Hayden Christensen

Yeah your right! haha! I might just rent it to see what all the fuss is about.

Natalie's outfit, is it this scene:


Was she trying to seduce young Anakin! LOL! Look at the way she is pushing her chest out towards him! LMAO!:lol:



Padme is going S&M!:p




So cute!:heart:
i saw it and didn't care for it at the time...but now that i am into Hayden, i may wanna rewatch it too!
Natalie's costumes are great- I recently found this site on her costumes
the gallery reference images are pretty cool:

it said that her wedding dress was actually made from a 20's bedspread they discovered in a little vintage shoppe or something.

I also didn't like the ATOC when I first saw it. And, as I have already told it here, by that time I also didn't understand what the fuss around Hayden was all about. I didn't think he was anything special:doh: .

... But then, this year when I saw the preview of ROTS... I ran to the video Store to rent ATOC with the "excuse" that I didn't remember the movie and wanted to see it before watching the last one:innocent:
(which, after all, wasn't a complete lie, because as I didn't like it that much I didn't pay much attention so I didn't remember a thing)
okay new "Decameron" shots...f*ck...
by the time this hits the big screen next year,
i will know it frame by frame-gah:
i hope Mischa is thinking of her bf :oops:


hehe...they made this dude wear a mask
b/c he isn't fit to breathe the air Hayden does!
BohoChic said:
Natalie's outfit, is it this scene:
:lol: S&M yes! I actually gagged on my popcorn when she came in view. But there were some beautiful costumes, namely the ones she wore in Tatooine.:heart: Which were your faves from all the prequels? And that scene where Anakin is messing about with the pears I was thinking to myself, you bloody show-off, chuck him Padme!

bonapartept said:
I also didn't like the ATOC when I first saw it. And, as I have already told it here, by that time I also didn't understand what the fuss around Hayden was all about. I didn't think he was anything special:doh: .

... But then, this year when I saw the preview of ROTS... I ran to the video Store to rent ATOC with the "excuse" that I didn't remember the movie and wanted to see it before watching the last one:innocent:
(which, after all, wasn't a complete lie, because as I didn't like it that much I didn't pay much attention so I didn't remember a thing)

hehe! I know what you mean. One of my work collegues loves Hayden so much. And he was telling me about him and such and I really didn't take no notice to be honest. He just didn't do anything fo rme either.

But when we had the Star Wars Premiere at my workplace, and Hayden walked right past me....I was like rwarrrrr!:woot: He is even more gorgeous in real life and so adorable and shy! Bless him! I fell in love...:heart:

Aww, Natalie's dress is amazing! Thanks for the pics Orchide! And thanks for the info, that is amazing that they used 1920's bedspread! Cool.

hehe...they made this dude wear a mask
b/c he isn't fit to breathe the air Hayden does!

LOL!! Or maybe Mischa farted and that is why she is so far away from the boys.:innocent: :lol:

Oh I really love that outfit Tinuviel. Its beautiful! The color and pattern are fab!
Wow.. I have to say mischa looks good in that flowy dress... too bad she's with Hayden.. it totally ruins any potential love I have for her.. go back to the OC!!!.. haha I said that already.. but I'm sticking to it.

And bohochic!! I'm jealous of you too lol.. he walked right by you? Thats what I think I love about Hayden is he can do that... he's pretty low key and seems like a down to earth guy.. not like Tom "Stare at me!!" Cruise and others...
ooooh bohochic, you encountered Hayden in the flesh:woot: ???
we are not worthy...not worthy

but really, that is why i think i find him soooo appealing honestly- his lack of airs and refreshing down-to-earth vibe i get...in interviews and in those premiere clips...he seems to be thinking that its all a bit silly:blush: .
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hayden is featured in the People Mag special issue Hottest Bachelors of 05-
Orchide said:
ooooh bohochic, you encountered Hayden in the flesh:woot: ???
we are not worthy...not worthy
lol Very cool bohochic! If only there was an emoticon of Wayne & Garth doing that. And you're right he doesn't seem affected in any way which is so very endearing.
Below, quite possibly my favourite scene from AOTC. Feast your eyes girls.

Hehehe! Yeah I did ladies!:blush:

I guess that is one of the perks in a working cinema we get premieres and such!

It was an awesome day! Basically we had a special Star wars day where people payed to watch all six of the films including Revenge of the Sith. People even camped out the night before we were selling the tickets! (they sold out in like 20 or so minutes).

I saw George, he stood by me waving to the fans who got the chance to watch the films and then came that the man who played the Chancellor....I forgot his name.:blush: :unsure: And then they said something along the lines of: And here is Darth Vader. And Hayden came into the auditorium. It was amazing! You should of heard the clapping and such. So sweet shaking people's hands! I wish he shooked mine....:p

People were yelling LUCAS! LUCAS! And SEQUEL! SEQUEL! LOL!!:rolleyes:

But he passed me and I literally did a double take....so handsome. And his smile is so sweet.


Okay I really neeeeeed to see AOTC!!! I love that menacing stare!!:woot:
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awwwww- that sounds so precious...i feel like he would make me grin like a fool!
does he seem tall to you in person?
:swoon: Too bad you weren't into him then or who knows what could've happened. Which city do you live in BC?
Tinuviel said:
:swoon: Too bad you weren't into him then or who knows what could've happened. Which city do you live in BC?
she is in London:flower:
Orchide: He didn't really seem tall to me, but then again it was like when I met Orlando as well . They never seem to be the height you predict them to be. ^_^

Tinuviel: I live in London but I was born in Montreal, Canada.^_^

Awww, Natalie and him deserve each other....come to think of it am reading a REALLY interesting fanfic about those two.:blush:

EDIT: *noticed Orchide answered for her*

Thanks hon!:blush:
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BohoChic said:
Orchide: He didn't really seem tall to me, but then again it was like when I met Orlando as well . They never seem to be theheight you predict them to be.

Tinuviel: I live in London but I was born in Montreal, Canada.^_^

Awww, Natalie and him deserve each other....come to think of it am reading a REALLY interesting fanfic about those two.:blush:
isn't Orlando around 5'9" tho and Hayden around 6'1"- 2" ish?
i think the thinner he is, the smaller he seems...just curious...heehee...sorry for asking such mundane questions:p
No problem hon. A fanfic is like a story fictional of course written about your favorite stars or tv shows or movies etc. I am reading one based on Nat and Hayden's relationship.^_^

LOL!! Orlando is actually around 5'11 but he still seemed small to me!:p

And I don't mind the questions at all!:woot:

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