I left this same message in the RIP thread. I hope no one considers it inappropriate. At first I wasn't going to leave a message in either thread. I'd never heard of Heather Bratton until the news of her horrible death hit all the Fashion boards. But it really struck chord in me - it just seems such a terrible, pointless waste - a beautiful young woman with everything to live for - on the fast track to fame & fortune - dying such a hellish death - it really haunts me. And one thing that really gets me p---ed is: was bad or reckless driving involved? All the news reports say that the accident is still "under investigation." Why didn't the driver in the SUV that smashed into her car stop in time? Was the driver of the SUV asleep, drunk, talking on a cell-phone, tuning the radio? The fact is, hitting a car stopped in front of you is considered prima facie evidence that you were either speeding and/or tailgating - and both constitute reckless driving. And of course, the fact that it was an SUV that hit her car only makes matters worse: they're heavier, require a much longer stopping distance, and are not as maneuverable as cars, i.e. you can't steer or swerve out of harm's way as readily, and when an SUV does hit something it does a whole lot more damage. (I now have one more compelling reason to hate SUVs!) I mention these things because I live in New York City, were I see the most horrible, reckless driving every day - and hear of people getting injured and killed because of it all the time. And almost nothing ever happens to the reckless drivers: maybe a summons, maybe a license suspension. It seems you can pretty much commit vehicular homicide, or vehicular manslaughter here, or anywhere else for that matter, and pretty much get away with it. If the driver of the SUV is found to be at fault, then he should do some hard time behind bars. It won't bring back poor Heather, but at least justice will have been served.