (god I forgot his name) must of told her a little about her mother and what she was like.....meh I have no clue myself.:p :blush:

*Tut tut* scriptwriters!!!! And George!:p

Speaking of Star Wars.....:








... I somehow knew you girls would eventually end up killing me...

Here's a funny thing I read regarding the American Film Institute's 33rd Life Achievement Awards gala saluting George Lucas:

(...) Earlier during dinner, Fisher (Carrie) approached Jimmy Smits to introduce herself as his "daughter," Princess Leia. (In the latest Star Wars installment, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Smits' character, Senator Bail Organa, adopts baby Leia.)

"Jimmy's a lot better looking than any of the stepfathers I ever had," cracked Fisher, whose mother, Debbie Reynolds, married and divorced three times.

Added Hamill: "Carrie and I are still trying to figure out how such good-looking parents as Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman ended up with us.”
Tinuviel said:
:lol: That scene was pretty riveting.

tell me about it:buzz: :winkiss:
I just spit my tea out from it added with the above quote by Mark Hamill re. how they could have been parented by Natalie and Hayden:p
Hilarious...I love y'all and this thread...my favorite thing...haha
:lol: Me too Orchide ;) But I always thought Carrie Fisher was so pretty as Leia, she just didn't age well and Mark Hamill was a cutie in the first one, before his accident poor guy.
Well, as I'm kind of old:rolleyes: , in my Star Wars early days, I had a Luke Skywalker poster on my wall (and also one of Han Solo, of course)!

Who knew a few years later I would fall for his "dad"?!:blink: :lol:

He had an accident? I didn't know about that.
^^ Hehehe! That is hilarious!:lol: Yeah who knew!

Yeah I didn't know that Mark Hamil had an acciedent....poor guy.

OMG that quote is so sweet though! Haha! I think they were both good looking guys when they were younger. Its amazing how much Luke likes Hayden/Anakin though, great casting.:woot:

Oh and I am ashame to say this but I never watched AOTC.....people told me its crap.:unsure:
^ The fact that Hayden is in it should be enough no? lol I watched purely for the visuals & Padme's costumes, most were interesting except that black leather corset ensemble in Naboo eghh geeks designed it perhaps. Have to admit Hayden annoyed me to no end in AOTC. Well Natalie too but hey I was a SW fan before becoming a Hayden convert after LAAH.

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